The documentation from version 39.5.17 of PLANTA project can be found in the new PLANTA Online Help.

DT470 Cost Type

From DB 39.5.12

DI001366 Cost type ID

Code (ID) of the cost type


  • You can create and edit cost types in the Cost Types module.

Up to DB 39.5.12

DI001366 Cost type

Code (ID) of the cost type


  • You can create and edit cost types in the Cost Types module.

From DB 39.5.12

DI001388 Cost type

Name of the cost type

The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following module:

Up to DB 39.5.12

DI001388 Cost type name

Name of the cost type

The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following module:

DI001389 Cost type name 2

Two (alternative) names of the cost type


  • The corresponding field is hidden by default but can be displayed by the user if necessary.

From DB 39.5.12

DI001367 Parent cost type: ID:

Code (ID) of the parent cost type

Up to DB 39.5.12

DI001367 Parent cost type

Code (ID) of the parent cost type

From DB 39.5.12

DI058993 Parent cost type

Name of the parent cost type.. In input mode, a listbox for selection of a parent cost type will be displayed on the respective field.

Up to DB 39.5.12

DI058993 Parent cost type name

Name of the parent cost type.. In input mode, a listbox for selection of a parent cost type will be displayed on the respective field.

DI001379 Cost type class

Arbitrary order criterion. Serves for selection and order purposes.

DI001380 Unit

Arbitrary order criterion. Serves for selection and order purposes.


  • The corresponding data field is hidden by default but can be displayed and edited by the user if necessary.

From DB 39.5.12

DI000442 Conversion factor ID

Code (ID) of the conversion factor of the resource. For description, see Conversion factor.

Up to DB 39.5.12

DI000442 Conversion factor

Code (ID) of the conversion factor of the resource. For description, see Conversion factor name.

From DB 39.5.12

DI058991 Conversion factor

Name of the conversion factor of the cost type. In input mode, a listbox for selection of a conversion factor will be displayed on the respective field.

The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following module:


Up to DB 39.5.12

DI058991 Conversion factor name

Name of the conversion factor of the cost type. In input mode, a listbox for selection of a conversion factor will be displayed on the respective field.

The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following module:


From DB 39.5.12

DI060526 Cost cost type group

Name of the cost cost type group. In input mode, a listbox for selection of a cost cost type group will be displayed on the respective field.

The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following module:

From DB 39.5.7

DI060526 Cost cost type group name

Name of the cost cost type group. In input mode, a listbox for selection of a cost cost type group will be displayed on the respective field.

The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following module:

New from DB 39.5.0

DI060526 Cost cost type group name incarnation

Name of the cost cost type group. In input mode, a listbox for selection of a cost cost type group will be displayed on the respective field.

New from DB 39.5.12

DI060518 Cost cost type group ID

Functional ID of the Cost cost type group

New from DB 39.5.0

DI060518 Cost cost type group

Functional ID of the Cost cost type group

From DB 39.5.12

DI060528 Effort cost type group

Name of the effort cost type group. In input mode, a listbox for selection of an effort cost type group will be displayed on the respective field.

The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following module:

From DB 39.5.7

DI060528 Effort cost type group name

In input mode, a listbox for selection of an effort cost type group will be displayed on the respective field.

The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following module:

New from DB 39.5.0

DI060528 Effort cost type group name incarnation

Name of the effort cost type group. In input mode, a listbox for selection of an effort cost type group will be displayed on the respective field.

The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following module:

From DB 39.5.12

DI060522 Effort cost type group ID

Functional ID of the Effort cost type group

New from DB 39.5.0

DI060522 Effort cost type group

Functional ID of the Effort cost type group

New from DB 39.5.7

DI063591 Cost type category

This parameter determines the cost type category, hence, the cost type group assignment is dependent on it. The parameter is edited in the Cost Types module and is a mandatory field. Upon saving, it is checked whether the cost type group assignment equates to the selected cost type category. If this is not the case, a respective message is displayed.


  • Costs - only costs are summarized.
  • Effort - only effort is summarized.
  • Effort+Costs - effort and costs are summarized.
  • Without Assignment - separated display (no summarization in cost type groups).

From DB 39.5.0

Due to the changes made to cost type groups, from DB 39.5.0, the following parameters are no longer used. For a description of the functionality up to DB 39.5.0, see the Up to DB 39.5.0 tab.

DI028462 Column

DI029471 Cost type group name

DI029472 Cost type group name

DI029478 Cost type group active?

DI029479 Fetch column

Up to DB 39.5.0

DI028462 Column

The parameter is filled with the value from the field of the same name (Column) from DT495 Cost type group (via the Fetch column field) as soon as cost type and cost type group have been assigned. This value is required by the capacity scheduling with cost planning for allocating the costs to the correct cost type group in the user modules.

DI029471 Cost type group name

Name of the cost type group In input mode, a listbox for selection of a cost type group will be displayed on the respective field.


DI029472 Cost type group name

Name of the Cost type group parameter. For description, see Cost type group name.


  • The corresponding field is hidden by default but can be displayed by the user if necessary.

DI029478 Cost Type Group

ID of the Cost type group parameter. For description, see Cost type group name.


  • The corresponding field is hidden by default but can be displayed by the user if necessary.

DI029479 Fetch column

With this field, the value is fetched from the Column field in DT495 Cost type groups and copied to the Column field in DT470 Cost type. The value from the Column field in DT470 is required by the capacity scheduling in order to allocate the costs in user modules to the required cost type groups.


  • The corresponding field is hidden by default but can be displayed by the user if necessary.

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