The documentation from version 39.5.17 of PLANTA project can be found in the new PLANTA Online Help.

Projects: 2 Groupings MOD009ALG

From DB 39.5.13

Access path

From DB 39.5.9

Access path

Up to DB 39.5.9

Access path


  • In the Projects: 2 Groupings module, projects are displayed grouped by two particular criteria.

From DB 39.5.16

  • NEW If they are structured projects, the subprojects can be expanded below the main projects.
  • In the 1st grouping and 2nd Grouping fields, you can select grouping criteria from the listboxes. After you have clicked on the Use changes button, projects are grouped by the newly selected criteria.
  • The projects to be displayed in this module can be filtered using object filters.
    • If there already is an object filter, it can be selected from the listbox on the Filter field. After you have clicked on the Use changes button, only projects which correspond to the filter will be displayed.
    • You can edit existing object filters or create new ones in the Object Filter module which is opened via the Edit filter button.
    • If a grouping criterion is selected in one of the modules which use object filters, it automatically takes effect in all other modules with object filters.
  • By right-clicking on the requested project and selecting the context menu command Edit project or by By clicking on the ID of the required project, you can switch to the corresponding Project panel in which you can edit or view the program data depending on your user rights.
  • By clicking on the New project button, you switch to the Project panel, in which a new project can be created.
  • When you click on the arrows in the scale area ( AOBEin.png for incoming and AOBAus.png for outgoing links), external links of the planning object can be opened in a dialog module. By clicking on the arrow once more, the module is closed again.

From DB 39.5.15

  • If there are structured projects among the displayed projects as well, only their main projects are displayed.
  • In the 1st grouping and 2nd Grouping fields, you can select grouping criteria from the listboxes. After you have clicked on the Use changes button, projects are grouped by the newly selected criteria.
  • The projects to be displayed in this module can be filtered using object filters.
    • If there already is an object filter, it can be selected from the listbox on the Filter field. After you have clicked on the Use changes button, only projects which correspond to the filter will be displayed.
    • You can edit existing object filters or create new ones in the Object Filter module which is opened via the Edit filter button.
    • If a grouping criterion is selected in one of the modules which use object filters, it automatically takes effect in all other modules with object filters.
  • By right-clicking on the requested project and selecting the context menu command Edit project or by By clicking on the ID of the required project, you can switch to the corresponding Project panel in which you can edit or view the program data depending on your user rights.
  • By clicking on the New project button, you switch to the Project panel, in which a new project can be created.
  • NEW When you click on the arrows in the scale area ( AOBEin.png for incoming and AOBAus.png for outgoing links), external links of the planning object can be opened in a dialog module. By clicking on the arrow once more, the module is closed again.

Up to DB 39.5.15

  • If there are structured projects among the displayed projects as well, only their main projects are displayed.
  • In the 1st grouping and 2nd Grouping fields, you can select grouping criteria from the listboxes. After you have clicked on the Use changes button, projects are grouped by the newly selected criteria.
  • The projects to be displayed in this module can be filtered using object filters.
    • If there already is an object filter, it can be selected from the listbox on the Filter field. After you have clicked on the Use changes button, only projects which correspond to the filter will be displayed.
    • You can edit existing object filters or create new ones in the Object Filter module which is opened via the Edit filter button.
    • If a grouping criterion is selected in one of the modules which use object filters, it automatically takes effect in all other modules with object filters.
  • By right-clicking on the requested project and selecting the context menu command Edit project or by By clicking on the ID of the required project, you can switch to the corresponding Project panel in which you can edit or view the program data depending on your user rights.
  • By clicking on the New project button, you switch to the Project panel, in which a new project can be created.


From DB 39.5.15

Symbol Meaning Color Comment
WunschDB14.png Requested dates   Requested start and Requested end are defined in the Key dates area in the corresponding core data module (Project Core Data, Idea Core Data, Proposal Core Data, Program Core Data).
KalkPRDB14.png Calculated dates The color of the bar is determined by the code of the planning object.
CodeADB14.png Code A
CodeBDB14.png Code B
CodeCDB14.png Code C
CodeDDB14.png Code D
CodeEDB14.png Code E
Calc. start and Calc. end of a planning object are calculated by clicking on the calculation button or by selecting the respective menu item.
In the Planning Objects (In Table Form) module, the code of planning objects is defined and can be changed; for projects and proposals this can also be done in the Project Core Data and Proposal Core Data modules.
ActDB14.png Actual dates The bar is white hatched. The background color depends on the Code of the planning object. Actual start and Actual end (if there is any, otherwise Latest time recording date) of a planning object. They are determined from the actual dates of the tasks (Actual start/Actual end) when calculating the schedule of the respective planning object.
Puffer.png Float   Float is available if the calculated end date (Calc. end) is earlier than the requested end date (Requested end).
Verzug.png Date delay   A date delay occurs if the calculated end date (Calc. end) is later than the requested end date (Requested end).
The date delay bar immediately follows the bar for calculated dates and is customized with a color gradient so that the red color has various shades.
MMSDB14.png Master milestones MMSDB14.png Without date delay
MMSredDB14.png With date delay
Tasks are defined as master milestones in the Schedule module.
AOBAus.png external links AOBAus.png outgoing
AOBEin.png incoming

From DB 39.5.14

Symbol Meaning Color Comment
WunschDB14.png Requested dates   Requested start and Requested end are defined in the Key dates area in the corresponding core data module (Project Core Data, Idea Core Data, Proposal Core Data, Program Core Data).
KalkPRDB14.png Calculated dates The color of the bar is determined by the code of the planning object.
CodeADB14.png Code A
CodeBDB14.png Code B
CodeCDB14.png Code C
CodeDDB14.png Code D
CodeEDB14.png Code E
Calc. start and Calc. end of a planning object are calculated by clicking on the calculation button or by selecting the respective menu item.
In the Planning Objects (In Table Form) module, the code of planning objects is defined and can be changed; for projects and proposals this can also be done in the Project Core Data and Proposal Core Data modules.
ActDB14.png Actual dates The bar is white hatched. The background color depends on the Code of the planning object. Actual start and Actual end (if there is any, otherwise Latest time recording date) of a planning object. They are determined from the actual dates of the tasks (Actual start/Actual end) in the calculation of the schedule of the respective planning object.
Puffer.png Float   Float is available if the calculated end date (Calc. end) is earlier than the requested end date (Requested end).
Verzug.png Date delay   A date delay occurs if the calculated end date (Calc. end) is later than the requested end date (Requested end).
The date delay bar immediately follows the bar for calculated dates and is customized with a color gradient so that the red color has various shades.
MMSDB14.png Master milestones MMSDB14.png Without date delay
MMSredDB14.png With date delay
Tasks are defined as master milestones in the Schedule module.

From DB 39.5.12

Symbol Meaning Color Comment
Wunsch.png Requested dates   Requested start and Requested end are defined in the Key dates area in the corresponding core data module (Project Core Data, Idea Core Data, Proposal Core Data, Program Core Data).
KalkPRDB12.PNG Calculated dates The color of the bar is determined by the code of the planning object.
CodeADB12.PNG Code A
CodeBDB12.PNG Code B
CodeCDB12.PNG Code C
CodeDDB12.PNG Code D
CodeEDB12.PNG Code E
Calc. start and Calc. end of a planning object are calculated by clicking on the calculation button or by selecting the respective menu item.
In the Planning Objects (In Table Form) module, the code of planning objects is defined and can be changed; for projects and proposals this can also be done in the Project Core Data and Proposal Core Data modules.
ActDB12.png Actual dates   Actual start and Actual end (if there is any, otherwise Latest time recording date) of a planning object. They are determined from the actual dates of the tasks (Actual start/Actual end) when calculating the schedule of the respective planning object.
Puffer.png Float   Float is available if the calculated end date (Calc. end) is earlier than the requested end date (Requested end).
Verzug.png Date delay   A date delay occurs if the calculated end date (Calc. end) is later than the requested end date (Requested end).
The date delay bar immediately follows the bar for calculated dates and is customized with a color gradient so that the red color has various shades.
MMSDB12.png Master milestones MMSDB12.png Without date delay
MMSredDB12.png With date delay
Tasks are defined as master milestones in the Schedule module.

Up to DB 39.5.12

Symbol Meaning Color Comment
Wunsch.png Requested dates   Requested start and Requested end are defined in the Key dates area in the corresponding core data module (Project Core Data, Idea Core Data, Proposal Core Data, Program Core Data).
Kalk.png Calculated dates The color of the bar is determined by the code of the planning object.
A.png Code A
B.png Code B
C.png Code C
D.png Code D
E.png Code E
Calc. start and Calc. end of a planning object are calculated by clicking on the calculation button or by selecting the respective menu item.
In the Planning Objects (In Table Form) module, the code of planning objects is defined and can be changed; for projects and proposals this can also be done in the Project Core Data and Proposal Core Data modules.
Act.png Actual dates   Actual start and Actual end (if there is any, otherwise Latest time recording date) of a planning object. They are determined from the actual dates of the tasks (Actual start/Actual end) when calculating the schedule of the respective planning object.
Puffer.png Float   Float is available if the calculated end date (Calc. end) is earlier than the requested end date (Requested end).
Verzug.png Date delay   A date delay occurs if the calculated end date (Calc. end) is later than the requested end date (Requested end).
The date delay bar immediately follows the bar for calculated dates and is customized with a color gradient so that the red color has various shades.
MS.PNG Master milestones MMS_krit.PNG With date delay
MS.PNG Without date delay
Tasks are defined as master milestones in the Schedule module.
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Pngpng Gruppierung.PNG r1 1.0 K 2015-09-22 - 20:06  

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