The documentation from version 39.5.17 of PLANTA project can be found in the new PLANTA Online Help.

DT870 Portfolio

New from DB 39.5.11

DI064768 Portfolio

Functional ID of the portfolio

From DB 39.5.11

DI028667 Portfolio ID

Technical ID of the portfolio

Up to DB 39.5.11

DI028667 Portfolio

Technical ID of the portfolio

DI061395 Last update

DI061318 Relevant budget parameter: name

Name of the selected value of the p_project_budget_portfolio_relevant parameter


From DB 39.5.10

  • This parameter defines which project budget or project costs (approved project budget, costs from the active project status reports, etc.) are deemed relevant and are compared with the portfolio budget.

Up to DB 39.5.10

  • This parameter defines which project budget or project costs (approved project budget, costs from the active project status reports, etc.) are deemed relevant and are compared with the portfolio budget.
  • DI061319 Relevant budget parameter: text

    Description of the selected value of the p_project_budget_portfolio_relevant parameter


    From DB 39.5.10

    • This parameter defines which project budget or project costs (approved project budget, costs from the active project status reports, etc.) are deemed relevant and are compared with the portfolio budget.

    Up to DB 39.5.10

  • This parameter defines which project budget or project costs (approved project budget, costs from the active project status reports, etc.) are deemed relevant and are compared with the portfolio budget.
  • DI061320 Relevant budget parameter: code

    Code of the selected value of the p_project_budget_portfolio_relevant parameter


    From DB 39.5.10

    • This parameter defines which project budget or project costs (approved project budget, costs from the active project status reports, etc.) are deemed relevant and are compared with the portfolio budget.

    Up to DB 39.5.10

  • This parameter defines which project budget or project costs (approved project budget, costs from the active project status reports, etc.) are deemed relevant and are compared with the portfolio budget.
  • DI028668 Created on

    When you create a record, the creation date is automatically entered in this field.

    DI028669 Modified on

    When you modify a record, the modifying date is automatically entered in this field.

    DI028671 Created by

    When you create a record, the ID (code) of the logged-on user is automatically entered in this field.

    The creating user is also the owner of a record.

    DI028672 Modified by

    When you modify a record, the ID (code) of the logged-on user is automatically entered in this field.

    DI028678 Portfolio name

    Name of the portfolio


    From DB 39.5.10

    • in the NEW Portfolio Core Data module,
    • provided that the modifying user possesses the required rights

    Up to DB 39.5.10

  • in the Portfolio module,
  • provided that the modifying user possesses the required rights
  • From DB 39.5.12

    DI028679 Portfolio manager ID

    Code (ID) of the project manager. See also DI041086.

    Up to DB 39.5.12

    DI028679 Portfolio manager

    Code (ID) of the project manager. See also DI041086.

    From DB 39.5.12

    DI041086 Portfolio manager

    Name (incarnation field) of the portfolio manager


    • in the Portfolio Core Data module,
    • provided that the modifying user possesses the required rights

    From DB 39.5.10

    DI041086 Portfolio manager name

    Name (incarnation) of the portfolio manager


    • in the NEW Portfolio Core Data module,
    • provided that the modifying user possesses the required rights

    Up to DB 39.5.10

    DI041086 Portfolio manager name

    Name (incarnation) of the portfolio manager


    • in the Portfolio module,
    • provided that the modifying user possesses the required rights

    From DB 39.5.12

    DI029097 Portfolio manager

    Name of the portfolio manager

    Up to DB 39.5.12

    DI029097 Portfolio manager name

    Name of the portfolio manager

    DI028686 Description

    The description of the portfolio is entered or displayed here.


    From DB 39.5.10

    • in the NEW Portfolio Core Data module,
    • provided that the modifying user possesses the required rights

    Up to DB 39.5.10

  • in the Portfolio module,
  • provided that the modifying user possesses the required rights
  • DI029098 HT: Released

    DI059134 Group 1 name

    From DB 39.5.10

    This parameter is currently not in use.

    Up to DB 39.5.10

    Name (incarnation field) of the Group 1 parameter. Here, the first group can be selected from the listbox in the Objective Contribution by Groups module for graphic (X coordinate) and tabular display of the objective contributions.


    • in the Portfolio module,
    • provided that the modifying user possesses the required rights


    DI059136 Group 2 name

    From DB 39.5.10

    This parameter is currently not in use.

    Up to DB 39.5.10

    Incarnation field for the Group 2 parameter. Here, the second group can be selected from the listbox in the Objective Contribution by Groups module for graphic (Y coordinate) and tabular display of the objective contributions.


    • in the Portfolio module,
    • provided that the modifying user possesses the required rights


    DI059102 »

    Arrow button for switching the estimate values for different portfolio factors (costs, effort, quality, etc.)

    DI041725 Portfolio estimate

    Numeric estimate value for the total status of the portfolio, according to which the display of the respective estimate symbol is done. The value is usually invisible in the user modules.

    From DB 39.5.10

    • You can change the estimate, which will thus change this value, by clicking on the arrow symbol » in the Status module.

    Up to DB 39.5.10


    DI041726 Budget/cost estimate

    Numeric estimate value for costs of the planning objects assigned to the portfolio and selected for the portfolio status report. The display of the respective estimate symbol is done according to this value. The value is usually invisible in the user modules.

    See the note under Portfolio estimate

    DI041728 Risks/opportunities estimate

    Numeric estimate value for risks and opportunities of the planning objects assigned to the portfolio and selected for the portfolio status report. The display of the respective estimate symbol is done according to this value. The value is usually invisible in the user modules.

    See the note under Portfolio estimate

    DI041730 Quality estimate

    Numeric estimate value for the quality of the planning objects assigned to the portfolio and selected for the portfolio status report. The display of the respective estimate symbol is done according to this value. The value is usually invisible in the user modules.

    See the note under Portfolio estimate

    DI062231 Budget/effort estimate

    Numeric estimate value for the effort of the planning objects assigned to the portfolio and selected for the portfolio status report. The display of the respective estimate symbol is done according to this value. The value is usually invisible in the user modules.

    See the note under Portfolio estimate

    DI062232 Dates estimate

    Numeric estimate value for dates of the planning objects assigned to the portfolio and selected for the portfolio status report. The display of the respective estimate symbol is done according to this value. The value is usually invisible in the user modules.

    See the note under Portfolio estimate

    DI041731 Estimate date for portfolio

    From DB 39.5.10

    Date of the estimate of the status of the planning objects assigned to the portfolio and selected for the portfolio status report. The update of the date is done automatically after the estimate of at least one factor in the Status module has been made/changed.

    Up to DB 39.5.10

    Date of the estimate of the status of the planning objects assigned to the portfolio and selected for the portfolio status report. The update of the date is done automatically after the estimate of at least one factor in the Edit Portfolio Status Report module has been made/changed.

    DI041732 Budget/cost estimate date

    From DB 39.5.10

    Date of the estimate of the costs of the planning objects assigned to the portfolio and selected for the portfolio status report by the portfolio manager. The update of the date is done automatically after the estimate of at least one factor in the Status module has been made/changed.

    Up to DB 39.5.10

    Date of the estimate of the costs of the planning objects assigned to the portfolio and selected for the portfolio status report by the portfolio manager. The update of the date is done automatically after the estimate of at least one factor in the Edit Portfolio Status Report module has been made/changed.

    DI041734 Estimate date for risks/opportunities

    From DB 39.5.10

    Date of the estimate of the risks and opportunities of the planning objects assigned to the portfolio and selected for the portfolio status report by the portfolio manager. The update of the date is done automatically after the estimate of at least one factor in the Status module has been made/changed.

    Up to DB 39.5.10

    Date of the estimate of the risks and opportunities of the planning objects assigned to the portfolio and selected for the portfolio status report by the portfolio manager. The update of the date is done automatically after the estimate of at least one factor in the Edit Portfolio Status Report module has been made/changed.

    DI041736 Estimate date for quality

    From DB 39.5.10

    Date of the estimate of the quality of the planning objects assigned to the portfolio and selected for the portfolio status report by the portfolio manager. The update of the date is done automatically after the estimate of at least one factor in the Status module has been made/changed.

    Up to DB 39.5.10

    Date of the estimate of the quality of the planning objects assigned to the portfolio and selected for the portfolio status report by the portfolio manager. The update of the date is done automatically after the estimate of at least one factor in the Edit Portfolio Status Report module has been made/changed.

    DI062233 Budget/effort estimate date

    From DB 39.5.10

    Date of the quality estimate of the portfolio by the portfolio manager. The update of the date is done automatically after the estimate of at least one factor in the Status module has been made/changed.

    Up to DB 39.5.10

    Date of the quality estimate of the portfolio by the portfolio manager. The update of the date is done automatically after the estimate of at least one factor in the Edit Portfolio Status Report module has been made/changed.

    DI062234 Estimate date for dates

    From DB 39.5.10

    Date of the estimate of the dates of the planning objects assigned to the portfolio and selected for the portfolio status report by the portfolio manager. The date is updated automatically after the estimate of at least one factor in the Status module has been made/changed.

    Up to DB 39.5.10

    Date of the estimate of the dates of the planning objects assigned to the portfolio and selected for the portfolio status report by the portfolio manager. The update of the date is done automatically after the estimate of at least one factor in the Edit Portfolio Status Report module has been made/changed.

    DI041737 Portfolio comment

    Comment on the status of the planning objects assigned to the portfolio and selected for the portfolio status report

    DI041738 Budget/cost comment

    Comment on the costs of the planning objects assigned to the portfolio and selected for the portfolio status report

    DI041740 Comment risks/opportunities

    Comment on the risks and opportunities of the planning objects assigned to the portfolio and selected for the portfolio status report

    DI041742 Comment quality

    Comment on the quality of the planning objects assigned to the portfolio and selected for the portfolio status report

    DI062235 Budget/effort comment

    Comment on the effort of the planning objects assigned to the portfolio and selected for the portfolio status report

    DI062236 Dates comment

    Comment on the dates of the planning objects assigned to the portfolio and selected for the portfolio status report

    DI059101 OLE estimate portfolio

    Symbol visualizing the estimate of the entire portfolio by the portfolio manager

    From DB 39.5.10

    • You can change the estimate and hence the symbol shape by clicking on the arrow symbol ».
    • In PLANTA Standard, these changes can only be made in the Status module. It is an output value in the Portfolio Status Report module.

    Up to DB 39.5.10


    DI059104 OLE budget/costs estimate

    Symbol visualizing the estimate of the costs of the planning objects assigned to the portfolio and selected for the portfolio status report by the portfolio manager

    See the notes under OLE estimate: portfolio

    DI059106 OLE risks/opportunities estimate

    Symbol visualizing the estimate of the risks and opportunities of the planning objects assigned to the portfolio and selected for the portfolio status report by the portfolio manager

    See the notes under OLE estimate: portfolio

    DI059107 OLE quality estimate

    Symbol visualizing the estimate of the quality of the planning objects assigned to the portfolio and selected for the portfolio status report by the portfolio manager

    See the notes under OLE estimate: portfolio

    DI062237 OLE budget/effort estimate

    Symbol visualizing the estimate of the effort of the planning objects assigned to the portfolio and selected for the portfolio status report by the portfolio manager

    See the notes under OLE estimate: portfolio

    DI062238 OLE date estimate

    Symbol visualizing the estimate of the dates of the planning objects assigned to the portfolio and selected for the portfolio status report by the portfolio manager

    See the notes under OLE estimate: portfolio

    DI062980 Status report: name

    Name of the portfolio status report to be created

    DI062981 Status report: period

    DI062982 Status report: creator

    ID of the user who is allowed to edit the data of the portfolio status report to be created

    DI062983 Status report: status

    DI062984 Status report: creator (name)

    Name of the user who is allowed to edit the data of the portfolio status report to be created

    DI063012 Monthly report for

    Month for which the data is frozen in the portfolio status report

    From DB 39.5.10

    DI061362 Year virt.

    Listbox for selecting the years for manual yearly tranche input for portfolio budget planning


    • in the NEW Budget module,
    • provided that the modifying user possesses the required rights

    From DB 39.5.7

    DI061362 Year virt.

    NEW Listbox for selecting the years for manual yearly tranche input for portfolio budget planning


    • in the Portfolio module,
    • provided that the modifying user possesses the required rights

    New from DB 39.5.0

    DI061362 Year virt.

    The listbox only contains the years for which the budget, costs, or effort planning objects assigned to the portfolio are planned. If no planning objects have been assigned to the portfolio, the listbox is empty.


    • in the Portfolio module,
    • provided that the modifying user possesses the required rights

    New from DB 39.5.10

    DI064530 Active template

    Specifies the quality gate template which is set active for the opened portfolio


    • in the Portfolio Core Data module,
    • provided that the modifying user possesses the required rights

    New from DB 39.5.11

    DI064736 Copy QG template automatically

    Parameter with the help of which you can define whether the template selected for the portfolio is automatically copied to a planning object when it is assigned to the portfolio


    • in the Portfolio Core Data module,
    • provided that the modifying user possesses the required rights

             PLANTA project

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