The documentation from version 39.5.17 of PLANTA project can be found in the new PLANTA Online Help.

Budget MOD0099D6 Up To DB 39.5.0

Description for versions DB 39.5.0

Access path


  • In this module, effort as well as effort and cost budgets of the project (idea, proposal) are displayed and can be edited.


  • Even though a module variant exists in this module, you cannot switch between the variants. Which of the variants is activated depends on whether the manual cost input parameter is activated in the Model and Model Parameters module or not.
    • When you try to switch to another module variant, the following message is displayed: Switching of module variants is not permitted in this module.

Module Variants

Base The cost values displayed in this variant are manually entered values.
Costs from the load table The cost values displayed in this variant are calculated values from the load table. This variant is loaded first by default.

Cost and Effort Details


  • In the header area, the current baseline and the last released status report are displayed.
  • Cost budget and costs are divided into 5 default cost type groups.
  • Effort budget and effort are divided into 2 resource types here (internal, external).

Cost Budget

  • In the Project row
    • in the Cost budget subarea, the budget for all cost type groups can be entered manually. The total budget is automatically calculated in the Total field.
      • You can copy the approved budget in this row by clicking on the » copy from approved budget arrow button, which is located at the beginning of the Project row.
  • In the Subproject row, budget values from the subprojects are displayed summarized (if they were specified on subproject level).
  • In the Total row, summarized budget values from the parent project and subprojects are displayed.


  • Costs displayed in this subarea are either calculated values (from the load table) or they are manually entered, depending on whether the manual cost input parameter is activated under Model and Model Parameters or not.
    • Deactivated: Cost fields (except of liability) are output fields.
      • Planned values are calculated from resource planning (on the basis of conversion factors).
      • Actual values result from work reporting.
      • Remaining values are either values calculated by actual and planned values or values manually changed in the corresponding modules and, thus, entered in the load table.
      • Total values are calculated by actual and remaining values.
    • Activated: Cost fields are input fields and have to be filled manually.
  • Whether the manual cost input parameter is activated or not, depends on the functional component which is applied.
    • PLANTA project
      • both activated and deactivated possible
    • PLANTA portfolio
      • only activated (only manual cost input) possible

Risks and Opportunities



  • Revenues displayed in this subarea are either calculated values (from the load table) or manually entered values, depending on whether the manual cost input parameter in the Model and Model Parameters is activated or not. The behavior here equates to the behavior of Costs. For further information see Costs.
  • Revenues are loads of resources with Resource Type = 8.
  • Actual loads of such resources are only displayed in the Budget module when Output is set, if they were posted in the Revenues Posting module.



Effort Budget


  • The structure of the Effort budget subarea equals the structure of the Cost budget area. The only differences are that
    • effort is summarized to 2 resource types (internal, external).
    • effort budget can only be defined as total value, but not for each single resource type.


  • Effort for skill resources is not summarized in the yearly tranches of this area.



  • Effort displayed in this subarea are either calculated values (from the load table) or are manually entered depending on whether the manual cost input parameter in the Model and Model Parameters is activated or not. The behavior here equates to the behavior of Costs. For further information see Costs.

Deviation Values


Edit Budget per Year


  • In this area, the cost or effort budget can be edited.


  • Click on the Insert budget per year button.
  • Budget data or effort data is displayed in so called yearly tranches and can be edited.
  • For each year, a budget is requested by a user responsible (e.g. project manager). In the Requested row, budget values to be requested are entered per cost type group or resource type.
    • The requested values are directly summarized from the yearly tranches up to the main area.
  • The person which is authorized to approve the budget, approves the budget by entering the values to be approved and activating the Approved checkbox.
    • Only values from the yearly tranches for which this checkbox is activated are summarized in the main area.
    • There is no checkbox for approving the effort budget in the yearly tranches. Effort budgets are directly approved together for both effort and costs.
    • The approved budget can only be changed by the person that is authorized to approve the budget.
  • The Baseline row is filled as soon as the first baseline is created. These values will then be summarized upwards as well.

Summary: Standard Model for Cost and Budget Planning


  • Data table DT861 is the central element for budget and cost planning.

Object Manually per period Calculated per period Manually total Calculated total
Budget Project - - Input on main project level in 5 cost type groups DT461 -
Budget Subprojects - - - Summarized from DT461
Budget total - - - Calculated from Budget Project + Budget Subprojects in DT461
Budget requested Input on main project level per period in 5 cost type groups DT861 - - Summarized from DT861
Budget approved Input on main project level per period in 5 cost type groups DT861 - - Summarized from DT861
Costs Planned/Actual/Remaining/Total Input on main project level per period in 5 cost type groups DT861 Summarized from DT461<-DT463<-DT466<-DT472 - Summarized from DT861
Liability - - Input on main project level in DT461 -
Revenues Input on main project level per period DT861 Summarized from DT461<-DT463<-DT466<-DT472 - Summarized from DT861
Benefit Input on main project level per period DT871 or DT861 Adjustment from DT871 - Summarized from DT861


  • Due to activating DT868 Cost and budget details, budget planning can additionally be done by other objects, e.g. cost types, cost centers, subprojects, tasks, or phases and contain more than 5 cost type groups.



  • In the Cost details or Effort details bar, there are two Reporting links to open cost or effort reports.
    • If you move the mouse over these links, a tooltip appears displaying the kind of report.


See also: Cost Planning
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