- The following topic provides answers to frequently asked questions about PLANTA pulse.
- Further information can also be found in the following topics:
How do I create a project?
- Global admins can create new projects in the panels Projects and Administration (in the area Projects).
- To do so, click Create Project and enter the necessary data in the dialog box.
- Users without global admin rights can contact a global admin to have a new project created.
Which projects do I see in the panel Projects?
- In the panel Projects, all projects of which the currently logged-in user is a member are listed.
- Global admins can view and edit all projects.
- When a user is a member on a board of the project, he/she is considered a member of the project as well.
How do I create a new board?
As a user without
global admin rights (create boards outside of projects):
- Create board in the panel Boards:
- Switch to the panel Boards and click Create New Board in the area My Boards in the section No Project.
- Enter a title for the new board.
- If needed, change the visibility mode of the board. To do so, click Change and select the mode.
- Click Create.
- Create board from a note
- Click the menu item
My Notes or press the key N.
- In the window My Notes, select a note to be converted.
- In the listbox Convert Note into, select the option “Board”.
- In the other listbox, select the project in which the board should be created.
- Via the checkbox Open Board/Card after Creation, select whether the new board should be opened directly.
- Click OK.
As a
global admin or as a
project admin (create boards within projects):
- Switch to the panel Projects and open the project.
- Click on the placeholder board card Create New Board within a board group.
- Enter a title for the new board.
- If needed, change the visibility mode of the board. To do so, click Change and select the mode.
- Click Create.
What are public and private boards?
- Boards can be defined as Private or Public.
- A private board is only visible and editable for assigned members.
- Board admins can add new members.
- A public board is visible for every logged-in user in the area Public Boards.
- It can only be edited by board members.
- Users can join public boards themselves, if needed.
How are the boards in the Panel Boards sorted?
- The panel Boards is divided into two areas: My Boards and Public Boards.
- In the area My Boards, all boards the currently logged-in user is a member of are displayed.
- These are sorted by projects and within the projects, they are sorted alphabetically.
- Boards which don’t belong to a project are displayed below, in the area No Project.
- In the area Pulic Boards, all public boards are displayed, which the user could join, if needed.
- These boards are not sorted by projects and are sorted alphabetically.
Why do I not see a board of a project within the according project in the panel Boards?
- Only boards of which the currently logged-in user is a member are displayed in the upper area of the panel Boards grouped with the according project.
- All other boards are displayed in the lower area Public Boards and are not sorted by projects.
Where do I find boards which I have added to my favorites?
- Favorite boards are displayd in the menu on the left in the area
How do I search in PLANTA _pulse?
- There are different options for searching in PLANTA pulse:
- Via the search in the menu on the left, you can search for projects, boards and cards.
- In the panel Dashboard, cards you have been assigned to can be searched and filtered.
- On boards, the option Filter Cards in the board menu can be used to search for specific cards.
How can I use the iCalendar Feed?
- In PLANTA pulse, there are two ways of using iCalendar Feeds:
- For the dates of all cards of a board
- In the board menu, select Board iCalendar Feed.
- Click Create.
- Click Copy URL.
- For the dates of all cards to which a user has been assigned
- In the User Menu, select iCalendar Feed.
- Click Create.
- Click Copy URL.
- Adding the board dates to a Microsoft Outlook calendar
- In the Outlook calendar, click Add Calendar and select From Internet.
- In the dialog box, paste the copied URL and confirm with OK.
- A new calendar with the dates from the boards is created.
Where can I see which cards I have been assigned to?
- There are two options to see which cards you have been assigned to:
- The panel Dashboard, to see all cards to which a user has been assigned.
- Here, filter widgets can be used to sort the cards.
- The filter option on a board, to see all cards within a board to which a user has been assigned.
- To use it, either select Filter Cards in the board menu and then select the option Me in the ares Members or press the key Q.
How can I be informed about news in PLANTA pulse?
- In PLANTA pulse, there are various options to be notified about news:
Why are new activities not highlighted on a board even though I have activated the option Highlight Recently Modified Cards?
- Maybe you have also activated the option Hide System Messages. This causes new activities to not be highlighted on the boards anymore.
What are custom fields and which custom fields are there?
- Custom fields can be used to add further individual fields to cards.
- They are created per board by the board admin.
- There are eight types of custom fields:
How do I create a custom field on a board?
- Custom fields can only be created, edited and deleted by board admins.
- To create a custom field, select Custom Fields in the board menu.
- Click Create Field and enter the data.
Why can I not use custom fields on a board?
- Custom fields can only be created, edited and deleted by board admins.
- Once a field has been created for a board and added to cards, the other board members can use it (add values, vote, etc.).
Why can I not change my e-mail address in the User Settings?
- The option for users to be able to change their own e-mail addresses needs to be activated by a global admin in the panel Administration.
- Please contact your system admin if you want to change your e-mail address.
Why can I not move a card/list to a board in another project?
- By default, cards and lists can only be moved onto other boards within projects.
- Global admins can change this setting in the panel Administration.
Why can I only move a card within a board?
Why do I see the note You have unsaved changes. below the description of a card?
- If the editing mode of the card description is exited by clicking out of the description field, any changes made will be saved in a buffer.
- This also happens when no changes have been made. To avoid this message, the editing mode can be exited by clicking X if no changes have been made.
- Below the description, the message You have unsaved changes. appears.
- By pressing View, the changes in the buffer can be viewed, by pressing Discard, the changes can be discarded directly.
How can I define a limit for the number of cards in a list?
- The WIP limit (Work in Progress) can be used to define a maximum number of cards for a list.
- Once the WIP limit has been reached, no new cards can be added to the list anymore.
- The WIP limit can be defined via the list menu Edit WIP Limit.
How can I use swimlanes on a board?
- The board admin of a board can change the Board View to enable working with swimlanes.
- In order to maintain this setting for all board members it needs to be saved after changes.
Why are my lists/swimlanes always being expanded again?
- Only the board admin can change a board view. The board view also includes currently collapsed lists or swimlanes.
- If the board view is not saved, they will be expanded again when the board is reopened.
- Board members who are no board admins can only collapse lists and swimlanes temporarily.
Can I take notes without having to create a card?
- Yes. Via the option My Notes in the menu on the left, notes can be created independently of cards or boards.
- If needed, they can be converted to cards or boards later.
- The option My Notes can be opened via the menu item
or via the key N.
How can I change the home page of PLANTA pulse?
- There are two options to configure the home page of PLANTA pulse:
How can I edit my profile?
How can I change the language of PLANTA pulse?
- PLANTA pulse is currently available in German and in English.
- The language can be changed in two ways:
- In the User Menu Change Language, which can be accessed via the avatar in the upper right corner.
- In the User Settings in the area Account Settings Change Language.
How can I display the number of cards in a list?
- In the User Settings Board Settings, the option Display Number of Cards in Lists can be activated.
- When the option is activated, the number of cards in a list is displayed in brackets in the list.
Which keyboard shortcuts are there in PLANTA pulse?
- Here, an overview of the keyboard shortcuts in PLANTA pulse can be found.
- The overview can also be opened within the program by pressing ? or via the User Menu Keyboard Shortcuts.
Why are not all board members transferred when exporting and importing boards?
- Only active board members are transferred.
- Board members are seen as active as soon as they have performed an activity on the board (e.g. created a new card, written a comment, etc.).
How do I change the language of the login screen?
- The language of the login screen is defined by the language setting of the browser.
How can I inform all users about important news (e.g. maintenance works, updates)?
- In the panel Administration Settings Announcement, a system-wide announcement can be activated.
- It is displayed for all users in the lower left corner in a yellow bar.
How can I disable the editing of comments a certain time after they have been created?
- In the panel Administration Settings Modules, there is the option to disable comment editing after a certain time.
- If, for example, 5 minutes are defined, comments can only be edited or deleted for 5 more minutes after they have been created.
- This guarantees traceability of comments over a longer period of time.
How can I limit the rights of external users?
- In the panel Administration Settings Permissions, an internal domain can be defined.
- When an internal domain has been set, external users cannot access the time recording in PLANTA pulse anymore.
- Via the corresponding checkbox, board restrictions for external users can also be activated.
- External users can then only access boards for which they have explicit access rights, since they were invited onto them. External users cannot see any public boards, join any boards or create new boards.
How can I create a new user?
- In the panel Administration Users, users can be managed and new users can be created.
- To do so, click the button Create User below the table.
How can I invite a new user?
- In the panel Administration Users Invite User(s), new users can be invited.
- To do so, enter the e-mail address of the person who is to be invited to PLANTA pulse in the field Invite User(s) and click Invite.
What is an API user?
- An API user is a technical user who is only used to configure the REST API from external systems.
- An API user cannot be a member of boards or cards.
- Once a user has been defined as API user, this setting cannot be changed anymore afterwards.
Why do I receive an error message when I want to invite a new user to PLANTA pulse?
- Maybe the e-mail server for your PLANTA pulse system has not been configured yet.
- The e-mail server can be configured in the panel Administration Settings E-Mail.