The documentation from version 39.5.17 of PLANTA project can be found in the new PLANTA Online Help.

Tutorial: Structure Tasks From DB 39.5.13

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  • This tutorial is intended to show first-time users how to structure tasks in PLANTA project.

Please note

  • The screenshots used are merely examples of functions. The screenshot layout may deviate from the actual program layout.


  • Log on with user R41.
  • Create a new project.
  • Open the Schedule module.
  • The following message box is displayed: Is a schedule to be copied in?
  • Answer the confirmation prompt with No.
  • Open the context menu by right-clicking on the project line and select the Insert Task entry.
    • Enter a name for the task in the Task name field.
    • Save.
  • Insert further tasks in the way shown in the image below.
  • By default, the WBS code is displayed in the Task column. Click on the SchaltflaechePSPCode.png Generate WBS code button in the project line to generate the WBS code.


  • Result: The WBS code is assigned to the tasks. Since the tasks have not been structured yet, this is only done by ascending numbering.
    • Via the setting in the show_psp_instead_of_ID parameter, the functional or technical task ID can be displayed in the Task column instead of the WBS code.


  • Task x is to be subordinated to the Task.
    • For this purpose, drag Task x on to Task by pressing SHIFT and holding down the left mouse button.
    • As a result, Task x (source task) is visualized green and Task (target task) is visualized blue.
    • Release the left mouse button as soon as the cursor is on Task x. Task x is moved below Task.

  • Task y is to be subordinated to Task as well and positioned below Task x.
    • For this purpose, drag Task y on to Task x by pressing SHIFT and holding down the left mouse button.
    • A dark blue line is displayed. Pay attention to the line's position. It is to be positioned at the bottom of Task x and its starting point is to be equal to the starting point of Task x.


  • Result:
    • Task x was subordinated to the Task.
    • Task y was subordinated to the Task as well and positioned below Task x.

  • Update the WBS code. To do so, click on the SchaltflaechePSPCode.png Generate WBS code button in the project line. The code is appropriately set according to the predetermined structure.

  • Save and click on the calculate_schedule.png Calculate schedule button in the toolbar. The parent Task is marked bold and therefore visualized as a summary task.
    • A summary task is a task in the structured schedule consisting of sub-tasks which are summarized here. Information on the summary task, such as duration and dates, is determined automatically from the sub-tasks.

  • Switch to the WBS module in the Project panel by clicking on the tab of the same name.
  • Here, the structure created in the Schedule module is displayed graphically.

  • The structure is to be changed: Task y is to be subordinated to Task z.
    • For this purpose, position the cursor on the left margin of Task y: A hand symbol is displayed.
    • Hold down the left mouse button and drag the box to the box of Task z. Release the left mouse button over this box.

  • Result: Task y has been subordinate to Task z. However, the old WBS code is still displayed.

  • In order to update the WBS code, click on the SchaltflaechePSPCode.png Create WBS Code button.
  • Result: The code has been changed according to the structure.

  • Switch to the Schedule module in the Project panel again. Click on the sync-alt.png Update/reset and calculate_schedule.png Calculate schedule button in the toolbar. The new structure and the new WBS code are visible and the Task z is visualized as a summary task as well. Result:
Topic attachments
I Attachment History Size Date Comment
Pngpng PSP1.png r1 3.9 K 2019-07-10 - 11:12  
Pngpng PSP10EN.png r1 19.7 K 2019-08-19 - 11:33  
Pngpng PSP11EN.png r1 13.0 K 2019-08-19 - 11:33  
Pngpng PSP12EN.png r1 13.0 K 2019-08-19 - 11:33  
Pngpng PSP13EN.png r1 4.6 K 2019-08-19 - 11:33  
Pngpng PSP1EN.png r1 6.6 K 2019-08-19 - 11:31  
Pngpng PSP3EN.png r1 4.5 K 2019-08-19 - 11:31  
Pngpng PSP4EN.png r1 6.1 K 2019-08-19 - 11:32  
Pngpng PSP5EN.png r1 6.0 K 2019-08-19 - 11:32  
Pngpng PSP6EN.png r1 4.6 K 2019-08-19 - 11:32  
Pngpng PSP7EN.png r1 4.6 K 2019-08-19 - 11:32  
Pngpng PSP8EN.png r1 4.7 K 2019-08-19 - 11:32  
Pngpng PSP9EN.png r1 15.1 K 2019-08-19 - 11:33  
Pngpng SchaltflaechePSPCode.png r1 0.5 K 2019-08-19 - 11:53  
Pngpng calculate_schedule.png r1 0.6 K 2019-08-19 - 11:52  
Pngpng sync-alt.png r1 0.6 K 2019-08-19 - 11:52  

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