The documentation from version 39.5.17 of PLANTA project can be found in the new PLANTA Online Help.


The database module provides functions for interacting with the database


Function Parameters Return Value Description
db_select(query) query: String containing a valid HQL select query
A list of rows containing lists of column values Note that only the HQL language is supported!

Data will always be returned in the same format:
multiple_rows = [[column_a, column_b], [column_a, column_b]] single_row = [[column_a, column_b]]
db_modify(query) query: String containing a valid HQL modify query
Amount of rows modified Note that only the HQL language is supported!
sanitize_value(value) value: Object you want to put in a HQL query
Your object sanitized and embedded in quotation marks Sanitize a input for usage in a HQL query. This should always be used when formatting data into a query! The following objects are put into the correct format for a HQL query: uuid.UUID, java.util.UUID, java.util.Date
convert_python_id_for_hql_query(python_id) python_id: String containing a python id
Valid HQL attribute name Several words are reserved in Java and overlap with python ids that were used in customizing. To refer to them in a HQL query or when interacting with a pojo object you must specify the correct attribute name. This function returns the valid attribute name for a given python id.

Reserved words changed by convert_python_id_for_hql_query:

Customizing Attribute Name
uuid id
id id_
class class_
enum enum_
const const_


Selecting all objects where a date attribute is unset

from customizing import utilities
# Select all resource assignments that don't have an actual end set
query = """SELECT 
           FROM ResourceAssignment ras
           WHERE ras.actual_end != '01.01.1970'"""


Using sanitize value to use a java.util.Date object in a query

from customizing import utilities

# Data event that is run when attendance is modified
def write_attendance_to_period(event, entity):
    # Read data from pojo
    resource = entity.resource  # String
    date =  # java.util.Date

    query = """select
                 Attendance a
                 a.resource = {resource}
        = {date}""".format(resource=utilities.sanitize_value(resource), 

    result = utilities.db_select(query)
    # ...

Reading a pojo attribute safely with convert_python_id_for_hql_query

from customizing import utilities

def read_pojo_attribute(pojo, python_id):
    attribute_name = utilities.convert_python_id_for_hql_query(python_id)
    return getattr(pojo, attribute_name)

pojo = utilities.create_entity('Project')
# Querying pojo.uuid raises an exception, the correct attribute is!
uuid = read_pojo_attribute(pojo, python_id='uuid')

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