The documentation from version 39.5.17 of PLANTA project can be found in the new PLANTA Online Help.

Server Parameters Up to S 39.5.10

Description for versions ≥ S 39.5.11

Command Line Options

From S 39.5.5

  • The command line options can be provided in the form -[option] [value]
  • ./ -port 23456 -migrate false -config ./config/sample_configuration.cfg

Possible options


  • A description of these options is given in the globals.conf documentation.
  • Providing options in the command line overrides predefined values in globals.conf.

From S 39.5.0

  • The command line options can be provided in the form -[option] [value]
  • ./ -port 23456 -migrate false -config ./config/sample_configuration.cfg

Possible options


  • A description of these options is given in the globals.conf documentation.
  • Providing options in the command line overrides predefined values in globals.conf.

Up to S 39.5.0

Option Argument Description
-preload Port-Number Starts the server with Preloading on given portnumber (Linux only, Windows-Preloading comes with ppmsd)
-config Config-File Overrides path to config-file (default: planta.conf)
-debuglisten Port-Number Stops the program execution as early as possible to allow to attach a debugger


From S 39.5.5

Parameter Possible values Description
SYS_CU_ERROR_URL string URL that is displayed in the Problems in System Customizing message and which links to the appropriate documentation site in PLANTA-Wiki
PPMS_LICENSE string licence of PLANTA project, default is '000'
Q1CODEPAGE int codepage of system database ( 1 (Windows) to use Windows-1252, 2 (Linux) to use ISO885915 (Latin 9))
Q1TYPE int type of system database
  • 2: Oracle
  • 4: MSSQL
DEFAULT_LANGUAGE string (f.ex.: de) default language for preloading
DEFAULT_CURRENCY string default currency for preloading (not used atm)
DEFAULT_COUNTRY string default country for preloading (not used atm)
PRELOAD_LANGUAGES string (f.ex.: en, fr, ru) additional languages for preloading
DTP_CUSTOMIZING_MODE {0,1} When enabled, CU metadata will always be up-to-date and no stale values be used within the session (effectively disables all caching on DTP level). For further information, see here.
ENABLE_COMPRESSION {0,1} default 1; allows compressed communication with a recent and correctly configured Client (see NachrichtenKompression for details)
COMPRESSION_LEVEL {0..9} default 6; defines the compression level with 0:no compression and 9:best compression

Logging is not configured anymore via planta_server.conf. See logback configuration for the logging configuration.

From S 39.5.2

Parameter Possible values Description
SYS_CU_ERROR_URL string URL that is displayed in the Problems in System Customizing message and which links to the appropriate documentation site in PLANTA-Wiki
LOG_LEVEL Bitfield
  • 1: error
  • 2: warning
  • 4: info
  • 8: debug
  • 0: (default) log information are written in larger block (more efective but information can be in log after the while)
  • 1: immediately writes log information into the log files
  • 0: (default) XML information in log will be written without spaces to save the disk space
  • 1: XML information in log will be written with spaces to be better readable
  • 0: (default) silence
  • 1: MTS will print statistics wrt. how often previous record could be re-used for parent/child linkage, as opposed to a mismatch being detected, forcing to search the proper parent.
  • 0: (default) there will no time before every record in log file
  • 1: time information is added to every record in log file
  • 0: (default) SQL queries are not formatted
  • 1: SQL queries are formatted to be better readable and with values of parameters in comments
PPMS_LICENSE string licence of PLANTA project, default is '000'
Q1CODEPAGE int codepage of system database ( 1 (Windows) to use Windows-1252, 2 (Linux) to use ISO885915 (Latin 9))
Q1TYPE int type of system database
  • 2: Oracle
  • 4: MSSQL
DEFAULT_LANGUAGE string (f.ex.: de) default language for preloading
DEFAULT_CURRENCY string default currency for preloading (not used atm)
DEFAULT_COUNTRY string default country for preloading (not used atm)
PRELOAD_LANGUAGES string (f.ex.: en, fr, ru) additional languages for preloading
DTP_CUSTOMIZING_MODE {0,1} When enabled, CU metadata will always be up-to-date and no stale values be used within the session (effectively disables all caching on DTP level).
ENABLE_COMPRESSION NEW {0,1} default 1; allows compressed communication with a recent and correctly configured Client (see NachrichtenKompression for details)
COMPRESSION_LEVEL NEW {0..9} default 6; defines the compression level with 0:no compression and 9:best compression

From S 39.5.0

Parameter Possible values Description
SYS_CU_ERROR_URL NEW string URL that is displayed in the Problems in System Customizing message and which links to the appropriate documentation site in PLANTA-Wiki
LOG_LEVEL Bitfield
  • 1: error
  • 2: warning
  • 4: info
  • 8: debug
  • 0: (default) log information are written in larger block (more efective but information can be in log after the while)
  • 1: immediately writes log information into the log files
  • 0: (default) XML information in log will be written without spaces to save the disk space
  • 1: XML information in log will be written with spaces to be better readable
  • 0: (default) silence
  • 1: MTS will print statistics wrt. how often previous record could be re-used for parent/child linkage, as opposed to a mismatch being detected, forcing to search the proper parent.
  • 0: (default) there will no time before every record in log file
  • 1: time information is added to every record in log file
  • 0: (default) SQL queries are not formatted
  • 1: SQL queries are formatted to be better readable and with values of parameters in comments
PPMS_LICENSE string licence of PLANTA project, default is '000'
Q1CODEPAGE int codepage of system database ( 1 (Windows) to use Windows-1252, 2 (Linux) to use ISO885915 (Latin 9))
Q1TYPE int type of system database
  • 2: Oracle
  • 4: MSSQL
DEFAULT_LANGUAGE string (f.ex.: de) default language for preloading
DEFAULT_CURRENCY string default currency for preloading (not used atm)
DEFAULT_COUNTRY string default country for preloading (not used atm)
PRELOAD_LANGUAGES string (f.ex.: en, fr, ru) additional languages for preloading
DTP_CUSTOMIZING_MODE {0,1} When enabled, CU metadata will always be up-to-date and no stale values be used within the session (effectively disables all caching on DTP level).

Up to S 39.5.0

Parameter Possible values Description
RESTART_BINARY string absolute path to binary that ppms executes when it does a restart (default is currently running binary)
BIND_ADDRESS string IPv4 address for daemon or forking-server to listen on (default: all network interfaces, as before)
LOG_LEVEL Bitfield
  • 1: error
  • 2: warning
  • 4: info
  • 8: debug
  • 0: (default) log information are written in larger block (more efective but information can be in log after the while)
  • 1: immediately writes log information into the log files
  • 0: (default) XML information in log will be written without spaces to save the disk space
  • 1: XML information in log will be written with spaces to be better readable
  • 0: (default) silence
  • 1: MTS will print statistics wrt. how often previous record could be re-used for parent/child linkage, as opposed to a mismatch being detected, forcing to search the proper parent.
  • 0: (default) there will no time before every record in log file
  • 1: time information is added to every record in log file
  • 0: (default) SQL queries are not formatted
  • 1: SQL queries are formatted to be better readable and with values of parameters in comments
ORACLE_HOME string home directory of the Oracle; only evaluated via xinetd, forking setup needs this inside the global configuration file for the init script
PPMS_LICENSE string licence of PLANTA project, default is '000'
Q1CODEPAGE int codepage of system database ( 1 (Windows) to use Windows-1252, 2 (Linux) to use ISO885915 (Latin 9))
Q1PATH string path to system database
Q1PWD string password to system database
Q1TYPE int type of system database
  • 2: Oracle
  • 4: MSSQL
Q1USER string username to system database
Q1PREFETCH int number of records OCI-client fetches at once (default: 256). Further information
Q1TRACE _LEVEL int enable oracle server-trace at certain level (default: 0)
  • 0: trace disabled
  • 1, 2: basic trace info (parsing, executes and fetches)
  • 4: include bind information
  • 8: include wait information
  • 12: include binds and waits
DEFAULT_LANGUAGE string (f.ex.: de) default language for preloading
DEFAULT_CURRENCY string default currency for preloading (not used atm)
DEFAULT_COUNTRY string default country for preloading (not used atm)
PRELOAD_LANGUAGES string (f.ex.: en, fr, ru) additional languages for preloading
DTP_CUSTOMIZING_MODE {0,1} When enabled, CU metadata will always be up-to-date and no stale values be used within the session (effectively disables all caching on DTP level).
VG_BIN string Full path to Valgrind Binary (Linux only, otherwise unused)
VG_ARGS string Arguments for Valgrind Binary (Linux only, otherwise unused)
PPMS_PREP_INST int number of prepared instances for windows pre-spawning (default 5)
  • 0: pre-spawning disable
  • >0: number of prepared instances


From S 39.5.10

Parameter Possible values Description
config path to PLANTA server configuration file  
hibernate path to hibernate configuration file  
krb.conf path to kerberos configuration file  
auth.conf path to authentication configuration file  
auth.methods described here described here
port Int Port the server is listening on for client connections
migrate Boolean makes the server run in migration mode (see migration procedure): all obligatory migration packages are then installed
monitoring Boolean activation of monitoring interface, default false
monitoring_interface host name/ip address interface the web server is bound to; localhost by default
monitoring_port Int port number the web server listens at; required parameter (monitoring is implicitely deactivated when no port is configured)
performance_counting NEW Boolean false by default; true enables performance counting globally
debug Boolean loads a debug version of the python library when set to true - developement option
silent Boolean de-/activates some output to standard output and standard error - developement option
timeout Int currently without effect

From S 39.5.5

Parameter Possible values Description
config path to PLANTA server configuration file  
hibernate path to hibernate configuration file  
krb.conf path to kerberos configuration file  
auth.conf path to authentication configuration file  
auth.methods described here described here
port Int Port the server is listening on for client connections
migrate Boolean makes the server run in migration mode (see migration procedure): all obligatory migration packages are then installed
monitoring NEW Boolean activation of monitoring interface, default false
monitoring_interface NEW host name/ip address interface the web server is bound to; localhost by default
monitoring_port NEW Int port number the web server listens at; required parameter (monitoring is implicitely deactivated when no port is configured)
debug Boolean loads a debug version of the python library when set to true - developement option
silent Boolean de-/activates some output to standard output and standard error - developement option
timeout Int currently without effect

From S 39.5.4

Parameter Possible values Description
log4j path to log4j configuration  
config path to PLANTA server configuration file  
hibernate path to hibernate configuration file  
krb.conf path to kerberos configuration file  
auth.conf path to authentication configuration file  
auth.methods described here described here
port Int Port the server is listening on for client connections
migrate Boolean makes the server run in migration mode (see migration procedure): all obligatory migration packages are then installed
monitoring NEW Boolean activation of monitoring interface, default false
monitoring_interface NEW host name/ip address interface the web server is bound to; localhost by default
monitoring_port NEW Int port number the web server listens at; required parameter (monitoring is implicitely deactivated when no port is configured)
debug Boolean loads a debug version of the python library when set to true - developement option
silent Boolean de-/activates some output to standard output and standard error - developement option
timeout Int currently without effect

New from S 39.5.0

Parameter Possible values Description
log4j path to log4j configuration  
config path to PLANTA server configuration file  
hibernate path to hibernate configuration file  
krb.conf path to kerberos configuration file  
auth.conf path to authentication configuration file  
auth.methods described here described here
port Int Port the server is listening on for client connections
migrate Boolean makes the server run in migration mode (see migration procedure): all obligatory migration packages are then installed
debug Boolean loads a debug version of the python library when set to true - developement option
silent Boolean de-/activates some output to standard output and standard error - developement option
timeout Int currently without effect


New from S 39.5.5


  • General documentation can be found here.
  • Important namespaces for logging are described in the following table:
Namespace Default level Description
org.hibernate WARN log messages hibernate emits - database interaction/mapping problems are logged here
org.hibernate.SQL INFO SQL related messages
com.mchange WARN Connection pool related log messages - database connection problems are logged here
org.eclipse.jetty WARN web server related messages (internal monitoring interface)
PLANTA namespace    
de.planta.server INFO PLANTA Server messages
de.planta.server.hibernate INFO PLANTA Server messages - hibernate interface related
de.planta.server.hibernate.startup WARN PLANTA Server messages - startup/data dictionary related
Special Namespaces    
de.planta.server.native INFO log messages from the native code
de.planta.server.python INFO log messages from python code
  • For detailed logback configuration documentation, please have a look at the logback manual.


From S 39.5.5

log4j.conf is not used anymore. See logback configuration for the equivalent.

New from S 39.5.0

For log4j configuration, please have a look at this external article.

Important namespaces for logging are described in the following table:

Namespace Default level Description WARN log messages hibernate emits - database interaction/mapping problems are logged here WARN SQL related messages WARN Connection pool related log messages - database connection problems are logged here INFO PLANTA Server messages INFO PLANTA Server messages - hibernate interface related WARN PLANTA Server messages - startup/data dictionary related

New from S 39.5.0


This file is configured using XML syntax.

Name Example value or
Possible values
dialect de.planta.server.hibernate.dialect.Oracle10gDialect
Configures Oracle or MSSQL sql dialect
hibernate.connection.driver_class oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
Configures the JDBC driver
hibernate.connection.url jdbc:oracle:thin:@$db.server:$$ DB connection URL - configured via installer
hibernate.connection.username USER_123 the username used for connecting to the DB
hibernate.connection.password gE_he1M password used for connecting to the DB

Connection testing:    
hibernate.c3p0.testConnectionOnCheckout false tests a connection before it is used
hibernate.c3p0.testConnectionOnCheckin false tests a connection after it was used
hibernate.c3p0.idleConnectionTestPeriod 300 period after which an idle connection is tested


  • All other parameters are not described here.
  • The connection testing options should be employed with care because of their performance impact.
  • In most cases, no manual changes should be needed, as the Installer sets all values based on queried informations.
  • For configuration of the connection pooling, see the c3p0 documentation.

auth.conf, krb.conf,

For description, see KerberosAuthentication.


Needed for building the data dictionary via hibernate. Should not be changed.


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