The documentation from version 39.5.17 of PLANTA project can be found in the new PLANTA Online Help.

Overview of Reported Hours MOD0099SD

In version DB 39.5.13, module 0099SD Overview of Reported Hours has been renamed Overview: Time Recording. The following description applies to versions < DB 39.5.13. If you use a DB version DB 39.5.13, please switch to the TimeRecordingOverviewMOD0099SD topic.

Access path


From DB 39.5.11

  • In this module, an overview of all entered hours worked (also reverse postings) of the employee per project, task, and load record is given. Data is displayed for the following period by default:
    • from: first day of the current week - 91 days
    • to: last day of the current week + 7 days
    • NEW The period for display of work reporting can, be changed in the from and to fields if necessary. As a result, the display of the scale is adjusted to the set period as well.

From DB 39.5.7

  • In this module, an overview of all entered hours worked (also reverse postings) of the employee per project, task, and load record is given. Data is displayed for the following period:
    • NEW from: today - 180 days
    • NEW from: today + 7 days
  • From DB 39.5.0

  • In this module, an overview of all entered hours worked (NEW also reverse postings) of the employee per project, task, and load record is given. The data is displayed for the period starting on 01/01 of the current year up to 14 days from the end of the current week.
  • Up to DB 39.5.0

  • In this module, an overview of all reported hours (hours worked) of the employee per project, task, and load record is given. The data is displayed for the period starting from the 01.01. of the current year up to 14 days from the end of the current week.
  • Details

    • If you open the module, only the summarized hours on project level are displayed.
    • In the left window, all project and task records can be expanded in order to get a detailed display of the hours.

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