The documentation from version 39.5.17 of PLANTA project can be found in the new PLANTA Online Help.

Program Status Report MOD009C98 New from DB 39.5.0

Access path

  • Program panel Status Click on the link in the Report field of the required status report Program Status Report (an existing status report is opened)
  • Program panel Status Click on the Create baseline or Create status report or Create final report button Program Status Report (a new status report is created)


  • In this module, you can
    • View the status report data of the project
      • In the Milestone area, the milestone trend analysis is displayed divided into milestones and master milestones.
    • Refresh, release and delete newly created or unreleased status reports
  • Additionally, the projects assigned to the program are displayed in the Projects of the program area.


From DB 39.5.9

  • The program data which is displayed in the Status module and has possibly been changed (program estimate), are transferred to the status report and frozen.
  • In the status report, the fixed data is split in several areas depending on the Costs, Effort, Dates, etc. factors.
  • In each area, the following data is displayed in the header:
    • the manager’s estimate on the respective factor
      • The estimate is visualized by a thumb symbol.
        • For factors for which no estimate has been entered yet, no thumb symbol is displayed here.
    • Comments
  • In the Costs, Effort, and Dates subareas, the following data is displayed additionally:
    • the frozen calculated status of the deviation values of the respective factor: Total vs. budget for costs and effort, and requested vs. calculated for dates
      • This is visualized by traffic light triangles with a specification of the percentage deviation of costs and effort, and the deviation of dates in days.
        • red: costs/effort overrun by more than 5%, date delay of more than 5 days
        • yellow: costs/effort overrun by up to 5%, date delay of up to 5 days
        • green: costs/effort not overrun, no delay
        • For dates, both the project end date deviation value as well as the master milestone end date deviation value are indeed instanced, the respective traffic light, however, refers to the worst of both values.
    • the program trend compared to the report that was active at the time of creation of the current report
      • This is visualized by trend arrows specifying the percentage deviation of costs and effort and the deviation of dates in days.
        • Arrow up = negative trend, arrow down = positive trend.
  • In some subareas, details can be viewed by expanding the tree structure.
    • When you expand the
      • Costs area, details on the cost budget and two graphics on the cost trend are displayed.
        • Graphic 1: cumulated total costs from the selected status report (provided that the report has been released) and from the baseline (if it exists)
        • Graphic 2: total costs per month from the selected status report (provided that the report has been released) and from the baseline (if it exists)
      • Effort area, details on the effort budget and two graphics on the effort trend are displayed.
        • Graphic 1: cumulated total effort from the selected status report (provided that the report has been released) and from the baseline (if it exists)
        • Graphic 2: total effort per month from the selected status report (provided that the report has been released) and from the baseline (if it exists)
      • Dates area, dates and duration of the program as well as milestone and master milestone dates are displayed.
      • Risks/Opportunities area, damage and gross profit numbers of the program are displayed.

From DB 39.5.7

  • The program data which is displayed in the Status module and has possibly been changed (program estimate), are transferred to the status report and frozen.
  • In the status report, the fixed data is split in several areas depending on the Costs, Effort, Dates, etc. factors.
  • In each area, the following data is displayed in the header:
    • the manager’s estimate on the respective factor
      • The estimate is visualized by a thumb symbol.
        • For factors for which no estimate has been entered yet, no thumb symbol is displayed here.
    • Comments
  • In the Costs, Effort, and Dates subareas, the following data is displayed additionally:
    • the frozen calculated status of the deviation values of the respective factor: Total vs. budget for costs and effort, and requested vs. calculated for dates
      • This is visualized by traffic light triangles with a specification of the percentage deviation of costs and effort, and the deviation of dates in days.
        • red: costs/effort overrun by more than 5%, date delay of more than 5 days
        • yellow: costs/effort overrun by up to 5%, date delay of up to 5 days
        • green: costs/effort not overrun, no delay
        • NEW For dates, both the project end date deviation value as well as the master milestone end date deviation value are indeed instanced, the respective traffic light, however, refers to the worst of both values.
    • the program trend compared to the report that was active at the time of creation of the current report
      • This is visualized by trend arrows specifying the percentage deviation of costs and effort and the deviation of dates in days.
        • Arrow up = negative trend, arrow down = positive trend.
  • In some subareas, details can be viewed by expanding the tree structure.
    • When you expand the
      • Costs area, details on the cost budget and two graphics on the cost trend are displayed.
        • Graphic 1: cumulated total costs from the selected status report (provided that the report has been released) and from the baseline (if it exists)
        • Graphic 2: total costs per month from the selected status report (provided that the report has been released) and from the baseline (if it exists)
      • Effort area, details on the effort budget and two graphics on the effort trend are displayed.
        • Graphic 1: cumulated total effort from the selected status report (provided that the report has been released) and from the baseline (if it exists)
        • Graphic 2: total effort per month from the selected status report (provided that the report has been released) and from the baseline (if it exists)
      • Dates area, dates and duration of the program as well as milestone and master milestone dates are displayed.
      • Risks/Opportunities area, damage and gross profit numbers of the program are displayed.
        • NEW In the Risks subarea, a matrix diagram which displays the number of risks measured from their Damage extent and its Probability of occurrence in the high, medium and low categories is additionally visualized.

Up to DB 39.5.7

  • The program data which is displayed in the Status module and has possibly been changed (program estimate), are transferred to the status report and frozen.
  • In the status report, the fixed data is split in several areas depending on the Costs, Effort, Dates, etc. factors.
  • In each area, the following data is displayed in the header:
    • the manager’s estimate on the respective factor
      • The estimate is visualized by a thumb symbol.
        • For factors for which no estimate has been entered yet, no thumb symbol is displayed here.
    • Comments
  • In the Costs, Effort, and Dates subareas, the following data is displayed additionally:
    • the frozen calculated status of the deviation values of the respective factor: Total vs. budget for costs and effort, and requested vs. calculated for dates
      • This is visualized by traffic light triangles with a specification of the percentage deviation of costs and effort, and the deviation of dates in days.
        • red: costs/effort overrun by more than 5%, date delay of more than 5 days
        • yellow: costs/effort overrun by up to 5%, date delay of up to 5 days
        • green: costs/effort not overrun, no delay
    • the program trend compared to the report that was active at the time of creation of the current report
      • This is visualized by trend arrows specifying the percentage deviation of costs and effort and the deviation of dates in days.
        • Arrow up = negative trend, arrow down = positive trend.
  • In some subareas, details can be viewed by expanding the tree structure.
    • When you expand the
      • Costs area, details on the cost budget and two graphics on the cost trend are displayed.
        • Graphic 1: cumulated total costs from the selected status report (provided that the report has been released) and from the baseline (if it exists)
        • Graphic 2: total costs per month from the selected status report (provided that the report has been released) and from the baseline (if it exists)
      • Effort area, details on the effort budget and two graphics on the effort trend are displayed.
        • Graphic 1: cumulated total effort from the selected status report (provided that the report has been released) and from the baseline (if it exists)
        • Graphic 2: total effort per month from the selected status report (provided that the report has been released) and from the baseline (if it exists)
      • Dates area, dates and duration of the program as well as milestone and master milestone dates are displayed.
      • Risks/Opportunities area, damage and gross profit numbers of the program are displayed.


  • When a new program status report is created, current program data will be included, however, current data of the assigned projects will not be included. The selected project status reports are the source of the project data in the program status report. This may cause the displayed (summed-up) project-effort/cost values in the Program Status Report module to deviate from those in the Current status area in the Status module.

Module Variants

Base The data described under details is displayed
Complete Additional display of descriptive data and evaluation data of the program.

Release Status Report

  • You can release newly created status reports.
  • If changes are made in the project between the creation of the report and its release that should be included in the report, the status report needs to be refreshed before the release.


  • Click on the Approve button.
  • Confirm the Status report cannot be changed after it has been released. Continue? dialog message with Yes.


Update Status Report


From DB 39.5.5

  • Click on the Refresh button.
  • Confirm the Do you really want to refresh this data? dialog message with Yes.
    • As a result, dates, costs, and budgets of the affected program are calculated anew (NEW). These and other possibly updated data are transferred to the status report.
    • If comments, measures, and decisions have been changed in the Status module in the meantime, the new data is included in the status report as well when it is refreshed.

Up to DB 39.5.5

  • Click on the Refresh button.
  • Confirm the Do you really want to refresh this data? dialog message with Yes.
    • As a result, the data updated in the program are transferred to the status report.
  • Delete Status Report

    • Click on the Delete button.
    • Confirm the Do you really want to delete this data? message with Yes.
    • The status report is deleted.

    See also: Check Status Report Creation And Project Applications

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