The documentation from version 39.5.17 of PLANTA project can be found in the new PLANTA Online Help.

Listbox Customizing



Customizing Information

  • Listboxes are modules that can be opened via a data field with pull down menu.
  • Listbox modules are customized like normal modules.
  • The records for the listboxes can be
    • formed from existing data, e.g. the project data or
    • captured in the Listbox categories or
    • captured in an individual data table.

Parameters to be considered

Customizing rules

  • Listbox modules
    • can only contain one data window.
    • can contain visible as well as invisible data fields.
  • In data areas, in which Never display is activated, no data field may have LB:value transfer or LB:part string search activated
  • From a performance point of view, a listbox module may only contain the data fields it requires. These are data fields
    • are used for the sorting or filter criteria of the listbox.
    • are required for the correct output of the visible sorting or filter criteria.
  • The listbox module may
    • only contain the visible traffic lights.
    • not contain any buttons.
    • not contain any listboxes; because in listboxes, no other listboxes can be output.


  • In the status line, the following information is output upon opening a listbox: Number of hits in listbox: xxx of yyy. Here,
    • "yyy" is the total amount of hits: It is calculated from the records of data fields for which the LB: value transfer parameter is activated.
    • "xxx" the amount of displayed hits.
  • The height (or width) of listboxes must not be adjusted manually but is calculated on the basis of the number of values (or width of the fields).
  • There is a minimum and a maximum height or width.
  • Within a listbox, structured data can be displayed as tree structure (like in a normal module).


Create Listboxes from Listbox Categories Manually


  • To create a listbox module from listbox categories


  • Create new listbox categories in the Listbox Values module.
  • Create a new module in the Modules module.
  • Create a new data area with data fields from the DT454 Listbox values in the Data Areas module and enter the new listbox category for the Listbox category data field in the Filter by data field.
  • Assign the data area to the module.

New from DB 39.5.15

Create Listboxes from Listbox Categories Automatically

  • To create a listbox module from listbox categories automatically


  • Select a listbox category from the listbox in the Listbox Categories field.
  • Select the Create listbox option in the context menu.
  • The new listbox module is opened in the Modules module and the listbox data area is automatically opened in the Data Areas module.


  • In PLANTA Standard, the following global settings, which are required for operation, are already preset. However, if required, they can be adjusted in the Global Settings module:
    • dataarea_module_listbox_variant: ID of the listbox module variant of the Data Areas module. Is automatically opened after creation of the listbox module.
    • listbox_generation_template: Module ID of the template module which is used for creation.
      • The template module must not possess more than one data area.
    • listbox_generation_work_area: ID of the work area to which the newly created listbox module is assigned. If no ID is stored, the new module will not be assigned to any work area.

Adjust Listbox Values

  • Adjust listbox values of a listbox category


  • Enter the required listbox category ID in the LBCAT field in the Listbox Values module.
    • In case no listbox values are displayed for the listbox category ID, enter the ID in the Listbox Values (Old) module.
  • Edit the listbox values as required.
  • Save.

Dependent Listboxes


  • Output the listbox content in a different data field, dependent on the input.


  • The dependency is reached through a dynamic variable, which is used in the listbox module as filter criterion. Here, the last changed value of the data item is read and written into the filter criterion.


  • Task listboxes in the MOD003179 Report to Unplanned Tasks module.
  • The tasks of the task listbox are to be output dependent on the project entered in the project data field.


  • Search or create a dynamic variable for the Project data item (DT472) (in this example: @D3).
  • In the project data area of the listbox module, the project data field contains the @D3 filter criterion.

Listbox Functions

Incarnation Listboxes/Incarnation Fields in Listbox Modules


  • Incarnations can be used on the listbox data field as well as in the listbox module.
  • The combinations and their effect are summarized in the table below.
  • The table is to be read as follows: The top line in a field describes the listbox data field, the bottom line describes the field with "value transfer" set.
Value transfer/Listbox data field Incarnation DI "normal " DI
Incarnation DI

ID field value

is compared to ID field value

displayed field value

is compared to ID field value

"normal" DI

ID field value

is compared to displayed field value

displayed field value

is compared to displayed field value

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