The documentation from version 39.5.17 of PLANTA project can be found in the new PLANTA Online Help.
See also: Release Notes: Version Overview
Release Notes: all Database Versions
Release Notes of individual database versions:

C 39.5.28 / C 39.5.27 / C 39.5.26 / C 39.5.25 / C 39.5.24 / C 39.5.23 / C 39.5.22 / C 39.5.21, C 39.5.20 / C 39.5.19 / C 39.5.18 / C 39.5.17 / C 39.5.16 / C 39.5.15 / C 39.5.0 up to C 39.5.14

Version C 39.5.14


Bug fixes

  • The Click Once Client works again.
  • The error message that was displayed when moving the cursor over the x button of the module tab and simultaneously pressing ALT+F4, has been fixed.
  • The problem, that a submodule with activated Auto Hide function directly slides downwards after inserting a new record, has been resolved.
  • The problem, that in the StakeholderMOD009C8W (Program) and StakeholderMOD0099B5 modules (Project) no stakeholder could be added via the Assign stakeholder button, has been resolved.
  • The problem with sorting individual columns and displaying the respective sorting symbol, has been resolved.
  • The problem with printing empty pages, if only particular pages have been selected for printing via print preview, has been resolved.
  • The width of the data field of the first heading in the schedule remains the same after inserting a new task and is no longer automatically enlarged.
  • Thegeneral error in GDI+ in Cost and Effort Reports has been resolved.
  • The problem, that a dialog module was not visible, if no data to be displayed was available due to the set filters, has been resolved.
  • Layout and display problems in the Budget and Portfolio Period modules, has been resolved.
  • The System.Runtime.InteropServices.ExternalException (0x800401D0): The requested clipboard task has not been successful error message when creating a new project, has been fixed.
  • The System.NullReferenceException: The object reference was not defined for an object instance._ error message has been fixed.
  • The Click Once Client works again under Windows.

Version C 39.5.13

  • The Balloon Notification for dialog messages has been activated. It is displayed if a dialog message is displayed in the background of a PLANTA session. In addition, the respective session flashes in the task bar.
  • The client now also supports Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012 R2.
  • A dynamic display of the horizontal or vertical grid lines have been implemented.
    • The distance between the vertical grid lines is influenced by the width of the scale, the distance between the horizontal grid lines by the values to be displayed.
  • New variables have been added, by means of which the current print time can be included in the print footer or header.

Bug fixes

  • The problem, that a wrong cursor was displayed when moving/copying via Drag&Drop has been resolved.
  • The sporadically occurring System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. client error message that, occurred when e.g. opening the Task module, has been resolved.
  • A client crash in connection with incorrect chart customizing has been fixed.
  • The visualization of several bars in the print preview has been improved.
  • Problems for individually customized export to Excel using the IronPython functions CreateExcelExportDocument and GenerateExcelFile have been resolved.
  • The MemoryError: Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown. client error message when trying to create a PDF of a module with many charts, has been resolved.

Version C 39.5.12


  • For the Page break parameter, the value 4 has been added.
    • Each line/each record of the area is displayed on a new page with its child records, if they do not all fit on the current page.
    • In order to use this value, the value range of DI001583 Page break are extended by value 4.
  • Windows path variables like %HOMEDRIVE% or %HOMEPATH% can be used for PDF export.
  • Better error messages for problems with the Kerberos authentification. For an explanation of the different error codes, click here.
  • Improvements in the evaluation of the client configuration and validation of parameters
  • For vertical or horizontal layout, the data field or column width is displayed when moving the column separator in the status line.

Bug fixes

  • Messages that are displayed in inactive or background panels, are now displayed in the foreground, i.e. on top of all opened panels.
  • The problem, that when using the Zoom to page width menu item, the page width was not made use of due to buttons invisible in the print, has been resolved.
  • the problem, that in the Print Preview charts were not loaded, but the charging symbol was displayed instead, has been resolved.
  • The problem, that navigating to further results of the Search in module function via the arrow buttons was not possible after having clicked in an input field, has been resolved.
  • The client crash when clicking on the scroll bar when using PLANTA project on Windows 7 with the text zoom size being changed, has been resolved.
  • The problem, that certain modules cannot be exported to Excel, has been resolved.
  • Redundant connections via the proxy configured in the operation system have been fixed.
  • An OutOfMemoryException exception when trying to export to Excel (several times) in a complex module with plenty of data, has been fixed.

Version C 39.5.11

  • Please note that in this client version the version specification in the title bar is C 39.5.10 by mistake. You can find out whether you are using C 39.5.11 or C 39.5.10, by taking a look at the changeset number (see table).
    • The version specification is displayed in the title bar until the login dialog is displayed. From this moment on, the system title is displayed.


  • Dialog messages stored in the client, that are displayed when establishing a connection, when exporting to Excel, when changing the password, etc. have been translated into Portuguese.
  • When focussing a todo item in the Project Core Data from the Process Status module, the Process Status module is closed.
  • When right-clicking on headings, the available but hidden data fields for the respective module area are now sorted alphabetically in the context menu.
  • For the CreateExcelExportDocument method, the closeModule parameter has been added, with which you can define whether the module to be exported is closed after export to Excel, or not. Further information on this can be found in the IronPython API.
  • Via an IronPython function, the protocol version of the server can be read. Further information on this can be found in the IronPython API.
  • The print behavior for data areas with Positioning = 1 or 2 can be controlled via the Print setting parameter.

Bug fixes

  • Problems with Exporting an empty module to Excel have been resolved.
  • The problem, that bars were drawn beyond the scale, has been resolved.
  • The problem, that the width of heading fields did not comply with that of the corresponding data fields, has been resolved.
  • Problems with creating module variants has been resolved.
  • The crash after the General error in GDI+ error message in particular customizing constellations, has been resolved.
  • Problems with the visualization of fields in particular module constructions with Next to parent area = @Y and a high negative indent, have been resolved.
  • Problems that occurred when working with two monitors, have been resolved.
  • The (sporadically occurring) problem that the client crashed after a reconnect, has been resolved..
  • The problem, that a recently closed dialog module was displayed via CTRL + Tab as a "corrupt" submodule without content, has been resolved.
  • The NameError: global name 'env' is not defined error message when clicking in a info pop-up when using database version with server version and client version 39.5.x has been resolved.
  • The problem, that after entering a wrong user name or password the Reconnect dialog message was displayed instead of the login dialog message, has been resolved.
  • The problem, that when closing the server connection (e.g. due to a server crash or by canceling the service) the client did not establish the connection (Reconnect), but crashed instead, has been resolved.
  • The following error message has been fixed: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Version C 39.5.10


Bug fixes

  • Dialog modules
    • Visualization problems when scrolling in a dialog modul with opened listbox has been resolved.
    • The problem, that the dimmer function has not worked, has been resolved. It cannot be opened via the activate_dimming() und get_dimmming() functions. The description of this function can be found in the IronPython API.
    • in connection with freerdp
      • Problems with opening listboxes have been resolved.
      • The problem, that a main project was able to assign itself as a subproject, has been fixed.
  • Problems when changing listbox sizes, e.g. Flickering and white spaces, have been resolved.
  • Further occurrence of the DataFieldEnumerator errors: ... error has been fixed.

Version C 39.5.9

  • In modules that contain a scale DI with a sub-DI with the SR function, non-working days are highlighted in the scale with the color stored in the sub-DI.
  • From now on, the today line is a firm component of every scale and does not have to be customized explicitly. Exceptions: If a deviating layout for the today line is required, e.g., a different color or even invisible, the today line must be customized. For further information on this, see e.g. Time Scale in the Scales topic.
  • The creation or changing of module variants can be switched off user or module related. For further information, click here.
    • This function required Server version S 39.5.7.
  • If no data area is selected when exporting to excel, the Please select at least one data area! message is now displayed.
  • For dialog modules, the indicator is also displayed for unsaved changes now * (asterisk).

Bug fixes

  • The problems that occurred when using the 39.5.8 PLANTA Client with Windows XP and Windows 2003 have been resolved. The new Client 39.5.9 is operational for the mentioned operation systems.
    • The System.OutOfMemoryException: Out of memory exception error message as well as the display problems of the Icons in the user menu when starting PLANTA under Windows 2003, have been resolved.
    • The out of memory message when using the C 39.5.8 client under Windows XP, has been resolved.
  • The overlapping of fields in the print review in connection with data fields with activated multi line parameter have been resolved.
  • Problems when exporting formats on projected data fields to Excel, have been resolved.
  • A Client crash when moving fields in the Customizing mode, have been resolved.
  • The problem, that incorrect data is displayed in module titles with & sign, has been resolved.
  • The problem, that the heading in particular, rare customizing constellations has been displayed displaced, has been resolved.
  • A sporadically occurring problem in connection with the part string search in listboxes, has been resolved.
  • The DataFieldEnumerator error message, that occurred in the Projects module when displaying columns via the context menu, has been resolved.
  • The problem, that a wrong cursor was displayed when moving/copying via Drag&Drop, has been resolved.
  • The problem, that heading fields for data areas with activated Next to parent area had the wrong size, has been resolved.
  • The problem, that the IronPython library in the ClickOnce client was not contained completely, has been resolved.
  • The DataFieldEnumerator error error message that occurred in the status line when switching module variants upon use of rare and special customizing constructions has been fixed.
  • The use of storage has further been improved.

Version C 39.5.8

  • The Client 39.5.8 cannot be used with the Windows XP and Windows 2003 operation systems.


  • Manual changing of the listbox size
    • This function is now available for each listbox.
    • The symbol for enlarging or downsizing a listbox is blue.
    • If a listbox above the field is opened, the symbol for changing the size is located in the upper right corner of the listbox.
  • The minimum zoom size of checkboxes has been changed to 6x6 px.
  • The documentation of the bulkExport parameter has been IronPythonAPI completed.
  • The use of storage has been improved.

Bug fixes

  • Problems when calculating data field lengths for parent data areas with structure, has been resolved.
  • In the course of the improvement of the manual change the of listbox size, several problems have been resolved, e.g. The opening of a listbox via the task bar.
  • The problem, that after moving a dialog module listboxes remained at the same position instead of closing, has been resolved.

Version C 39.5.7

  • Hyperlinks support arbitrary URLs (e.g. Lotus Notes).
  • When exporting modules with charts, the Processing charts for export to Excel... message is displayed.
  • If the dialog window is opened when exportig to Excel, not only the current session, but also all other sessions are blocked.
  • If PLANTA is closed while exporting to Excel, the following message is displayed: The Excel export is still in process. Do you want the export to be canceled and the PLANTA Client to be closed anyway?

Bug fixes

  • The problem, that data exported to Excel have been displayed reversed or as a text, has been resolved.
  • Problems when automatically exporting to Excel have been resolved.
  • The problem, that pressing the Enter button has not had any function when only one data field has been available in the data area, has been resolved.
  • The problem, that for particular customizing settings both in the print preview as well as for printing, only half of the last record on a page was displayed and the other half was displayed on the next page, has been resolved.
  • The following problem has been resolved: If a heading field with a sorting symbol has been downsized as much as possible, the sorting symbol was displayed on the heading field next to it.
  • The problem, that when creating new records in the Data Items module by pressing F4, sometimes the data field content of the field on which the key was pressed was displayed at another position in the module, has been resolved.
  • A rare problem, due to which the Client with activated compression could not establish a connection to the server, has been resolved.
  • The problem, that when changing the column width in modules with fixed headings, display errors occurred in the heading, has been resolved.
  • The function of the DI002947Default zoom to page width parameter has been improved.
  • The problem, that charts have not always been included when exporting to PDF, has been resolved.
  • The problem, that listboxes were downsized after a value has been entered, but were not enlarged again when clicking outside, has been resolved.

Version C 39.5.6


Bug fixes

  • The problem, that in some modules the format was not copied for some records when exporting to Excel, has been resolved.
  • The problem, that the window separator jumped when it was clicked, has been resolved.
  • The problem, that when moving columns, the columns were moved to a wrong position after scrolling horizontally, has been resolved.
  • The problem, that the colors of the data fields have changed in a module if a dialog module was opened, has been resolved.
  • The problem, that the quarter names on the quarter scale disappeared in some modules, e.g. In the My Department module, has been resolved.
  • The following improvements have been made to the IronPython API:
    • The tabs for C#, Visual Basic and Visual C++ have been removed since they are not required.
    • Write errors in the IronPython tab have been corrected.
    • The display of the examples has been improved.
  • The exception error message, that occurred when closing modules (e.g. the Data Areas module) in which a listbox was open, has been resolved.
  • The problem, that startup modules have not been loaded completely if the window was minimized immediately after login, has been resolved.
  • The problem, that when selecting a target folder that already contained data during the client installation with the help of the automatic installer, the data was deleted, has been resolved.

Version C 39.5.5

  • Due to the newly implemented message compression, the network load caused by the communication between Client and Server has been reduced. This may lead to performance improvements.
  • The None of the DA Python-IDs in DACsCU_NamesToExport existiert message, which is displayed if only non-existing data area IDs (DA Python-ID) are used in the CreateExcelExportDocument() IronPython function in the DACsCU_NamesToExport parameter, has been renamed None of the DA Python-IDs stored in DAsCU_NamesToExport exists.
  • If one or more non-existing data area IDs (DA-Python-ID) are used in the CreateExcelExportDocument() IronPython function in the DACsCU_NamesToExport parameter, now the One or more of the DA Python-IDs stored in DAsCU_NamesToExport, do not exist. The data area(s) the DA Python Ids of which exist are exported.
  • When using the CreateExcelExportDocument() IronPython function with the useBulkExport = true parameter without specification of the data area to be exported, the data area is exported with most records. The same applies if several records are specified.

Bug fixes

  • Problems with the display of the cursor on scroll bars in connection with data fields with activated Multi-line parameter, have been resolved.
  • The problem, that when closing a project, the previously opened listbox was not closed, has been resolved.
  • The problem, that if in the same moment, in which a listbox was opened, a letter was entered, this letter was "swallowed", has been resolved.
  • The outlook API is only activated if it is actually used. This solves the problem with opening the MS Outlook installation after closing the client upon incorrect or incomplete Outlook installation.

Version C 39.5.4

  • From Client 39.5.4, there is no longer a division into several clients depending on the server used (e.g. Client for Server and Client for Server 39.5.0). The new standardized client is able to recognize the correct server and control it accordingly.
  • The error treatment of the IronPython code has been improved.
Bug fixes

  • The problem with the double display of the listbox in the hyperlink dialog window, has been resolved.
  • The problem, that in Windows 7 Theme in inactive continuous text fields that contained more text than visible in the window, no scroll bar was displayed, has been resolved.
  • Various problems with listboxes in dialog modules (assertions, unhandled exceptions, abprupt closing of the listbox for different actions in listbox modules, e.g. enlargement of columns) have been resolved.
  • The problem, that data field headings in structured modules have been moved if no tree structure was activated in one of the child data areas of a data area (if the child data area of a data area with structure had Tree = 0, the first data field of the child data area was not prolonged like that of the structured one), has been resolved.
  • The client crash when changing the data field width in a listbox in a dialog module, has been resolved.
  • The performance when working with data fields with activated Multi-line parameter have been resolved.
  • The following problems with module variants have been resolved:
    • When automatically changing to a module variant upon module start, the wrong name was displayed in the listbox module variant.
    • Although changing a module variant was not permitted by the customizing, the module variant could be changed.

Version C 39.5.3

  • If a non-existing path is specified in the CreateExcelExportDocument() IronPython function, an exception of the IOError type is displayed when trying to export to Excel.
  • If non-existing data area IDs (DA Python-ID) are used in the CreateExcelExportDocument() IronPython function in the DACsCU_NamesToExport parameter (exclusively), the None of the DA Python-IDs in DACsCU_NamesToExport exists error message is displayed.
Bug fixes
  • The problem, that the part string entry did not work correctly for listboxes with grouped data areas, has been resolved
  • The problem, that the window separator line was displaced when carrying out particular actions, has been resolved.
  • The problem, that scale lines in utilization diagrams were displayed twice, has been resolved.
  • The following error message when using the Windows Classic Theme, has been fixed. Errors in visual style related tasks since no visual style is active at the moment.
  • A problem with the alternating shading which caused the Evaluation data area in the Project Core Data module to be displayed in gray (and hence all data fields were on output), has been resolved.
  • The problem, that presetting the data areas in the Extended dialog message of the Excel exports with the CreateExcelExportDocument() function was not possible, has been resolved.
  • The unhandled Python exception when trying to save an empty macro in an external editor, e.g. Notepad++, has been resolved.

Version C 39.5.2

  • The Excel export can be addressed via the IronPython API of the client. This enables, a.o., the preset of all parameters that can be selected via the Excel dialog.
    • For this purpose, the following IronPython functions CreateExcelExportDocument(), GenerateExcelFile(), and ExportToExcelWithDialog() have been implemented.
  • Export to Excel
    • The export to Excel can be canceled by clicking on the Cancel (new) button in the progress bar window.
    • When trying to export data amounts that are too big, the following message is displayed: The data amount to be exported is very big, therefore, the export may take some time. Please select either the bulk export or deactivate the "Export Layout" option. Do you want to proceed with the current settings?
  • The connection attempt can be canceled by pressing the ESC key.
  • The current size and position of the window is maintained upon crash of the server and subsequent reconnect.
  • Changes to the zoom can be saved in the Base variant of the module in a module variant or via the save module customizing menu item.

Bug fixes

  • Export to Excel
    • The problem with the incorrect export of line breaks in data fields with activated multi line parameter has been resolved for Excel 2010.
      • Due to an error in Excel 2003/2007, the problem in these versions remains.
    • The problem with charts that were deformed or the zoom of which was changed upon export, has been resolved.
    • The problem with the wrong format display of projected currency fields in Excel has been resolved.
    • The problem, that when exporting to Excel 2003 and 2007 the progress bar was also displayed after the export has finished (and could not be closed), has been resolved.
    • The problem with the white font
      • in fields and headings in Excel 2003,
      • in headings in Excel 2007,
      • in headings in Excel 2003, 2007, and 2010 when exporting only one data area,
        • which made it look as if no data had been exported, has been resolved.
  • The sporadically occurring problem, that the changed zoom was reset to default after graphical creation of a link, has been resolved.
  • The problem, that Disconnected was displayed after a successful reconnect in the title bar, has been resolved.
  • The problem, that listboxes were not enlarged when displaying child records via the +/- sign of the tree structure, has been resolved.

Version C 39.5.1

  • When exporting to Excel, all settings are saved in the export window as well as in the Extended dialog message until the respective module is closed.

Bug fixes

  • Export to Excel
    • When exporting a particular record amount, the set formats (e.g. Currency format) no longer get lost.
    • The problem, that column headings were not exported correctly, has been resolved.
    • The performance when exporting overview modules, has been improved.
    • The sporadically occurring error of white headings in Excel has been resolved.
  • The AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'file' error message when clicking on the Open Python macro editing [ALT + E] in the Modules module, has been resolved.
  • When graphically creating actual dates (under the scale) via the Editing Graphical editing Actual start/Actual end menu items, the bar is immediately visible, even if only one of the dates is set.

Version C 39.5.0


  • General performance improvements to the client
  • Export to Excel
    • The new IronPython function ExportToExcelSetCurrencyFormatting() enables you to define the format of currency data fields (only data fields with DF type=C (currency)) for modules to be exported.
    • The separator between the second and third window in PLANTA project is displayed as a (frame) line in Excel.
    • If only a window is exported to Excel, the Separation Excel function is no longer used.
    • In the Export window in the listbox in the Bulk export area, grid lines and +/- symbols are displayed.
    • In the Extended dialog message, the (De)activate all has been added.
      • It enables you to (de)activate all data areas at once.
    • Pressing the ESC key in the Extended dialog message when exportig to Excel, causes the dialog message to be closed (like when clicking on Cancel).
    • The visualization of the parameters in the export window has been changed.
    • When clicking on Save as in the Export window, MS Excel is no longer opened automatically.
    • When generating the export file, the file format of the installed MS Office version is used, e.g. for MS Office 2003 xls and for MS Office 2010 xlsx.
  • Print preview/printing
    • If the print preview is empty, a message is displayed that informs the user why the print preview is empty.
    • In the Print Preview and on Print Layouts, tree display symbols and scroll bars are now displayed in addition to listbox symbols: buttons, calendar control symbols, color highlights of saved data.
    • If you click on the Zoom field in the print preview, the percentage value specified in it is marked.
  • Hyperlinks
    • If you try to insert a non-existing file in the Edit hyperlink dialog, the following error message is displayed: The file or path XYZ does not exist. Please specify the correct file or path.
    • When you insert folders and URLs as hyperlinks, only the last part is specified in the data field.
      • The complete path is displayed in the tooltip.
    • Via the Edit hyperlink context menu command, the text of folders and URLs can be changed in the field of the same name. If the text has not been changed yet, it is displayed in gray in the dialog message but remains editable. Otherwise, the text is displayed in black in the dialog message.
    • If two files of the same name are inserted on the same hyperlink field in different records for HL: local files, the A file named XYZ already exists in the directory. Do you want to replace it? message is now displayed.
    • After deletion of the source file of a linked file, the following message is displayed if you try to open the hyperlink: _File XYZ cannot be opened. Invalid path or file does not exist.
    • Linking and opening folders is possible for all three types of hyperlinks.
  • It is now possible to manually change listbox sizes.
  • When moving columns to the invisible part of the module, the scroll bar automatically moves to the target direction, so that the invisible part and hence the target position becomes visible.
  • When marking records, the OLEs are marked as well.
  • Pressing the ESC key in the Change password dialog message, causes them to be closed (like when clicking on Cancel).
  • When opening further panels, the current window size is maintained.
    • This also applies to the full screen view: Every further panel is also opened in the full screen instead of the regular view.
  • If the encoding of the PLANTA Client is activated (encrypted = yes), without the PLANTA Server being configured accordingly, the This PLANTA Server is not configured for using SSL. Please contact the PLANTA hotline or change the Client parameter.
  • In forms (Layout = 2), it is now possible to display/hide child records by double-clicking on the heading.
  • If the program window is downsized, an arrow cursor for changing the program window size is displayed.
  • Automatic tooltips are displayed on truncated data field headings in forms and on buttons.
  • Tooltips on a data field with activated Multi-line parameter are displayed.
  • In listbox modules, the context menu is displayed on column headings.
  • The IronPython standard library has been added to the client.
  • The field width of the focused fields can also be changed now.
  • IronPython
    • In PLANTA project, IronPython v2.7.2 is now used.
    • In the IronPython API, the IronPython tab has been added in addition to the C#, Visual Basic, Visual C++ tabs.
    • New functions for checking the current window size have been added.
    • The DpiX and DpiY properties have been added to the environment interface.
  • Drag&Drop copying
  • The layout of the dialog window that is displayed when the connection is established, has been improved.
  • The letters on the letter buttons, e.g. In the Persons module, are displayed centered correctly.
  • For checkboxes, a minimum width has been implemented.
  • In the course of the performance improvement upon scale zoom, the key combinations for zooming have been changed.
  • The sequence of the entries in the context menu has changed.
  • The area, in which the data field widths or headings can be changed using the cursor, has been enlarged.
  • Menu items now also work if PLANTA is not the active window.
  • The maximum width of dialog messages, has been enlarged.
  • Search in Module
    • When using the Search in Module function, the text on buttons is no longer searched through.
    • If a term or value is searched while filtering or when inserting a record with the Search in Module function, it is scrolled to the result as soon as the data is displayed in the module.
  • If you mark a data field in customizing mode and subsequently press DEL, the data field can be displayed again via the context menu at a later point.
  • The client parameters also take effect if there is a space character before or after the =. I.e. that e.g. both encrypted = yes as well as encrypted=yes work.
  • After activating the log client parameter, the Log directory in which the logfiles are saved, are automatically saved when starting the client for the first time.
  • Client sided implementation of kerberos
  • When clicking on the ALT button, the menu bar is focused in modules.
  • When sorting or moving fields in listboxes, the focus in the data field is maintained.
  • When hiding data fields in a module, the last available data field cannot be hidden for each window anymore.
  • After a failed login, the client now reconnects with the server (reconnect) and a new, empty login form is displayed.
  • The performance when exporting overview modules has been improved.
  • If no valid printer is available, the No printer installed! message is now displayed instead of a client error message.
  • In the Projects module, tooltips are no longer displayed if they have no requested start and end.
  • If a file of the same name already exists, the behavior when using the IronPython function to export the module content as a PDF has changed: It is now also possible to save the file under another name or path.
  • The listbox for module variants is now displayed if there are also module variants for this module. If no module variants exist, Create MV is displayed instead in order to create a new module variant if possible.

Bug fixes

  • Several problems in the Export to Excel, in the print preview or when printing, as well as for tooltip, have been changed.
  • Export to Excel
    • The problem, that modules that possess data area assignments with simultaneously set Below one another and Next to parent area parameters were not exported correctly, has been resolved.
    • The problem, that in some cases the DI numbers were not exported correctly, has been resolved.
    • When changing to another application, the Extended dialog message is no longer displayed in front of it.
    • The problem, that upon bulk export no hour glass was displayed instead of the mouse pointer, although the process of the took some time, has been resolved.
    • The sporadically occurring Not enough quotes available to edit this command error message when exporting greater data amounts to Excel, has been resolved.
    • The problem, that when setting a filter in the Budget, Costs, and Revenues module and then trying to export to Excel, the The discarded object cannot be accessed. Object name: "Panel". error message was displayed, has been resolved.
    • Display errors in the system that occurred during the export have been fixed.
    • For downsized client windows, the progress bar is now displayed in the center of the client window and no longer in the center of the screen.
    • After the export, MS Excel is automatically focused.
    • Data areas that cannot be exported are no longer displayed, so that the same data areas are displayed in the extended dialog message in the standard export as well as in the data area listbox in the bulk export.
    • If the context menu is opened shortly before export start, it is now closed if the Client freezes during the export, so that the context menu is not displayed before other applications when switching from PLANTA to such applications via ALT + tab.
  • Print preview/printing
    • The problem, that the zoom setting changed after having clicked in the field of the Format or Zoom menu items, has been solved.
    • The problem, that the extended module title that was entered in the print preview after clicking on the Extend module title menu item was indeed entered within the print preview but was not displayed in the module title bar, has been resolved.
    • The problem, that the Zoom to page width menu item did not work if the print preview was opened again after hiding some data fields, has been resolved.
  • Problems when copying hyperlinks (files, folders, and URLs) via Copy&Paste and Drag&Drop, both in connection with the Windows Explorer and within the PLANTA System, have been resolved. Furthermore, the path of the source file is displayed in the address bar when copying to the Windows Explorer or to the browser.
  • The problem, that the Client cache was not deleted completely when reconnecting after a server crash, has been resolved.
    • Different error messages and display errors that occurred after the reconnect, have been resolved.
  • Instead of calendar week 53/12, the correct specification in the form of 01/13 is now displayed in scales, listboxes, and calendar listboxes.
  • The incorrect display of the Bar (uncrit. VG) (Ext. VG), and (Ext.VG) has been corrected.
  • The problem, that upon link creation the link line was displayed twice when the mouse was moved while holding down the mouse button during the creation process, has been resolved.
  • If child data areas are aligned next to each other, no more displacements occur in headings and the corresponding field contents.
  • The problem, that the hand symbol was erroneously displayed in the WBS module for moving, although Drag&Drop moving was not possible, has been resolved.
  • Tooltips
    • The flickering of tooltips when holding down the left mouse buttonon a data field has been resolved.
    • The following problem has been resolved: If the cursor was positioned shortly on one and then longer on another field, the tooltip of the first field was displayed.
    • The problem, that tooltips were displayed in the wrong module and not hidden there, has been resolved.
  • Problems with the wrong behavior for the Multi-line and Number of lines parameters, have been resolved.
  • The sporadically occuring Invalid pattern: "XYZ". Current DA must be a relative(child of child of ..) topDA" error message when pressing F7, has been resolved.
  • The problem, that when double-clicking in the table in the Aufgaben area in the Dashboard, the window frame of the PLANTA Client as well as the contents of other applications were flickering because they were drawn anew, has been resolved.
  • The visualization of the bars in some zoom levels in the print preview, has been improved.
  • If the x on a submodule tab is clicked on with the right mouse button, the submodule is no longer closed.
  • The sporadically occurring problem, that sorting symbols in the Data Areas module were displayed displaced or not at all, has been resolved.
  • The problem, that the content of the listbox on the DI058989 Unit 5: name field in the Resource Data Sheet was not displayed completely, has been resolved.
  • Problems that occurred when Drag&Drop copying records in data areas with DA class = 11 (structure display) have been resolved.
  • Problems with the display when widening heading fields in data areas with Positioning = 1 (fixed at the top) or 2 (fixed at the bottom) have been resolved.
  • The problem, that both the menu as well as the standard toolbar in PLANTA project was missing, e.g. when switching to another application while copying a schedule via ALT + TAB, has been resolved.
  • The problem, that listboxes remained at the same position instead of closing when downsizing and moving the Client window, has been resolved.
  • The The discarded object cannot be accessed. error message has been fixed.
  • The function of the close_on_server_disconnect client parameter (page break) has been corrected.
  • The following problem has been resolved: If, e.g., the window separator was moved in a module while filtering, it was automatically reset to its initial position after filtering was completed.
  • The Exception error message that occurred when creating a Windows font that does not support bold, has been fixed.
  • The problem, that when switching to another application via ALT + TAB, listboxes were sometimes displayed in front of the application instead of being closed, has been resolved.
  • The problem, that panels or modules were displayed on the wrong monitor when working with two monitors, has been resolved.
  • The menu bar no longer overlaps the customer logo.
  • The flickering of the client under Windows 7, e.g. when opening listboxes, has been fixed.
  • Problems with marking and moving of the battery symbol in the Project Core Data in the customizing mode, have been resolved.
  • The error that occurred when calculating module window sizes (content part overlaps tab title) after having changed the font size in Windows 7, has been resolved.
  • Window separators are no longer moved if, e.g. A vertical scroll bar is shown/hidden.
  • Display problems in scales with alternating shadings have been resolved.
  • The problem, that when holding down the left mouse button and simultaneously moving the mouse, it was painted black under the scale, has been resolved.
  • The System.NullReferenceException: The object reference was not set to one object instance. error message that (sporadically) occurred when closing modules as well as when executing a Python macro, has been fixed.
  • The automatic optimization of the column width of checkboxes has been corrected.
  • The problem, that either Base was displayed in the Module variant listbox in submodules, although the modules did not possess any module variants, or the listboxes were empty, although the modules possessed module variants, has been resolved.
  • The problem, that floating module windows were hidden as soon as the mouse cursor was moved away from the module when using the Search in module function, has been resolved.
  • Problems with the IronPython Console when executing IronPython scripts in the client have been resolved.
  • Floating/fix module windows
    • The behavior when setting the required module size has been improved.
    • A client crash that sporadically occurred in this context has been fixed.
  • If the Client hangs when filtering large data amounts, the white rectangle is no longer displayed in the system title in the left upper corner.
  • The problem, that the IronPython Console flickered, has been resolved.
  • The Client crash that ocurred when changing twice and saving in a macro, has been resolved.
  • The sporadically occurring System.ObjectDisposedException: The discarded object cannot be accessed. error message when scrolling in a listbox and simultaneously pressing the ESC key, has been resolved.
  • The sporadically occurring System.NullReferenceException: The object referral has not been defined to an object instance. when switching back and forth between two modules, has been resolved.
  • The problem, that the context menu in the Stakeholder module was opened on non-existing records as well as the Python error in macro 009A3G Python error message occurring in this context, has been resolved.
  • The error, that the black or bold highlighted column separator was displayed at the wrong position when moving data fields after having scrolled in the module, has been resolved.
  • Problems with the display of bars after scrolling the scale, has been resolved.
  • The sporadically occurring problem, that the heading in some modules was not displayed completely, has been resolved.
  • The problem, that the frames in some modules were displayed bold after a text was entered or deleted, has been resolved.
  • The sporadically occurring problem, that scrolling vertically was able via CTRL + END or PAGE DOWN, although no scroll bar was available, has been resolved.
  • Problems with the alternating shading have been resolved.
  • The problem, that floating module windows disappeared if a dialog message was displayed, has been resolved.
  • The erroneous indent of tasks in the Open Items module has been corrected.
  • The different alignment of the OLEs and the associated headings in the My Planning Objects module, has been corrected.
  • The Connection to server lost message is now displayed on Windows 7 infront of all opened panels.
  • The Shift = XXX; width = YYY message in the status line when changing column sizes, has been deleted.
  • The problem, that in some modules the context menu for displaying/hiding data fields was not displayed when right-clicking on the last heading of the data area, has been resolved.
  • The problem, that when the Tree display = Checked and the Next to parent area = Checked was activated, the heading of the last field of the parent record was cut-off, has been resolved.
  • The following problem has been resolved: The heading in data areas the parent area of which only consisted of data fields in window 9, has been displayed displaced if the tree display was activated in both the parent and the child data area.
  • The indent of records with deactivated tree structure in modules with structure display has been corrected.
  • The problem, that the first calendar week of the year was not calculated correctly in date listboxes, has been resolved.
  • A sporadcally occurring client crash when closing a panel and holding down the mouse has been resolved.
  • The client loads the Proxy dialog message faster if the server cannot be found.
  • If the module title is longer than the module tab, the title is cut-off and ... is added, so that the x for closing can still be displayed.
  • When changing the layouts in the customizing mode, all previously activated fields are now deactivated.
  • Wide ranging improvements of the IronPython console of the clients, a.o.:
    • No unneccessary blank lines after running a statement
    • Output of the text representation of the return value of a statement
    • Text navigation with the Pos1 and End buttons is possible
    • Problems with auto-indent have been resolved.
  • The layout of the bars was improved.
  • The problem, that in listboxes no checkboxes could be displayed, has been resolved.

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