The documentation from version 39.5.17 of PLANTA project can be found in the new PLANTA Online Help.

Planning Objects Grouped MOD009BCW From DB 39.5.13

Description for versions < DB 39.5.13

Access path


  • This module provides an overview of existing planning objects (projects, ideas, proposals, programs, and requests).
  • New planning objects can be created here (provided that the user has the respective rights).
  • All planning objects are displayed grouped by two variable group criteria (which can be selected via the respective listboxes in the module header).
  • Additionally, the third fixed grouping criterion is used: Own planning object (the current user is the manager of this planning object) / Other planning object (a person, who is not the current user, is the manager of the planning object).


Module Variants

From DB 39.5.15

Base In the Base variant, all planning objects (own and other) are grouped by Type and Code by default.
With evaluation data For each planning object, evaluation data like, e.g., risk value, objective contribution, capital value, etc., is displayed.
Only own planning objects Only planning objects for which the current user acts as a manager are displayed.
Only other planning objects Only planning objects for which another person (who is not the current user) acts as a manager are displayed.

Up to DB 39.5.15

Base In the Base variant, all planning objects (own and other) are grouped by Type and Code by default.
With evaluation data For each planning object, evaluation data like, e.g., risk value, objective contribution, capital value, etc., is displayed.
Only own projects Only planning objects for which the current user acts as a manager are displayed.
Only other projects Only planning objects are for which another person (who is not the current user) acts as a manager are displayed.


The legend applies to all planning objects except requests, since they have no Gantt charts.

From DB 39.5.14

Symbol Meaning Color Comment

KalkPRDB14.png Calculated dates The color of the bar is determined by the code of the planning object.
CodeADB14.png Code A
CodeBDB14.png Code B
CodeCDB14.png Code C
CodeDDB14.png Code D
CodeEDB14.png Code E
Calc. start and Calc. end of a planning object are calculated by clicking on the calculation button or by selecting the respective menu item.
In the Planning Objects (In Table Form) module, the code of planning objects is defined and can be changed; for projects and proposals this can also be done in the Project Core Data and Proposal Core Data modules.
ActDB14.png Actual dates The bar is white hatched. The background color depends on the Code of the planning object. Actual start and Actual end (if there is any, otherwise Latest time recording date) of a planning object. They are determined from the actual dates of the tasks (Actual start/Actual end) when calculating the schedule of the respective planning object.
Puffer.png Float   Float is available if the calculated end date (Calc. end) of the planning object is earlier than the requested end date (Requested end).
Verzug.png Date delay   A date delay occurs if the calculated end date (Calc. end) of the planning horizon is later than the requested end date (Requested end).
The date delay bar immediately follows the bar for calculated dates and is customized with a color gradient so that the red color has various shades.

Up to DB 39.5.14

Symbol Meaning Color Comment

KalkPRDB12.PNG Calculated dates The color of the bar is determined by the code of the planning object.
CodeADB12.PNG Code A
CodeBDB12.PNG Code B
CodeCDB12.PNG Code C
CodeDDB12.PNG Code D
CodeEDB12.PNG Code E
Calc. start and Calc. end of a planning object are calculated by clicking on the calculation button or by selecting the respective menu item.
In the Planning Objects (In Table Form) module, the code of planning objects is defined and can be changed; for projects and proposals this can also be done in the Project Core Data and Proposal Core Data modules.
ActDB12.png Actual dates   Actual start and Actual end (if there is any, otherwise Latest time recording date) of a planning object. They are determined from the actual dates of the tasks (Actual start/Actual end) when calculating the schedule of the respective planning object.
Puffer.png Float   Float is available if the calculated end date (Calc. end) of the planning object is earlier than the requested end date (Requested end).
Verzug.png Date delay   A date delay occurs if the calculated end date (Calc. end) of the planning horizon is later than the requested end date (Requested end).
The date delay bar immediately follows the bar for calculated dates and is customized with a color gradient so that the red color has various shades.

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