The documentation from version 39.5.17 of PLANTA project can be found in the new PLANTA Online Help.

DT861 Budget/Costs/Benefit per Year

New from DB 39.5.0

DI061339 Active

Via the Active checkbox you can define whether the cost, effort, and budget values of the respective planning object are summarized to the portfolio or not. That way it can be checked how the total budget changes with or without the selected object.


  • Checked - the data of the object is summarized to the portfolio
  • Unchecked - the data of the object is not summarized to the portfolio

DI023278 Approved budget

From DB 39.5.14

Via this parameter you can define whether the budget in the Approved column of this yearly tranche is approved, and if so, the approved values of the yearly tranche are summarized upwards to the entire project level.


  • Checked - the budget is approved and summarized upwards via the structure
  • Unchecked - the budget is neither approved nor summarized

Up to DB 39.5.14

In the project environment: Via this parameter you can define whether the budget in the Approved column of this yearly tranche is approved, and if so, the approved values of the yearly tranche are summarized upwards to the entire project level.

In the portfolio environment: Via this parameter you can define whether the budget in the Approved column of this yearly tranche is approved, and if so, the approved values of the project are summarized upwards to the portfolio.


  • Checked - the budget is approved and summarized upwards via the structure
  • Unchecked - the budget is neither approved nor summarized

New from DB 39.5.14

DI065513 Approved budget in portfolio

Via this parameter you can define whether the budget in the Approved column of this yearly tranche is approved, and if so, the approved values of the project are summarized upwards to the portfolio.


  • Checked - the budget is approved and summarized upwards via the structure
  • Unchecked - the budget is neither approved nor summarized

DI041675 Total costs

From DB 39.5.0

Total costs of the project and all of its subprojects in the selected year


Up to DB 39.5.0

Total costs of the project and all of its subprojects from all cost type groups per year

From DB 39.5.0

DI028831 Planned benefit (without subprojects)

The planned benefit of the project without considering its subprojects in the selected year or as a sum of all years


Up to DB 39.5.0

DI028831 Planned benefit

The planned benefit of the project without considering its subprojects


From DB 39.5.0

DI023173 Benefit achieved (without subprojects)

Achieved benefit of the project without considering its subprojects in the selected year or as a sum of all years


Up to DB 39.5.0

DI023173 Achieved benefit

Achieved benefit of the project without considering its subprojects.


DI061227 Resulting benefit (without subprojects)

Resulting benefit of the project without considering its subprojects in the selected year or as a sum of all years


DI060780 Achieved benefit

Sum of the Achieved benefit (without subprojects) values of the project and all of its subprojects in the selected year or as a sum of all years


DI060779 Planned benefit

Sum of the Achieved benefit (without subprojects) values of the selected project and all of its subprojects in the selected year or as a sum of all years


DI060778 Resulting benefit

The resulting benefit of the selected project and all of its subprojects in the selected year or as a sum of years

Details The Resulting benefit value is either the Achieved benefit (without subprojects) value, if it exists, or otherwise the Planned benefit value.

DI060777 Deviation revenues - costs

Deviation of the Total revenues from Total costs in the selected year or as a sum of all years

DI061361 Total costs (without subprojects)

Total costs of the selected project without considering its subprojects. The value is fetched from the Total costs DI from DT282.

DI061229 revenues - costs deviation (without subprojects)

Deviation: Total revenues (without subprojects) from Total costs (without subprojects)

DI061225 Total revenues (without subprojects)

Total revenues of the project without considering its subprojects in the selected year or as a sum of all years


DI061222 Planned revenues (without subprojects)

Initially planned revenues of the selected project without considering its subprojects in the selected year or as a sum of all years


  • Planned revenues of a project are only displayed if revenue resources are planned on the tasks in this project (Schedule module).

DI061223 Remaining revenues (without subprojects)

Remaining revenues of the selected project without considering its subprojects in the selected year or as a sum of all years


  • Remaining revenues of a project are only displayed if revenue resources are planned on the tasks in this project (Schedule module).

DI061224 Actual revenues (without subprojects)

Actual revenues of the selected project without considering its subprojects in the selected year or as a sum of all years


  • Actual revenues of a project are only displayed if revenue resources are planned on the tasks in this project (Schedule module) and actual values are created for them (Revenue Posting module).

DI041660 Planned revenues

Remaining revenues of the selected project and all of it subprojects Planned revenues (without subprojects) values of the project and all of its subprojects in the selected year or as a sum of all years


  • Remaining revenues of a project are only displayed if revenue resources are planned on the tasks in this project (Schedule module).

DI041661 Actual revenues

Actual revenues of the selected project and all of it subprojects Planned revenues (without subprojects) values of the project and all of its subprojects in the selected year or as a sum of all years


  • Actual revenues of a project are only displayed if revenue resources are planned on the tasks in this project (Schedule module) and actual values are created for them (Revenue Posting module).

DI041662 Remaining revenues

Remaining revenues of the selected project and all of its subprojects Planned revenues (without subprojects) values of the project and all of its subprojects in the selected year or as a sum of all years


  • Remaining revenues of a project are only displayed if revenue resources are planned on the tasks in this project (Schedule module).

DI041663 Total revenues

Total revenues of the selected project in the selected year or as a sum of all years



DI061228 Benefit - costs deviation (without subprojects)

Deviation: Resulting revenues (without subprojects) from Total costs (without subprojects)

DI061226 Benefit - costs deviation

Deviation: Resulting benefit (without subprojects) from Total costs (without subprojects)

DI023062 Year

In this field, the year of the yearly tranche is displayed.

DI023076 Project ID

Technical ID of the project. Is generated automatically when the project is created. Unlike the functional ID in the Project DI, it cannot be changed. It is usually invisible in the modules.

DI023119 Project ID

Technical ID of the project. Is generated automatically when the project is created. Unlike the functional ID in the Project DI, it cannot be changed. It is usually invisible in the modules.

DI040331 Project name

Here, the name of the project that is included in the selected portfolio and has budget and cost values in the selected period, is displayed.

DI059269 HT: Approved

Help text: Approved

DI059270 HT: Requested

Help text: Requested

DI059125 HT: Baseline

Help text: Baseline

DI059126 HT: total

Help text: total

DIs no longer used from DB 39.5.0

The DIs listed below are no longer used from DB version 39.5.0.

DI023305 Requested/approved: total

Requested or approved budget total

DI028583 Status report: Planned revenues

Planned revenues from the last released status report

DI028584 Status report: Actual revenues

Actual revenues from the last released status report

DI028585 Status report: Remaining revenues

Remaining revenues from the last released status report

DI028586 Status report: Total revenues

Total revenues from the last released status report

DI023160 Cost budget requested

Total budget requested


DI023161 Cost budget approved

Budget total requested


DI023165 Effort budget requested internal

Requested resource effort for the Internal Resource type

DI023166 Effort budget requested external

Requested resource effort for the External Resource type

DI023167 Status report: actual effort: internal

Actual effort of the Internal resource type from the last released status report.

DI023168 Status report: actual effort: external

Actual effort of the External resource type from the last released status report.

DI023169 Status report: actual costs

Sum of all actual costs from the last released status report.


DI023170 Status report: remaining costs

Sum of all remaining costs from the last released status report.


DI023171 Status report: actual effort

Sum of the actual effort of the Internal and External resource types from the last released status report.


DI023172 Status report: remaining effort

Sum of the remaining effort of the Internal and External resource types from the last released status report.


DI023174 Status report: remaining effort: internal

Remaining effort of the Internal resource type from the last released status report.

DI023175 Status report: remaining effort: external

Remaining effort of the External resource type from the last released status report.

DI023176 Effort budget requested

Requested resource effort total

DI023177 Effort budget approved

Resource effort approved

DI023178 Effort budget approved: internal

Approved resource effort for the Internal resource type

DI023179 Effort budget approved: external

Approved resource effort for the External resource type

DI028558 Requested cost budget: internal personnel

Requested budget for the Internal personnel cost type group.

DI028559 Status report: planned costs: internal personnel

Planned costs of the Internal personnel cost type group from the last released status report.

DI028560 Status report: actual costs: internal personnel

Planned costs of the Internal personnel cost type group from the last released status report.

DI028561 Status report: remaining costs: internal personnel

Remaining costs of the Internal personnel cost type group from the last released status report.

DI028562 Status report: total costs: internal personnel

Total costs of the Internal personnel cost type group from the last released status report.

DI028563 Requested cost budget: external personnel

Requested budget for the External personnel cost type group.

DI028564 Status report: planned costs: external personnel

Planned costs of the External personnel cost type group from the last released status report.

DI028565 Status report: actual costs: external personnel

Planned costs of the Internal personnel cost type group from the last released status report.

DI028566 Status report: remaining costs: external personnel

Remaining costs of the External personnel cost type group from the last released status report.

DI028567 Status report: total costs: external personnel

Total costs of the External personnel cost type group from the last released status report.

DI028568 Requested cost budget: material costs

Requested budget for the Material costs cost type group.

DI028569 Status report: planned costs: material costs

Planned costs of the Material costs cost type group from the last released status report.

DI028570 Status report: actual costs: material costs

Actual costs of the Material costs cost type group from the last released status report.

DI028571 Status report: remaining costs: material costs

Remaining costs of the Material costs cost type group from the last released status report.

DI028572 Status report: total costs: material costs

Total costs of the Material costs cost type group from the last released status report.

DI028573 Requested cost budget: investments

Requested budget of the Investments cost type group.

DI028574 Status report: planned costs: investments

Planned costs of the Investments cost type group from the last released status report.

DI028575 Status report: actual costs: investments

Actual costs of the Investments cost type group from the last released status report.

DI028576 Status report: remaining costs: investments

Remaining costs of the Investments cost type group for the respective status report.

DI028577 Status report: total costs: investments

Total costs of the Investments cost type group from the last released status report.

DI028578 Requested cost budget: miscellaneous

Requested budget of the Miscellaneous cost type group.

DI028579 Status report: planned costs: miscellaneous

Planned costs of the Miscellaneous cost type group from the last released status report.

DI028580 Status report: actual costs: miscellaneous

Actual costs of the Miscellaneous cost type group from the last released status report.

DI028581 Status report: remaining costs: miscellaneous

Remaining costs of the Miscellaneous cost type group from the last released status report.

DI028582 Status report: total costs: miscellaneous

Total costs of the Miscellaneous cost type group from the last released status report.

DI028587 Status report: Deviation external personnel

Percentage deviation of the cost budget from the total costs of the External personnel cost type group from the last released status report.

DI028588 Status report: Deviation material costs

Percentage deviation of the cost budget from the total costs of the Material costs cost type group from the last released status report.

DI028589 Status report: Deviation investments

Percentage deviation of the cost budget from the total costs of the Investments cost type group from the last released status report.

DI028590 Status report: Deviation miscellaneous

Percentage deviation of the cost budget from the total costs of the Miscellaneous cost type group from the last released status report.

DI028591 Status report: Deviation Internal personnel

Percentage deviation of the cost budget from the total costs of the Internal personnel cost type group from the last released status report.

DI028592 OLE miscellaneous

OLE symbol for the Miscellaneous cost type group.

DI028593 OLE investments

OLE symbol for the Investments cost type group

DI028594 OLE material costs

OLE symbol for the Material costs cost type group

DI028595 OLE external personnel

OLE symbol for the External personnel cost type group

DI028596 OLE Personal intern

OLE symbol for the External personnel cost type group

DI034472 Status report: planned effort: internal

Planned effort of the Internal resource type from the last released status report.

DI034473 Status report: planned effort: external

Planned effort of the External resource type from the last released status report.

DI034474 Status report: total effort: internal

Total effort of the Internal resource type from the last released status report.

DI034475 Status report: total effort: external

Total effort of the External resource type from the last released status report.

DI040198 Cost budget approved: internal personnel

Approved budget of the Internal personnel cost type group for the respective year.

DI040199 Cost budget approved: external personnel

Approved budget of the External personnel cost type group for the respective year.

DI040200 Cost budget approved: material costs

Approved budget of the Material costs cost type group for the respective year.

DI040201 Cost budget approved: investments

Approved budget of the Investments cost type group for the respective year.

DI040202 Cost budget approved: miscellaneous

Approved budget of the Miscellaneous cost type group for the respective year.

DI040213 Status report: planned costs

Sum of all planned costs from the last released status report.


DI040214 Status report: total costs

Sum of all total costs from all cost type groups from the last released status report.


DI040257 VDI budget approved: internal personnel

Approved budget for the Internal personnel cost type group.


DI040258 VDI budget approved: external personnel

Approved budget for the External personnel cost type group.


DI040259 VDI budget approved: material costs

Approved budget for the Material costs cost type group.


DI040260 VDI budget approved: investments

Approved budget for the Investments cost type group.


DI040261 VDI budget approved: total

Approved budget for the Miscellaneous cost type group.


DI040262 VDI budget approved: miscellaneous

Approved budget for the Miscellaneous cost type group.


DI040282 Active

Via the Active checkbox next to the planning object, you can define whether the values of this object are to be summarized upwards. That way it can be checked how the total budget changes with or without the selected object.


  • Checked - the data of the object are summarized in the portfolio
  • Unchecked - the data of the object are not summarized in the portfolio

DI041579 Cost budget baseline: internal personnel

Summarized budget for the Internal personnel cost type group. The value is shown as soon as the first baseline is created.

DI041580 Cost budget baseline: external personnel

Summarized budget for the External personnel cost type group. The value is shown as soon as the first baseline is created.

DI041581 Cost budget baseline: material costs

Summarized budget for the Material costs cost type group. The value is shown as soon as the first baseline is created.

DI041582 Cost budget baseline: investments

Summarized budget for the Investments cost type group. The value is shown as soon as the first baseline is created.

DI041583 Cost budget baseline: miscellaneous

Summarized budget for the Miscellaneous cost type group. The value is shown as soon as the first baseline is created.

DI041584 Cost budget baseline

Summarized budget total. The value is shown as soon as the first baseline is created.


DI041589 Effort budget baseline

Total effort budget. The value is shown as soon as the first baseline is created.

DI041590 Effort budget baseline: internal

Effort budget for the Internal.resource type. The value is shown as soon as the first baseline is created.

DI041591 Effort budget baseline: external

Effort budget for the External.resource type. The value is shown as soon as the first baseline is created.

DI041622 Status report liability: internal personnel

Total costs of the Internal personnel cost type group from the last released status report.


DI041623 Status report liability: external personnel

Liability of the External personnel cost type group from the last released status report.


DI041624 Status report liability: material costs

Liability of the Material costs cost type group from the last released status report.


DI041625 Status report liability: investments

Liability of the Investments cost type group from the last released status report.


DI041626 Status report liability: miscellaneous

Liability of the Miscellaneous cost type group from the last released status report.


DI041627 Planned effort: internal

Planned effort for the Internal resource type

DI041628 Actual effort: internal

Actual effort for the Internal resource type

DI041629 Remaining effort: internal

Remaining effort for the Internal resource type

DI041630 Total effort: internal

Total effort for the Internal resource type

DI041631 Planned effort: external

Planned effort for the External resource type

DI041632 Actual effort: external

Actual effort for the External resource type

DI041633 Remaining effort: external

Remaining effort for the External resource type

DI041634 Total effort: external

Total effort for the External resource type

DI041635 Planned costs: internal personnel

Planned costs of the Internal personnel cost type group


  • Costs result from the multiplication of resource efforts with the conversion factors.

DI041636 Actual costs: internal personnel

Actual costs of the Internal personnel cost type group


DI041637 Rem. costs: internal personnel

Remaining costs of the Internal personal cost type group


DI041638 Liability: internal personnel

Liability for the Internal personnel cost type group Internal personnel.


  • A liability is a contractual or optional obligation leading to actual costs due to business transactions like goods input or invoice receipt.
  • In finance, the term liability is used for the payment obligations of a company.
  • Liability does not only include the liabilities already gathered (e.g. through received but not yet payed bills), but also all future payment obligations (e.g. due to contractual agreements).

DI041639 Total costs: internal personnel

Total costs of the Internal personnel Cost Type Group


DI041640 Planned costs: external personnel

Planned costs of the External personnel cost type group


DI041641 Actual costs: external personnel

Actual costs of the External personnel cost type group


DI041642 Rem. costs: external personnel

Remaining costs of the External personnel cost type group


DI041643 Liability: external personnel

Liability for the External personnel cost type group


DI041644 Total costs: external personnel

Total costs of the External personnel cost type group


DI041645 Planned costs: material costs

Planned costs of the Material costs cost type group


DI041646 Actual costs: material costs

Actual costs of the Material costs cost type group


DI041647 Rem. costs: material costs

Remaining costs of the Material costs cost type group


DI041648 Liability: material costs

* Liability for the Material costs cost type group


DI041649 Total costs: material costs

Total costs of the Material costs cost type group


DI041650 Planned costs: investments

Planned costs of the Investments cost type group


DI041651 Actual costs: investments

Actual costs of the Investments cost type group


DI041652 Rem. costs: investments

Remaining costs of the Investments cost type group


DI041653 Liability: investments

Liability of the Investments cost type group.


DI041654 Total costs: investments

Total costs of the Investments cost type group


DI041655 Planned costs: miscellaneous

Planned costs of the Miscellaneous cost type group


DI041656 Actual costs: miscellaneous

Actual costs of the Miscellaneous cost type group


DI041657 Rem. costs: miscellaneous

Remaining costs of the Miscellaneous cost type group


DI041658 Liability: miscellaneous

Liability for the Miscellaneous cost type group


DI041659 Total costs: miscellaneous

Total costs of the Miscellaneous cost type group

DI041664 Status report: product in process

DI041665 Product in process

DI041666 Status report: planned benefit

Planned benefit from the last released status report


DI041667 Status report: achieved benefit

Achieved benefit from the last released status report


DI041671 Planned costs

Summarized planned costs from all cost type groups.


DI041672 Actual costs

Summarized planned costs from all cost type groups.


DI041673 Rem. costs

Summarized remaining costs from all cost type groups.


DI041674 Liability

Sum of all liabilities from all cost type groups.



DI041676 Planned effort

Total planned effort for the Internal and External resource types.

DI041677 Actual effort

Actual effort for the Internal and External resource types .

DI041678 Remaining effort

Remaining effort for the Internal and External resource types.

DI041679 Total effort

Total effort for the Internal and External resource types.

DI057808 Benefit costs

Deviation benefit from total costs

DI057809 Revnues costs

Deviation benefit from total costs

DI056901 Status report: liability

Sum of all liabilities from all cost type groups for the respective status report.


DI057810 Status report: benefit - costs

Deviation of the total costs from the total revenues from the last released status report.

DI057811 Status report: revenues - costs

Deviation of the total costs from the total revenues from the last released status report.

DI057812 Status report: planned effort

Sum of the remaining effort of the Internal and External resource types from the last released status report.


DI057813 Status report: total effort

Total effort of the Internal and External resource type from the last released status report.


DI059003 VDI effort budget approved: internal

Approved effort for the Internal resource type.


DI059004 VDI effort budget approved: external

Approved effort for the External resource type.


DI059005 VDI effort budget approved: total

Approved total effort of the Internal and External. resource type


DI059114 Portfolio budget approved/requested: internal personnel

Summarized budget of the portfolio planning objects for the Internal personnel cost type group. The values in this field are dependent on the values in the Active and Approved budget fields.

DI059113 Portfolio budget approved/requested: external personnel

Summarized budget of the portfolio planning objects for the External personnel cost type group. The values in this field are dependent on the values in the Active and Approved budget fields.

DI059112 Portfolio budget approved/requested: material costs

Summarized budget of the portfolio planning objects for the Material costs cost type group. The values in this field are dependent on the values in the Active and Approved budget fields.

DI059111 Portfolio budget approved/requested: investments

Summarized budget of the portfolio planning objects for the Investments cost type group. The values in this field are dependent on the values in the Active and Approved budget fields.

DI059109 Portfolio budget approved/requested: miscellaneous

Summarized budget of the portfolio planning objects for the Miscellaneous cost type group. The values in this field are dependent on the values in the Active and Approved budget fields.

DI059110 Portfolio budget approved/requested: total

Total summarized budget of the portfolio planning objects for the Miscellaneous cost type group. The values in this field are dependent on the values in the Active and Approved budget fields.

         PLANTA project

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