The documentation from version 39.5.17 of PLANTA project can be found in the new PLANTA Online Help.

Tutorials for PLANTA project Integration

From DB 39.5.16

Topic New/Updates Explanation
Plan and Control Projects with PLANTA project and Jira   Planning and implementation of a project with PLANTA project and Jira: Synchronization of individual tasks from PLANTA project to Jira, todo item allocation and time recording in Jira, etc.
Plan and Control Projects with (PLANTA Hybrid (PLANTA project and PLANTA pulse )   Planning and Controlling a project using the PLANTA hybrid method: Synchronization of individual tasks from PLANTA project to PLANTA pulse, detailed task planning in PLANTA pulse, etc.
Working time recording in PLANTA Hybrid NEW Recording of working times when using the PLANTA hybrid method.

From DB 39.5.15

TopicSorted ascending New/Updates Explanation
Plan and Control Projects with PLANTA Hybrid (PLANTA project and PLANTA pulse ) Planning and implementation of a project using the PLANTA hybrid method: Synchronization of individual tasks from PLANTA project to PLANTA pulse, detailed task planning in PLANTA pulse, etc.
Plan and Control Projects with PLANTA project and Jira   Planning and implementation of a project using PLANTA project and Jira: Synchronization of individual tasks from PLANTA project to Jira, todo item allocation and time recording in Jira, etc.

From DB 39.5.14

Topic Explanation
Plan and Control Projects with PLANTA project and PLANTA pulse Planning and implementation of a project using the PLANTA hybrid method: Synchronization of individual tasks from PLANTA project to PLANTA pulse, detailed task planning in PLANTA pulse, etc.

See also: User Tutorials, Customizing Tutorials, Integration Tutorials

         PLANTA project

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