The documentation from version 39.5.17 of PLANTA project can be found in the new PLANTA Online Help.

Special Functions MOD009CEP From S 39.5.11 up to DB 39.5.7

Description for versions DB 39.5.7 and S 39.5.11
Description for versions > DB 39.5.0 and < S 39.5.11
Description for versions < DB 39.5.0 and < S 39.5.11

Access path


  • This module contains release independent and cross release migration packets.
    • NEW The rebuild_mssql_indices migration packet creates a new construction of the indexes under MSSQL in order to improve the performance. It can be run any number of times.
    • The FillMigrationruleTable migration packet serves to search for individually written packets in the file directory, save them in the database and load them in the module.
    • The CreateFolderPacket migration packet creates an import wrapper for all Python files and packets in order for them to be available for the PLANTA Server. Further information
  • This module contains release independent and cross release migration packets.
    • The FillMigrationruleTable migration packet serves to search for individually written packets in the file directory, save them in the database and load them in the module.
    • The CreateFolderPacket migration packet creates an import wrapper for all Python files and packets in order for them to be available for the PLANTA Server. Further information
  • Buttons and links
    • Via the Read packet from file system button, individually written packets can be searched in the file directory and loaded in the module.
    • By clicking on the Carry out migration button, all migration packets with Upon system start = Checked are run.
    • Migration packets with Upon system start setting = Checked are automatically run after an update with the installer if the Carry out migration? parameter has been set respectively.
    • For migration packets that are not run automatically you also have the option to switch to the Overview of all Previous Runs module by clicking on the link on the packet name.
      • There, the packet can be run and further information on it can be viewed (e.g. logfile of the runs, etc.).
  • Via the Read packet from file system button, individually written packets can be searched in the file directory and loaded in the module.
  • By clicking on the Carry out migration button, all migration packets with Upon system start = Checked are run.
  • These migration packets are run after an update with the installer if the Carry out migration? has been set accordingly.
  • For migration packets that are not run automatically you also have the option to switch to the Overview of all Previous Runs module by clicking on the link on the packet name.
    • There, the packet can be run and further information on it can be viewed (e.g. logfile of the runs, etc.).
  • Legend
    • LampeWeiss.png indicates that the migration packet has not been executed yet.
    • LampeGruen.png indicates that the migration packet has run successfully.
    • LampeRot.png indicates that the migration packet has failed. The failure of a migration packet may have several reasons:
      • Before they are run, many migration packets check whether the customizing on which the fix is based, has changed.
        • If this is the case, the packet will not be changed. The packet is considered failed.
          • In this case, the customizing has to be checked in order to find out whether the modification in question can be carried out.
          • If the modification has been carried out or the modification is not necessary, the packet can be set to completed manually by activating the Completed checkbox.
          • As a result, it is moved from the Failed/open packets area to the Completed Packets module.
      • Many help packets check the customizing for problems.
        • If they fail, this means that the customizer must become active.
        • As a result, the positions listed in the logfile have to be checked and modified.
        • If the cause for the failure has been eliminated, the migration packet can be run again by clicking on the Run packet button in the Overview of all Previous Runs module.
    • LampeGelb.png NEW signalizes that this migration packet is still open and waits for another migrationpacket to reach a particular status before it can be run.
    • LampeGrau.png NEW signalizes that this migration packet is not relevant for the current update type due to version dependencies.
    • SymbolLupe.png signalizes that the migration packet has not been executed yet.
    • SymbolDreieck.png means that this migration packet has been skipped.
    • SymbolLampe.png signalizes that the migration packet has failed. The failure of a migration packet may have several reasons:
      • Before they are run, many migration packets check whether the customizing on which the fix is based, has changed.
        • If this is the case, the packet will not be changed. The packet is considered failed.
          • In this case, the customizing has to be checked in order to find out whether the modification in question can be carried out.
          • If the modification has been carried out or the modification is not necessary, the packet can be set to completed manually by activating the Completed checkbox.
          • As a result, it is moved from the Failed packets area to the Completed Packets module.
      • Many help packets check the customizing for problems.
        • If they fail, this means that the customizer must become active.
        • As a result, the positions listed in the logfile have to be checked and modified.
        • If the cause for the failure has been fixed, the migration packet can be run again by clicking on the Run packet button in the Overview of all Previous Runs module.
    • SymbolHaekchen.png means that a migration packet has run successfully.

    Topic attachments
    I Attachment History Size Date Comment
    Pngpng SymbolDreieck.png r1 0.6 K 2014-09-18 - 08:07  
    Pngpng SymbolHaekchen.png r1 0.6 K 2014-09-18 - 08:07  
    Pngpng SymbolLampe.png r1 0.7 K 2014-09-18 - 08:06  
    Pngpng SymbolLupe.png r1 0.6 K 2014-09-18 - 08:07  

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