The documentation from version 39.5.17 of PLANTA project can be found in the new PLANTA Online Help.

Budget MOD009CS7 New from DB 39.5.10

Description for versions < DB 39.5.10

Access path


  • In this module, the portfolio budget is planned and edited on a yearly basis (period related).

Module Variants

Base Shows all budget periods which have not yet been completed.
With Completed Periods Budget periods which have already been completed (Completed checkbox is activated) are displayed as well..

Budget per Period


  • In this area, budget periods can be added, approved, and deleted.


  • If changes are made to data in the other modules (e.g. in the Budget module) which affect the data in this module, you must click on the Update Portfolio button in order to update the portfolio data.

Insert New Budget Period

From DB 39.5.14

  • Click on the +- Insert period (budget) button.
  • Select the required year/s in the Create Yearly Tranche.
  • Click on the Assign selected objects button.
  • The respective yearly tranche is created.
    • In the yearly tranche, the cost and budget data summarized from the planning objects is automatically displayed per cost type group.
      • Only the costs or effort type groups which have been selected for this portfolio in the Portfolio Core Data module are displayed.

Up to DB 39.5.14

  • Select the period from the listbox in the Budget per period area header.
  • Click on the Insert period (budget) button.
  • The respective yearly tranche is created.
    • In the yearly tranche, the cost and budget data summarized from the planning objects is automatically displayed per cost type group.
      • Only the costs or effort type groups which have been selected for this portfolio in the Portfolio Core Data module are displayed.

Edit Budget per Period


  • In the required yearly tranche, the portfolio budget is entered manually for each cost type group in the Portfolio budget column (Portfolio cost budget field for costs and Portfolio effort budget field for effort).
    • Changes to individual budget positions of the cost type group cause an automatic update of the value in the Costs and Effort sum lines since the values of individual cost/effort type groups are summarized (summed up) to these sum lines.


  • In the respective cost type group line, the summarized budget and cost/effort data of all planning objects which are assigned to the portfolio and activated. They serve as a basis for the definition of the portfolio budget.
  • With the traffic lights on the Deviation and % deviation fields it is immediately signalized whether there is an overrun of the relevant project budget (Cost budget relevant or Effort budget relevant) with respect to the portfolio budget (Cost budget portfolio or Effort budget portfolio). Which budget is considered "relevant" depends on the settings of the p_project_budget_portfolio_relevant parameter.
    • In order to view the budget data of individual planning objects and activate or deactivate their budgets for summarization to the portfolio, click on the Costs or Effort link in the sum line of the cost or effort area.
      • Depending on the link you click on, you switch to the Cost or Effort variants in the Edit period module

Approve budget per period


  • In PLANTA portfolio, the portfolio budget is not approved for the whole portfolio; it is only possible to approve a portfolio budget for the particular period.


  • Click on the Approve period button in the required period tranche.
  • Confirm the Do you really want to approve the period? message with Yes.
  • The Approved checkbox is activated and thus the budget for the period is approved.


Complete Budget Period

  • Click on the Completed checkbox in the required yearly tranche.
    • The budget period is therefore marked as completed and is hidden. This is the case if, e.g., the year is in the past.
    • In the With Completed Periods module variant, the completed/hidden yearly tranches can be displayed.

Delete Budget Period


  • Click on the Delete period button in the required yearly tranche.
  • Confirm the Do you really want to delete the period? message with Yes.
    • The period tranche is deleted from the portfolio including the value contained in it.


  • Deletion is only permitted for periods that have not been approved.
  • A released status report cannot be deleted directly. When you try to delete it, the following message is displayed: Approved periods cannot be deleted.
  • If you want to delete an approved period, you have to cancel the approval in the Cancel Approval Per Budget Period module by deactivating the Approved checkbox.

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