The documentation from version 39.5.17 of PLANTA project can be found in the new PLANTA Online Help.

Hours to be Worked New from DB 39.5.0


From DB 39.5.14

  • In PLANTA project, you can define for each resource how many hours per period (day) he or she is supposed to work.
  • The defined planned value is compared to the recording of hours worked of the resource in the Time Recording module as soon as the latter is available. A traffic light signalizes whether the defined value is adhered to, overrun, or undercut.

Up to DB 39.5.14

  • In PLANTA project, you can define for each resource how many hours per period (day) he or she is supposed to work.
  • The defined planned value is compared to the work reporting of the resource in the Work Reporting module as soon as the latter is available. A traffic light signalizes whether the defined value is adhered to, overrun, or undercut.
  • Requirements

    From DB 39.5.14

    • To use the hours to be worked function, you have to
      • 1) activate the function in the Global Settings and
      • 2) define hours to be worked values for the required resource(s) for each day of the required period.
        • If the hours to be worked function in Global Settings is activated but the hours to be worked values have not yet been defined for a resource, the traffic light for this resource in the Time Recording module is always red.

    Up to DB 39.5.14

  • To use the hours to be worked function, you have to
    • 1) activate the function in the Global Settings and
    • 2) define hours to be worked values for the required resource(s) for each day of the required period.
      • If the hours to be worked function in Global Settings is activated but the hours to be worked values have not yet been defined for a resource, the traffic light for this resource in the Work Reporting module is always red.
  • Activate Hours to be Worked Function

    • Activating the hours to be worked function in global settings causes the customizings required for using the function (columns, buttons, traffic lights, etc) in the respective modules to be switched on/displayed.


    • Open the Global Settings module.
    • Set the usage_plan_working_hours parameter to "3".
    • Save.

    Define/Edit Hours to be Worked Values for Resources

    Define/Edit Hours to be Worked Values for Several Periods at the Same Time

    Define/edit hours to be worked

    • Open the Resources module.
    • You can display the required resource(s) by clicking on the letters or on the All button.
    • Mark the required resource(s).
      • If no resources are marked at this position, all displayed resources are shown.
    • Click on the Edit hours to be worked button at the bottom margin of the module.
    • The dialog module of the same name is opened.
      • For the previously marked resource(s), the required hours to be worked can now be defined in the Hours to be worked for periods field, and the period to which these working times are to apply can be defined in the from and to fields.
      • Click on the Apply hours to be worked to period records button afterwards.
        • The dialog module is closed and the defined hours to be worked are copied to every individual period record for the defined period in the Availability module.
        • The calculated average value of all period records is displayed in the Ø hours to be worked column in the Resources and Resource Data Sheet modules.
        • If the hours to be worked value of the individual periods is changed, the calculated average value can deviate from the initially set hours to be worked value.

    Delete hours to be worked

    • You can display the required resource(s) by clicking on the letters or on the All button.
    • Mark the respective resource(s) if necessary.
    • Click on the Delete hours to be worked button.
    • The Delete hours to be worked of resources message is displayed.
      • When you click on the
        • All displayed resources button, the hours to be worked of all displayed resources is deleted in all displayed period records.
        • All marked resources button, the hours to be worked of all resources which have been marked before is deleted in all displayed period records.
        • Cancel button, the task is aborted.

    Define/Edit Hours to be Worked Values for Individual Periods of Individual Resources

    • Open the Availability module of the requested resource.
    • Edit the required hours to be worked value in the Hours to be worked field for each period record.


    Apply Hours to be Worked Function

    From DB 39.5.14

    • The defined hours to be worked are displayed for each day in the Time Recording module directly below the scale.
    • In the second line below the scale, the reported values are displayed per day. They are adjusted against the preset planned values in the upper line. According to the traffic lights it is signalized immediately after saving the work reporting whether the preset hours to be worked were adhered to (no traffic light), overrun (red traffic light), or undercut (yellow traffic light).

    Up to DB 39.5.14

    • The defined hours to be worked are displayed for each day in the Work Reporting module directly below the scale.
    • In the second line below the scale, the reported values are displayed per day. They are adjusted against the preset planned values in the upper line. According to the traffic lights it is signalized immediately after saving the work reporting whether the preset hours to be worked were adhered to (no traffic light), overrun (red traffic light), or undercut (yellow traffic light).

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