Jython API
- This topic describes the public Jython API of PLANTA
- These functions are guaranteed to be supported in future versions
- When you have enabled the planta link web services you can reload your jython code by saving in the module Web Interfaces
- This invokes a clearing of the jython cache and resets the imported modules
- The Jython code resides under
<server folder>/jython
- The Jython version is 2.7, which can be quite different from 3.6 which you use in regular customizing
- The Jython interpreter is embedded in the Java part of the project Server instead of the native c part
- This means you have no access to the regular Python API (everything under
<server folder>/py
- Instead you have access to the Jython API (everything under
<server folder>/jython
), the Java API and small parts of the project Server Java API
- At the time of writing there is no way to access the GUI from Jython, so you can't interact with panels, modules, datafields, or anything like that (Not even message boxes)
- You don't work with dtp or mts records, instead you operatore with the same POJOs (Plain Old Java Object) that the project Server works with
- Currently there are 2 places where Jython code can be executed from: When calling a PLANTA link web interface or when a event with a Jython function is triggered
Introduction to working with POJOs
- Every table in project that has a valid Universally Unique IDentifier DI gets turned into a POJO
- The entity name determines the class name of the object
- The customizing.utilities package has all basic functions you need to interact with POJOs
- The object protection fields (Creation user, changed date, ...) are not set automatically, you have to manually call set_object_protection_fields from
when you want to set the object protection fields
- All dataitems where virtual =
are loaded as attributes of the POJO and can be read or written, virtual dataitems don't exist in the POJO world
Working with unicode strings
- When you are working with data that is beyond the realm of plain ascii you need to use the Python 2.7 unicode string notation
- You need to be especially careful when you write logging messages that write out user input data and turn the entire message into an unicode string like this:
logger.debug(u'Query: "{}"'.format(self.query))
You can use logging calls to debug your Jython code.
- Depending on what context the code is run in the logging is written to different places:
- If the code is executed from a event the logging is written to the
- If the code is executed from a web interface the logging is written to the web interface logging table and can be viewed in the PLANTA link web logging modules
- If a web interface performs an operation that triggers an event the event log is written to both
and the web interface log
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def custom_event(event):
logger.info('Custom event was called!')
# ...
Customizing API
package provides various helper functions.
- Avoid importing any functions from their absolute namespace and instead use the
- This ensures your code will stay compatible with future releases
#from customizing.utilities.database import db_select Don't do this!
from customizing import utilities # Do this!
Related topics
The API style guide can be found in the topic