The documentation from version 39.5.17 of PLANTA project can be found in the new PLANTA Online Help.

Configure Portfolio Status Report MOD009CAR New from DB 39.5.0 up to DB 39.5.9

Description for versions DB 39.5.9

Access path


  • In the Configure Status Report module, a new portfolio status report is preconfigured, i.e.,
    • the name and the report period are defined.
    • the required planning objects are assigned to released status reports.
    • You can define for each assigned planning object whether its data is considered in the Time&Budget matrix.


From DB 39.5.7

  • Enter the required name in the Report field.
  • Select the report month from the for* listbox.
  • Assign a released status report to each of the required planning objects in the Please assign the current status reports area. For this purpose, you have to do the following in the line of the required planning object:
    • click on the Projektstatusberichtzuordnen.PNG Assign portfolio status report button. If the planning object has no released status reports, this is indicated by a message.
      • The Assign Status Report selection module is opened.
      • Click on the required status report.
      • The status report is assigned to the selected planning object.
        • Mark the PSR display checkbox:
          • Planning object is considered and displayed in the portfolio status report.
        • Activate the Display TBM checkbox:
          • The respective planning object is considered in the Time&Budget Matrix.
  • Save the configuration.

From DB 39.5.5

  • Enter the required name in the Report field.
  • Select the report month from the for* listbox.
  • Assign a released status report to each of the required planning objects in the Please assign the current status reports area. For this purpose, you have to do the following in the line of the required planning object:
    • click on the Projektstatusberichtzuordnen.PNG Assign portfolio status report button. If the planning object has no released status reports, this is indicated by a message.
      • The Assign Status Report selection module is opened.
      • Click on the required status report.
      • The status report is assigned to the selected planning object.
        • Activate the Display WBS checkbox:
          • Planning object is considered and displayed in the portfolio status report.
        • Activate the Display TBM checkbox:
          • Planning object is considered in the Time&Budget matrix.
      • If changes are made to the assignment of status reports to planning objects, or entries in checkboxes are changed, you are to click on the Update display button in order for the calculation and display of data to be refreshed.
  • Save the configuration.
  • Up to DB 39.5.5

  • Enter the required name in the Report field.
  • Select the report month from the for* listbox.
  • Assign a released status report to each of the required planning objects in the Please assign the current status reports area. For this purpose, you have to do the following in the line of the required planning object:
    • click on the Projektstatusberichtzuordnen.PNG Assign portfolio status report button.
      • The Assign Status Report selection module is opened.
      • Click on the required status report.
      • The status report is assigned to the selected planning object.
      • If the selected planning object does not contain any approved status report, the The planning object contains no released status reports dialog message is displayed.
        • Activate the Display WBS checkbox:
          • Planning object is considered and displayed in the portfolio status report.
        • Activate the Display TBM checkbox:
          • Planning object is considered in the Time&Budget matrix.
      • If changes are made to the assignment of status reports to planning objects, or entries in checkboxes are changed, please click on the Update display button in order for the calculation and display of data to be refreshed.
  • Save the configuration.
  • Note

    • For further editing of the portfolio status report, click on the Edit status report button.

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