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50 Recent Changes in PLANTApulseEN Web retrieved at 22:27 (GMT)

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Notifications in PLANTA pulse Information In PLANTA pulse, there are various options to be notified about the latest activities. The following page offers...
News Since 7/27/2021, Release 31 of PLANTA pulse is available. Go to Release Notes Release Notes PLANTA pulse Information This page contains links to the release...
Panel Projects Access path Menu Projects Click on the project title in the panel Boards to open a specific project directly in the panel Projects...
Release 31 Features Board templates now allow users to create boards quickly and easily. Users can now find information about new features in the system...
Board Template Functions !! Information Board templates can be used in PLANTA pulse to create boards with a uniform structure (e.g. sprint boards) quickly and...
Panel Administration Attention The following functions are only available for global administrators. For some of the following administration tasks we will...
User Settings Access path Menu User User Menu User Settings Information In the user settings, a PLANTA pulse user can configure his/her...
Program Menu Information In PLANTA pulse , the Program Menu, hereafter called menu, is always displayed on the left. It is not to be confused with the...
Board Functions Information Boards are container elements used to collect and manage cards in PLANTA pulse . On boards, cards can be arranged in lists...
List/Swimlane Functions Information Lists are used to structure the cards on a board vertically, while swimlanes are used for horizontal structuring. Details...
Permissions in PLANTA pulse Information This topic provides an overview of the various permissions in PLANTA pulse. Global Admin Rights Information Global...
Meteor Settings Information PLANTA pulse is based on the Meteor framework. The related settings are contained within the file docker compose.yml under...
Text Formatting in PLANTA pulse Information In PLANTA pulse , texts can be formatted in various places: In card titles and descriptions In custom...
Hotfix 30.1 Release 30 Features A WYSIWYG editor was introduced and can now be used for example in card descriptions or comments. In the User Settings...
PLANTA pulse Documentation Would you like to read about the latest improvements? Please read Release Notes Would you like to get started with PLANTA...
Table of Contents of the PLANTA pulse Documentation
PLANTApulseEN Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the PLANTApulseEN web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences...
Home Index Table of Contents Search
Hotfix 28.2 Bug fixes An error during time recording in the mobile view or on new tasks in which the user is not planned was fixed. The bell icon for in...
Release 27.4 Features The time recording function in PLANTA pulse was completely redesigned: The panel My Time Recording was renamed to panel Time...
Release 26 Features The performance of in app notifications and the user management was improved. Creating a system wide announcement was made more user...
Release 25 Features In PLANTA pulse, you can now receive in app notifications and Telegram notifications. In this context, the Notification Settings...
Release 23.1 Features The user interface of the panel Projects was redesigned. Start and due dates can now be added to boards. When adding members...
Release 21 Features In the panel My Projects , boards can now be sorted into board groups. In the panel Administration , a user limit for the PLANTA...
Hotfix 20.1 Features In the User Settings , every user can see the current version of PLANTA pulse . Bug fixes Hybrid: Problems during the synchronization...
Release 19 Features The user interface of PLANTA pulse was redesigned. The color scheme and design were changed. Via the menu on the left, the individual...
Panel Boards Access path Menu Boards Click the PLANTA logo in the home bar Information In the panel Boards , all boards of which the currently...
Introduction to PLANTA pulse Information This page contains information on the structure and interface of PLANTA pulse . A first workflow related introduction...
Release 29 Features You can now add descriptions to labels. It is displayed as a tooltip at the label. The link to the PLANTA pulse documentation was moved...
User Menu Access path Click the avatar in the upper right corner. Information The User Menu is not to be confused with the Program Menu which can be found...
Card Functions Information Cards are information carriers and the core elements of planning in PLANTA pulse . Cards can be used to collect and manage tasks...
Panel Dashboard Access path Menu Dashboard Pressing the key D. Information The panel is divided into two areas. In the left area, a...
PLANTA pulse Logger Information The PLANTA pulse logger can be configured to document the operation of the software. The related settings are configured...
Tutorial: Task Management with PLANTA pulse From Release 19 Introduction Objective This tutorial is intended to show first time users how to use the software...
Panel Time Recording Note This topic describes the procedure when using the simple time recording for PLANTA pulse stand alone and PLANTA Hybrid. Information...
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