In PLANTA project, budget, cost and effort planning, and evaluation are carried out in many user modules (e.g. in the Budget module) based on the cost type groups.
You can create as many cost type groups as required.
Cost type groups can be created for costs and effort (arbitrary as well). Costs and effort are displayed in user modules, grouped by these two cost type group categories.
The cost type groups are displayed in tabular form: 1 Cost type group = 1 line.
Cost type groups can be activated and deactivated.
Create Cost Type Groups
If the module is empty (e.g. if PLANTA project has been installed without demo data),
click on the Insert button in the menu bar in order to insert the grouping record.
In PLANTA Standard, cost type groups are grouped by two cost type groups: Costs and Effort.
If cost type groups are already available in the module,
right-click on the grouping record or on an existing cost type group and select Insert Cost type group from the context menu.
Fill the fields as described above:
If new cost type groups have been created or existing ones have been changed, the Cost type groups adjustment button must be clicked on. As a result,
the cost type group attributes of all active cost type groups assigned to the projects and portfolios (more specifically the portfolio periods) are updated.
active cost type groups which have not been assigned to the projects or portfolios yet, are assigned.
Assignments to projects always contain the following levels:
Project: Cost type group = 1: N (previous project level)
Project/year: Cost type group = 1: N (previous yearly tranche level)
The assignments to the portfolios (more specifically the portfolio "periods") always contain the following level:
Portfolio/year: Cost type group = 1: N (portfolio periods)
the assignments of deactivated cost type groups is deleted.