The documentation from version 39.5.17 of PLANTA project can be found in the new PLANTA Online Help.

Replanning (Calculation of All Planning Objects) MOD002858 New from DB 39.5.7

Description for versions < DB 39.5.7

From DB 39.5.13

Access path

From DB 39.5.9

Access path

Up to DB 39.5.9

Access path


  • In this module, you can carry out a complete scheduling of all active planning objects and reorganize the capacity load.
  • In this module, all active planning objects Status = 1 (Active) are selected.
    • For projects with Level = 0 (i.e., plain projects and for project structures main projects) are displayed.
  • The planning objects displayed in this module are calculated in the following sequence:


  • During replanning, all planning objects are first unloaded. This ensures that in a planning object the number of resources that are displayed does not exceed the number of resources that are loaded.
  • Replanning is done in the following steps after you click on the Replanning button:
    • Date scheduling of all projects, proposals, ideas, and programs.
    • Budget and cost scheduling of the project yearly costs of all projects, proposals, ideas, and subprojects
    • Budget and cost scheduling of the subproject costs of all projects
    • Budget and cost scheduling of the project costs of all projects, proposals, ideas, and subprojects
    • Budget and cost scheduling of the program costs of all programs
  • Replanning is done by the following steps after you click on the Replanning (incl. portfolios) button:
    • Date scheduling of all projects, proposals, ideas, and programs.
    • Budget and cost scheduling of the project yearly costs of all projects, proposals, ideas, and subprojects
    • Budget and cost scheduling of the subproject costs of all projects
    • Budget and cost scheduling of the project costs of all projects, proposals, ideas, and subprojects
    • Budget and cost scheduling of the program costs of all programs
    • Budget and cost scheduling of the portfolio yearly costs of all portfolios
  • When replanning is carried out, the saved capacity loading details in the Periods data table (DT468) are completely reorganised. For this reason, replanning should also be carried out after changes are made to the company, project, or resource calendars, or to the model parameters.


  • Since these calculations make use of extensive algorithms, replanning should not be carried out at times in which the server computer system is heavily loaded.
  • During replanning, both the functional ID and the technical ID of the project which is being calculated are displayed in the status line. After replanning is completed the status line reads Replanning completed.
  • The replanning is only carried out for the planning objects that are displayed in this module. This means that if, e.g., a replanning object was created after the Replanning (Calculation of All Projects) module had already been opened, and the replanning was initiated without prior module update, the newly created planning object was not considered in the replanning.
  • If a planning object was deleted in a session while the Replanning (Calculation of All Planning Objects) had already been opened, and the replanning was initiated after deletion of the planning objects, the deleted planning object was further displayed in the planning object list, but is no longer considered in the calculation since it no longer exists.
  • If one session is carrying out a replanning, it is not possible to delete one of the planning objects in another session. Upon attempt, the following message is output: Function is locked. Replanning active! If one session is carrying out a replanning, it is not possible to start a single project calculation, unloading, or replanning in another session.. This is indicated by a message. If a network cycle is found in one of the planning objects in the calculation, scheduling is canceled here and a message is displayed. After you have confirmed the message, scheduling is continued for the remaining planning objects, however, the planning object with network cycle is not calculated. The network cycle must be fixed in this planning object before it can be scheduled anew. For this purpose, see Cycle Search.

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