from ppms import ppms from ppms.module_subclasses.base_class import Base from ppms.constants import MENU_FILTER, MENU_RESET, MENU_SAVE class ModuleThatOverwritesSave(Base): def menu_override(self, menu_id): if menu_id == MENU_SAVE: ppms.ui_message_box('No saving allowed!') return self.MENU_OVERRIDE_SUCCESS # Don't allow resetting as that brings up a save prompt elif menu_id == MENU_RESET: return self.MENU_OVERRIDE_SUCCESS return super(ModuleThatOverwritesSave, self).menu_override(menu_id)
GROUPINGS = {1:'customer', 2:'pr_manager_name', 3:'ht_pr_code_name', 4:'pr_group_1', 5:'pr_group_2', 6:'pr_group_3', 7:'ou_cctr_name', 8:'calculated_end_date', 9:'phase_name', 10:'ht_pr_plan_idea', 12:'product'}
<Python ID>
and <data item ID>
serve as placeholders for the Python ID as well as for the ID of the hyperlink data item.
Notesdef computeOutput(di): hl_di = di.get_dtp_record().get_di('<Python-ID>') hl = hl_di.get_hyperlink() if (hl != None): ppms.ui_message_box(hl.get_uid()) return hl.get_uid() else: return "" computeOutput.deps = ('DI<Dataitem-ID>',)
See also: OLE data item, Hyperlink Customizing |
mod_obj = ppms.get_target_module() uid = mod_obj.get_uid() ppms.client_exec(""" env = get_Env() mod = env.ActivePanel.ModuleManager.__getitem__('%s') doc = mod.CreateExcelExportDocument() env.GenerateExcelFile(doc) """ % uid)
See also: IronPython Api |
from the Customizing Helper module only implements a mapping between actual values in data tables and the IDs of fixed listbox values in the corresponding table. However, it cannot read any arbitrary value from a listbox record. def computeOutput(di): record = di.get_dtp_record() key0 = record.get_di_by_id(<key0_numeric_di_no>).get_value() # etc. for further DIs multicol_key_template = '{0}|{1}|{2}' multicol_key_value = multicol_key_template.format(key0, key1, key2) return multicol_key_value computeOutput.deps = ('DI<key0_textual_di_no>', 'DI<key1_textual_di_no>', ) # etc. for further DIs
def processInput(di, oldvalue): record = di.get_dtp_record() key0_di = record.get_di_by_id(<key0_numeric_di_no>) # etc. for further DIs new_value = di.get_value() key_values = new_value.split('|', 3) key0_di.set_value(key_values[0]) return new_value processInput.deps = ('DI<key0_textual_di_no>', 'DI<key1_textual_di_no>', ) # etc. for further DIs
is, for example, string 000123; a numeric_di_no
, however, is the number 123
subject_text = "" body_text = ""
= subject of the e-mail
= content of the e-mail
and body_text
variables in the Data Field Configuration data field via Python.
subject_text =
from ppms import ppms_cu di_prefix = "DI: " di_prefix_lenghth = len(di_prefix) def get_df_cust_name(di): df_name = di.get_dtp_record().df_customizing_name.get_value() if df_name: return df_name # return name on DF level if set return None def get_di_cust_name(di): di_nr = di.get_dtp_record().di.get_value() di_cust_name = str() if not di_nr: return None di_record = ppms.search_record(412,[di_nr],[41035], True) if di_record: di_cust_name = di_record.di_customizing_name.get_value() else: return None if di_cust_name: return di_cust_name def computeOutput(di): name = str() if get_df_cust_name(di): return get_df_cust_name(di) elif get_di_cust_name(di): return di_prefix + get_di_cust_name(di) return "" computeOutput.deps = ("DI041036","DI000213","DI000984") def checkInput(di, old_value): return ppms_cu.Helper.validate_python_id(di,di.get_value()) checkInput.deps=("DI001862",) def processInput(di, old_value): new_value = di.get_value() rec = di.get_dtp_record() #in case of copy if new_value[:4]==di_prefix: rec.df_customizing_name.set_string_value("") return di_prefix + get_di_cust_name(di) #in case of empty python ID if not new_value.strip(): rec.df_customizing_name.set_string_value("") if not get_di_cust_name(di): return "" return di_prefix + get_di_cust_name(di) #in case of new value = old value if new_value.strip() == old_value: return ppms_cu.Helper.get_python_id_by_license(new_value) rec.df_customizing_name.set_string_value(ppms_cu.Helper.get_python_id_by_license(new_value)) return ppms_cu.Helper.get_python_id_by_license(new_value) processInput.deps = ("DI041036",)
# get module object mod_obj=ppms.get_target_module() #mark all records of all datareas in the module with ppms.echo_disabled(): [[mts_rec.mark() for mts_rec in mts_rec_list]for mts_rec_list in [da_obj.get_records() for da_obj in mod_obj.get_das()]]
# get module object mod_obj=ppms.get_target_module() #unmark all marked records of all data areas in the module with ppms.echo_disabled(): [[mts_rec.unmark() for mts_rec in mts_rec_list]for mts_rec_list in [da_obj.get_marked_records() for da_obj in mod_obj.get_das()]]
# get module object mod_obj=ppms.get_target_module() #mark all records of all datareas in the module ppms.echo_off() [[mts_rec.mark() for mts_rec in mts_rec_list]for mts_rec_list in [da_obj.get_records() for da_obj in mod_obj.get_das()]] ppms.echo_on()
# get module object mod_obj=ppms.get_target_module() #unmark all marked records of all data areas in the module ppms.echo_off() [[mts_rec.unmark() for mts_rec in mts_rec_list]for mts_rec_list in [da_obj.get_marked_records() for da_obj in mod_obj.get_das()]] ppms.echo_on()
See also: Splash Screen, use product or company logos |
function in the macro of the copied employee board as follows:
def call_resource(resource_id=ppms.get_target_module().get_current_L_var()[5]): rec467=ppms.search_record(467, [resource_id[0]], [1218,3414], True) if (hl != None): message=ppms_cu.Helper.get_const_title("001247") ppms.ui_message_box(message.replace("@user_id",resource_id[0]), blocking=1) elif rec467.get_di("resource_type").get_value() == "2": ppms.ui_message_id("0860") else: mod_obj.set_current_L_var(5, [resource_id[0]])
from ppms import ppms_cu mod_obj = ppms.get_target_module() rm_modul=ppms_cu.Helper.get_global_setting("L100_employee_board_for_reporting").alpha120.get_value() inv_rec=ppms.get_context_df().get_record() res_id = inv_rec.res_id.get_raw_value() mod_obj.set_new_L_var(5, [res_id]) mod_obj.open_module(rm_modul)
def processInput (di, oldvalue): rec = di.get_dtp_record() rec.get_di ("L100_prognose_vom").set_value(ppms.uvar_get ("@15")) rec.get_di ("L100_prognose_von").set_value(ppms.uvar_get ("@1")) return di.get_value() processInput.deps = ("DI100102","DI100103")
mod_obj = ppms.get_target_module() for rec in mod_obj.get_da ("Python_ID_DA_name").get_records(): rec.DF_Python_ID_planned_load_fixed.set_raw_value (rec.DF_Python_ID_planned_load.get_raw_value())
PATH = r'C:\Program Files (x86)\Applikation\anwendung.exe' # The string, which displays the path to the application is preceeded by "r", # because otherwise the backslash \ is interpreted as an escape sign. # see ARGS = 'argument1=PLANTA argument2=Nocheins' # declare the arguments, which are to be transferred to the application # as a continuous string. def execute_client_script(path, args): ppms.client_exec("""import clr clr.AddReference('System') from System.Diagnostics import Process Process.Start(r'{path}', r'{args}')""".format(path=path, args=args)) execute_client_script(PATH, ARGS)
= save path of the created PDF file
= name of the created PDF file
= module, which is used for output (=report module). For status reports, e.g., the MOD009A52 Status Report default module
= required variant of the report module
= name of the source data area in selection mode
from ppms import ppms_cu # module settings: Export path. Export file name, output module and variant to be used, Python ID of the source data area exp_path = 'Exportpfad'.replace(chr(92),chr(92)+chr(92)) file_name = "name of the created PDF file" REPORT_MOD_ID = "Modul-ID" REPORT_VARIANT_ID = "Varianten-ID" DA_PYTHON_ID = 'Python-ID' #Reading out the print settings from the report module module_customizing_record = ppms.search_record(405, [REPORT_MOD_ID], [25609,25610,1789,2947], True) page_size = module_customizing_record.paper_format.get_value() landscape = not bool(module_customizing_record.portrait_format.get_value()) zoom = float(module_customizing_record.zoom_print_preview.get_value()) fit_to_page = bool(module_customizing_record.default_zoom_col.get_value()) #Modulobjekte macro_module = ppms.get_macro_module() select_module = macro_module.get_invoker_module() # composition of the Client command CLIENT_CODE = """ e = get_Env() pdf_list = e.PdfExportDocumentsList list = e.PdfExportDocumentsList page_size = '{page_size}' landscape = {landscape} zoom = {zoom} fit_to_page = {fit_to_page} for uid in {export_list}: module = e.ActivePanel.ModuleManager[uid] doc = module.CreatePdfExportDocument(pageSize=page_size, landscape=landscape, zoom=zoom, fitToPage=fit_to_page) pdf_list.Add(doc) e.ActivePanel.ModuleManager e.GeneratePdfFile(pdf_list, '{exp_path}', '{file_name}') """ def get_selected_reports(): export_list =[] modules_to_close = [] for pr_rec in select_module.get_da(DA_PYTHON_ID).get_records(): pr_id = pr_rec.pr_id.get_raw_value() main_pr_id = pr_rec.main_pr_id.get_raw_value() report_id = pr_rec.report_id.get_raw_value() #Set all filter criteria used in the report module select_module.set_new_L_var(30, [pr_id]) select_module.set_new_L_var(78, [report_id]) select_module.set_new_L_var(74, [main_pr_id]) #select_module.set_new_L_var(26, [report_id]) - is set in the macro of the status report #select_module.set_new_L_var(25, [report_id]) - is empty in the standard #Open the module variant (docked outside the screen display) reporting_module=select_module.open_module(REPORT_MOD_ID, dock_to_module=select_module.get_uid(), forced_status=2, dock_style=3, dock_proportion=0.001, foreground=0, focus=0) reporting_module.apply_mv_by_id(REPORT_VARIANT_ID) modules_to_close.append(reporting_module) #Internal number of the opened module uid = str(reporting_module.get_uid()) #Add open modules to the PDF-interface list. export_list.append((uid)) client_call = CLIENT_CODE.format(export_list=export_list, exp_path=exp_path, file_name=file_name, page_size=page_size, landscape=landscape, zoom=zoom, fit_to_page=fit_to_page) ppms.client_exec(client_call) for module in modules_to_close: #Loop for module variant display get_selected_reports()
, the parameter names must be specified as well. doc = module.CreatePdfExportDocument(pageSize='A4',landscape=TRUE, zoom=100.0, fitToPage=TRUE)
instead of doc = module.CreatePdfExportDocument('A4', TRUE, 100.0,TRUE)
def executeProcessAction(mts_rec=None,object_id=None): from ppms.processrules import copy_phase_into_model phase = mts_rec.phase.get_raw_value() copy_phase_into_model(object_id, mts_rec, <Process model ID>, <Phase ID>, phase) return True ppms.get_session_dict()["planta_functions"]=[executeProcessAction]
def executeProcessAction(mts_rec=None,object_id=None): from ppms.processrules import replace_phase_in_model replace_phase_in_model(project_id=object_id, prozess_templ_id=<Process model ID>, phase=<Phasen-ID>, forced_phase=<Zielphasen-ID>) return True ppms.get_session_dict()["planta_functions"]=[executeProcessAction]
Python module subclass in the Python module subclass parameter in the Modules module.
I | Attachment | History | Size | Date | Comment |
png | AngemeldeteBenutzer.PNG | r2 r1 | 4.9 K | 2015-03-26 - 16:54 | |
png | ColorPreviewItem.PNG | r2 r1 | 15.5 K | 2019-09-24 - 09:13 | |
png | ModulBudgetinEarth.png | r1 | 15.8 K | 2014-10-15 - 12:08 | |
png | ModulBudgetinVenus.png | r1 | 23.9 K | 2014-10-15 - 12:21 | |
png | ModulCustomizingBudgetKostenartengruppen.png | r1 | 16.2 K | 2014-10-15 - 12:12 | |
png | ModulCustomizingBudgetinVenus.png | r1 | 25.3 K | 2014-10-15 - 12:21 | |
png | ProzentFormat.PNG | r1 | 6.6 K | 2013-06-25 - 12:47 | |
png | UnterDataItemFarbe.png | r2 r1 | 9.5 K | 2019-09-24 - 09:14 | |
png | VorschauFehlt.png | r1 | 15.4 K | 2019-09-24 - 09:06 | |
png | addColorPreviewItemToDA.PNG | r2 r1 | 7.5 K | 2019-09-24 - 09:13 |