Time Recording MOD009ABVFrom DB 39.5.14
(Time Recording in the Load Record with Comment / with Planned Hours Worked)
Go to other time recording variants
- In the Time Recording module
- the logged-on user can
- record his/her hours worked
- record and send forecasts of remaining effort
- delete recorded hours worked (make reverse postings)
- Below the scale, the calendar preset in @G150 takes effect. It can but does not necessarily have to match with the project, proposal, or resource calendar.
- If the calendar specified in the @G150 variable is too short, the Time Recording module is displayed completely empty. The corresponding calendar can be adjusted in the Calendar module.
Details sum area
- In the top area of the module, two sum areas are displayed:
- Hours to be worked
- For each day of the defined period, the number of planned working hours is displayed below the scale. Next to the heading, the summed up planned weekly value is displayed in addition.
- Hours worked
- For each day of the defined period, the summed up number of recorded working hours is displayed below the scale. Next to the heading, the summed up actual weekly value is displayed.
- An additional traffic light function is inserted here which signalizes on the basis of the created working hours whether the planned working hours are overrun (red), undercut (yellow), or whether planned and actual values are equal (no highlighting).
- If the planned working hours function is activated but the planned working hours values have not yet been defined for a resource, the traffic light for this resource is always red.
Details project area
- The projects listed in the module are displayed in the following groups:
- Time recording only up to the end of the current week:
- Here, projects are displayed for which the Posting type parameter is set to "Actual postings until the end of the current week" in the Project Core Data module.
- In this area you can record actual hours until the last day of the current week.
- Time recording also in the future:
- Here, projects are displayed for which the Posting type parameter is set to "Actual postings also in the future" in the Project Core Data module.
- In this group, hours worked can be recorded in the future.
- My time recording favorites:
- Here, tasks are displayed with the respective projects which have previously been marked as favorites in one of the two groups mentioned above (favorite star activated).
- If tasks are listed in the My time recording favorites group, they are no longer displayed in the two groups mentioned above.
- In summary this means that the allocation to the two groups mentioned above is done in line with a fixed project criterion which is defined for each project while the third group is optional and is only displayed if the tasks have the "Favorite" property which only takes effect in this module.
- Not Postable Objects (Selected Week)
- In this group, tasks which have already been finished or locked or the projects of which have been set to "inactive" but have actual data in the selected week are displayed (with the respective projects). The display is important for the traceability of the data. For more information, see the entry under Attention.
- In the module, only projects or tasks are displayed,
- which are not locked (e.g. via the Locked parameter in the Project Core Data or the Task locked parameter in the Schedule).
- which are not finished (actual end for project and task are not filled)
- which are not completed (the Completed checkbox in the Time Recording module is not deactivated)
- for which the respective project is active
- Exceptions: locked, finished, completed tasks are displayed in the module if they already have postings in the selected week. For this purpose, see the Not postbale objects (selected week) group.
- If you force the display of locked projects or tasks and try to record hours worked, the Project/Task locked or Invalid work recording period message is displayed.
View details
- In the Time Recording module you can switch between a weekly view and a daily view.
- Todo so, click on the
button on the upper left hand side if you are in weekly view or on the
button if you are in daily view.
- Weekly view is displayed by default.
- In daily view, today is displayed by default. If you go to another calendar week, Monday of the respective week will be displayed.
Record Working Hours on Projects/Tasks in which One is Planned
- If no hours worked have been recorded yet, only projects in which the employee is planned directly are displayed initially in the Time Recording module.
- However, it is possible to add projects in which one is not directly planned to the Time Recording module via the
Add other projects/tasks button. Once such projects have been added and hours have been recorded on them, these projects are displayed along with the other projects every time the Time Recording module is opened.
- Extend the required project and task in the left window.
- Click on the plus symbol in the line of the required task.
- A new load record is inserted which is preset to today’s date by default.
- Enter the number of working hours in the Actual field.
- immediately after entering the actual hours, the Remaining value is automatically refreshed so that it is visible how many of the planned hours still remain.
- Enter a comment if required.
- Save.
- Enter hours and comments for all required days in the same way.
- It is also possible to enter several records for the same day, e.g. if you want to post to different cost codes.
Browse the calendar
- In the right window you can scroll to another week
- via the arrow buttons or
- by selecting the respective calendar week in the date listbox.
- This enables you to post actual hours to tasks which are not planned for the current week but have been planned for previous weeks.
- You can only scroll back beyond the invoicing date. However, it is not possible to record hours which lie before the invoicing date. If a user tries to report hours worked anyway, the Recording not possible: date is earlier than key date. notice is displayed.
- The Browse calendar function uses the calendar predefined in the @G150 variable. It can but does not necessarily have to match with the project, proposal, or resource calendar.
Record Hours Worked to Further Projects/Tasks
- Click on the
Add other projects/tasks for time recording button.
- The Projects and Tasks for Time Recording dialog module is opened.
- Select the required project from the required listboxes and select the required task and click on the Adopt button.
- The selected project and the selected task are inserted in the respective group of the Time Recording module. The recording of hours worked can be done as described above.
Record Future Hours Worked (Vacation, Sickness, etc.)
- The existence of projects for which the Posting type parameter = 1 Actual postings also in the future (overhead costs, ...) is set (in practice, these are mostly overhead cost projects) and the existence of the respective tasks (e.g. vacation) are a requirement for the recording of future hours.
- Move to the week for which you want to record overhead costs by clicking on the arrow buttons.
- In the Time recording also in the future group, overhead cost projects are displayed with the corresponding tasks in which the resource of the logged-on user is planned.
- The procedure for creating hours is equal to the procedure in the "Record Hours Worked to Projects/Tasks in which One is Planned" .
- If the resource of the employee is not directly planned in an overhead project but has permission to record time in this overhead project, the project is not immediately listed in the Time recording also in the future group, but it must first be inserted in the time recording module via the Add Projects and Tasks for Time Recording module. For this purpose see the "Record Hours Worked to Further Projects/Tasks" section.
Send Remaining Effort Forecast
- In case an employee notices upon completion of a task planned for him/her that the effort is higher than planned, he/she has the option to report them to the project manager responsible in the form of a remaining effort forecast.
- Click on the Send forecast button in the header area of the Time Recording module.
- The Send Forecast module is opened.
- Enter the estimated remaining effort in the Forecast field and save.
- Click on the Send forecast button in the project line (button with envelope symbol).
- The Send Info module is opened including an automatically created message.
- The message contains the following data: sender, actual values of the current week, remaining and forecast values as well as the expected completion date, in case it is filled.
- The project manager of the project is automatically entered as the recipient.
- Click on the Send button. The message is automatically sent to the recipient via e-mail.
Delete/Change Recorded Working Hours (Reverse Postings)
- Extend the required project and task in the left window.
- Either correct the required hour values directly in the load record or delete them completely.
- Save.
Mark Assigned Work as "Completed"
- You can mark tasks in which you are planned as "completed”.
- To do so, deactivate the checkbox in the Completed field in the line of the required task.
- If the checkbox is activated, an actual end date is set for the respective task-resource assignment and the task is moved to the Completed/locked tasks category in the Time Recording module.