The documentation from version 39.5.17 of PLANTA project can be found in the new PLANTA Online Help.

Copy Entire Project Structure MOD009BDW

From DB 39.5.9

Access path

Up to DB 39.5.9

Access path


  • In this module, you can create a new project that has the same project structure as an existing project.


  • Select a source project from the Main project listbox.
  • Click on the Copy entire project structure button.
  • A new project is created automatically and opened in the Project panel with the Dashboard module focused.
  • In the Project panel, you can edit the newly created project.


From DB 39.5.10

  • Durations, resource assignments, links, todo items, task notes, and NEW todo item notes are copied along.
  • Requested and actual dates are not copied. Calculated dates are scheduled and output on the basis of task duration data (i.e. during copying the date scheduling is carried out).
  • External tasks which lie within the project structure are copied along, external tasks which lie outside the project structure are not copied.

From DB 39.5.7

  • Durations, resource assignments, links, todo items, and task notes are copied along.
  • Requested and actual dates are not copied. Calculated dates are scheduled and output on the basis of task duration data (i.e. during copying the date scheduling is carried out).
  • NEW External tasks which lie within the project structure are copied along, external tasks which lie outside the project structure are not copied.
  • Up to DB 39.5.7

  • Durations, resource assignments, links, todo items, and task notes are copied along.
  • Requested and actual dates are not copied. Calculated dates are scheduled and output on the basis of task duration data (i.e. during copying the date scheduling is carried out).
  • External tasks are not copied.
  •          PLANTA project

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