The documentation from version 39.5.17 of PLANTA project can be found in the new PLANTA Online Help.

Delete MOD009A9V

Access path

From DB 39.5.11

From DB 39.5.0

  • Project panel Project Core Data Delete project/idea/proposal button in the header bar area
  • Idea panel Idea Core Data Delete project/idea/proposal button in the header bar area
  • Proposal panel Proposal Core Data Delete project/idea/proposal button in the header bar area
  • NEW Program panel Program Core Data Delete program button in the header bar area.
  • From DB 39.5.0

  • Project panel Project Core Data Delete project/idea/proposal button in the header bar area
  • Idea panel Idea Core Data Delete project/idea/proposal button in the header bar area
  • Proposal panel Proposal Core Data Delete project/idea/proposal button in the header bar area
  • Information

    • In this module, the selected planning object can be deleted completely and for good.
      • If the project is a structured project, you can either delete the entire project or only individual subprojects.


    From DB 39.5.5

    • If there are status reports, actual postings, portfolio assignments, or program assignments for a planning object, a note is displayed in black, bold font below the corresponding planning object in the Delete module. The planning objects can be deleted anyway.
    • NEW If there are status reports of planning objects in program or portfolio status reports, such planning objects cannot be deleted. A message is displayed indicating this. The programs and portfolios in question are displayed below planning objects with respective status reports.

    Up to DB 39.5.5

  • If there are status reports, actual postings, portfolio assignments, or program assignments for a planning object, a note is displayed in black, bold font below the corresponding planning object in the Delete module. The planning objects can be deleted anyway.
  • Deleting a planning object/simple project

    • Click on the Delete entire structure or Delete button in the Delete module.
    • Confirm the Do you really want to delete this planning object? dialog message with Yes.

    Delete a structured project

    • Click on the Delete entire structure button.
    • Confirm the Do you really want to delete this planning object? dialog message with Yes.
    • The main project is deleted including its subprojects.

    Delete individual subprojects

    • Click on the Delete button next to the required subproject.
    • Confirm the Do you really want to delete this planning object? dialog message with Yes.
    • A subproject can only be deleted if it has no subprojects itself.
      • If a subproject contains further child projects, a dialog message is displayed when deleting this subproject: Deletion not possible: there is a (are) subordinate project(s).
      • If you want to delete a subproject and its child projects, you have to delete all of its child projects beforehand.

    Rights to delete

    Topic attachments
    I Attachment History Size Date Comment
    Pngpng ButtonLoeschen.png r1 1.2 K 2011-02-14 - 18:39  
    Pngpng Ideeloeschen.PNG r1 0.8 K 2017-12-18 - 15:02  

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