The documentation from version 39.5.17 of PLANTA project can be found in the new PLANTA Online Help.


  • In the PLANTA software there are
    • multilingual texts called I-texts. They are written in one language and can be translated into any another language supported by PLANTA.
      • In PLANTA Standard, elements of the user interface are I-texts, e.g. module names, data field names, menu item names, dialog messages etc.
      • The language in which the I-texts are displayed can be set individually for each user.
      • You can determine whether a particular data field is an I-text field by the data field information (to be opened via F1 on the hyperlink field or via ? Data Field Information in the menu bar) in the Column type field.
    • monolingual texts. They are always displayed in the language in which they were originally created. They cannot be translated and do not depend on the language of the PLANTA user.
      • E.g. project data, portfolio data, etc., as well as some listbox contents, are no I-texts.


  • Which languages you can set for your users depends on the languages you have licensed. For further information on licensing, click here.
  • Some texts (e.g. some dialog messages) are not displayed in the PLANTA user's language but in the Windows user's language, These are messages which are stored in the client. They include, e.g., the Export to Excel and Change password dialogs or the connection settings.
  • As long as an I-text has not been translated into the required language, the surface remains empty for this language at the respective position.

Set/Change the PLANTA User Language


  • Open the Users module in the Administration panel.
  • For the required user, select the required language in the Language field.
  • Save.
    • After you have logged in again, the I-text data (modules, data fields etc.) are displayed in the corresponding language.


  • In PLANTA Standard, “German” is preset for all users by default.


  • It is possible, to overwrite the PLANTA user language with the data field language for individual data fields. Therefore, enter the required language in the Language parameter for the required data field in the customizer.

Technical Details on I-Texts

  • For the text displayed in PLANTA project, a reference to this text is entered in the I-Text column in the database instead of the actual text. The text itself is saved in another data table (I-text-table).
  • Every scheme has its own I-text table (e.g. in the case of the K[License number] customer scheme it is DT150 I-text KDB).
  • In this table, I-texts are saved under specification of their reference (I-number) and language and are displayed on the surface at the respective position and in the respective language.

See also: I-Text Translation, Field Types, Program Operation, Rights Control, Getting Started

         PLANTA project

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