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Results from PLANTApulseEN web retrieved at 01:09 (GMT)

Panel Administration Attention The following functions are only available for global administrators. For some of the following administration tasks we will...
Panel Boards Access path Menu Boards Click the PLANTA logo in the home bar Information In the panel Boards , all boards of which the currently...
Panel Dashboard Access path Menu Dashboard Pressing the key D. Information The panel is divided into two areas. In the left area, a...
Panel My Tasks With release 17 of PLANTA pulse , the panel Dashboard has replaced the panel My Tasks . The two views Overview and Pinboard are still available...
Panel Projects Access path Menu Projects Click on the project title in the panel Boards to open a specific project directly in the panel Projects...
Panel Time Recording Note This topic describes the procedure when using the simple time recording for PLANTA pulse stand alone and PLANTA Hybrid. Information...
PLANTA Hybrid Information PLANTA Hybrid combines two PLANTA components: the agile PLANTA pulse component and the classical PLANTA project component. This connection...
Administration: PLANTA pulse Information This topic contains an alphabetical overview of some of the most important administrative features of PLANTA pulse...
PLANTA pulse Panels Information In PLANTA pulse there are 4 functional views, called panels, which can be accessed via the program menu on the left:
Program Menu Information In PLANTA pulse , the Program Menu, hereafter called menu, is always displayed on the left. It is not to be confused with the...
PLANTA pulse FAQs Information The following topic provides answers to frequently asked questions about PLANTA pulse. Further information can also be found...
PLANTA pulse Logger Information The PLANTA pulse logger can be configured to document the operation of the software. The related settings are configured...
Notifications in PLANTA pulse Information In PLANTA pulse, there are various options to be notified about the latest activities. The following page offers...
Permissions in PLANTA pulse Information This topic provides an overview of the various permissions in PLANTA pulse. Global Admin Rights Information Global...
Tutorial: Task Management with PLANTA pulse From Release 19 Introduction Objective This tutorial is intended to show first time users how to use the software...
Tutorials for PLANTA pulse Topic Description PLANTA pulse Basic Tutorial Introduction to the most important features of PLANTA pulse: Create a...
Number of topics: 16

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