The documentation from version 39.5.17 of PLANTA project can be found in the new PLANTA Online Help.

Todo Item MOD009A1F New from DB 39.5.0

Description for versions < DB 39.5.0

Access path

From DB 39.5.9

Up to DB 39.5.9

  • Project panel Todo Items module (Click on the ID of the required todo item or on the Edit todo item context menu) Todo Item
  • Project panel Schedule With todo items module variant click on the ID of a todo item.
  • Employee Own Planning Employee Board My Activities open the required status area Click on the link in the Todo item name field or select the Edit todo item context menu command Todo item
  • Employee Own Planning Employee Board Week Calendar Click on the link of the Todo item ID of the required todo item
  • Information

    • Todo items are small tasks to be completed (ToDos) within the project tasks which can be assigned to individual resources for completion.
    • In the Todo Item module, only one todo item (selected in one of the modules mentioned above) can be edited at the same time.
    • The overview of all todo items of a project can be found in the Todo Items module in the project panel of the required project.
    • The overview of all todo items of a resource can be found in the My Activities module in the employee board of the required resource (of the employee).

    Edit Todo Item


    Insert Note


    • Right-click on the required todo item and select the Insert Note command from the context menu.
    • A note/document record is inserted.
    • Enter the text in the Note field.
    • In the Linked file field, you can create a link to a file.

    Assign Checklists or Checklist Items


    • For todo items, individual steps can be recorded in the form of checklist items. They can either be recorded individually or be copied from the checklist templates as entire checlists.

    * Assign individual checklist items

    • insert an empty checklist item record for the required todo item by right-clicking on the todo item and selecting the Insert Checklist item command.
    • Describe the item.
    • Save.

    * Copy entire checklists from predefined checklist templates.

    • switch to the Todo Item module (by right-clicking or by directly clicking on the ID of the required todo item).
    • In the Todo Item module, right-click on the todo item.
    • Select Copy checklist from the context menu.
    • Select a checklist in the Copy checklist from template area and click on the link on the checklist name.
    • The checklist items of the selected checklist are assigned to the todo item.
    • Save.


    • Checklists can also be copied additively.
    • The checklist templates are created and administrated in the Checklists module.

    See also: Create and Edit Todo Items in the Todo Items module, Create and Edit Todo Items in the Schedule module, Create and Edit Tasks in the Task module

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