The documentation from version 39.5.17 of PLANTA project can be found in the new PLANTA Online Help.

Web Interfaces MOD009CRT New from DB 39.5.10

When using web interfaces, please take note of a known issue which occurs after updates.

Access path


  • In this module, web interfaces are configured and created.
  • A web interface defines the endpoint at which you can interact with PLANTA.
  • For each method (GET, PUT, POST, DELETE), an implementation and a web entity are stored.
    • The implementation defines the behavior of the interface when it is opened.
    • The web entity describes the data with which the interface interacts.
  • Via the Edit web entities command in the context menu of an entity, all web interfaces which have been configured with this entity are opened in the Web Entities module for editing.


From DB 39.5.14

  • In order to be able to use the interface, the PLANTA link web services must be activated and configured in the web.conf:
  • If the web services are not activated, the buttons for the execution of different actions for which the web services are required, are not displayed at some positions.
  • NEW Web interfaces use the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) as an address by default. If it is not available, the host name of the machine is used. If it is not available, the IP of the machine is used. You can define an explicit host name with the planta_link_hostname global setting.

Please pay attention to upper and lower case spelling in all fields in the web interface modules!

From DB 39.5.11

  • In order to be able to use the interface, the PLANTA link web services must be activated and configured in the web.conf:
  • If the web services are not activated, the buttons for the execution of different actions for which the web services are required, are not displayed at some positions.

Please pay attention to upper and lower case spelling in all fields in the web interface modules!

Up to DB 39.5.11

  • In order to be able to use the interface, the PLANTA link web services must be activated and configured:
  • If the web services are not activated, the buttons for the execution of different actions for which the web services are required, are not displayed at some positions.

Please pay attention to upper and lower case spelling in all fields in the web interface modules!

See also: General Information on Web Interfaces; Web Interface Workflows: GET, PUT, POST, DELETE

Create New Web Interface

From DB 39.5.12

  • Insert new web interface:
    • via the Insert Web Interface context menu entry
    • by clicking on the Insert button.
  • Fill the fields in the header area as follows:
    • The Name is arbitrary
    • The Active field must be activated before the interface is used.
    • Create a placeholder in the Url field, for example: /load/{resource}
    • Allocate an API key.
    • The log level specifies what is to be logged depending on the selection.
    • Select the required GET implementation (or PUT, POST, DELETE).
    • Select the required entity.
  • Save.
  • After selection of the entity you can configure the URL filter by clicking on the KonfigButton.png button.
  • Via the TestButton.png button, the interface can be tested in the Test Web Interfaces module.

Up to DB 39.5.12

  • Insert new web interface:
    • via the Insert Web Interface context menu entry
    • by clicking on the Insert button.
  • Fill the fields in the header area as follows:
    • The Name is arbitrary
    • The Active field must be activated before the interface is used.
    • Create a placeholder in the Url field, for example: /load/{resource}
    • Allocate an API key.
    • The log level specifies what is to be logged depending on the selection.
    • Select the required GET implementation (or PUT, POST, DELETE).
    • Select the required entity.
  • Save.
  • After selection of the entity you can configure the URL filter by clicking on the WerkzeugButton.png button.
  • Via the ErdeButton.png button, the interface can be tested in the Test Web Interfaces module.

Edit Existing Web Entity

  • Insert form for web entities:
    • via the Insert Web Interface context menu entry
    • by clicking on the Insert button.
  • Select the required web entity in the UUID listbox.
  • Change the required values.
  • Save.

See also: Here you can find an overview of all PLANTA link contents
Topic attachments
I Attachment History Size Date Comment
Pngpng ErdeButton.png r1 0.9 K 2019-09-09 - 10:02  
Pngpng KonfigButton.png r1 0.7 K 2019-09-09 - 10:02  
Pngpng TestButton.png r1 0.5 K 2019-09-09 - 10:02  
Pngpng WerkzeugButton.png r1 0.7 K 2019-09-09 - 10:03  

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