The documentation from version 39.5.17 of PLANTA project can be found in the new PLANTA Online Help.

DT461 Project

DI041317 Project

Functional ID of the planning object (project/program/proposal/idea/request). It is generated automatically (copied from the technical Project ID). Unlike the technical Project ID, the functional ID can be changed afterwards (in the Project Core Data module) if necessary.

Notes under Project ID

DI001001 Project ID

Technical ID of the planning object (project/program/proposal/idea/request). It is generated automatically. Unlike the functional ID, it cannot be changed manually in the Project DI.

Notes on customizing with functional and technical IDs

  • In PLANTA Standard
    • only the functional ID is displayed in most modules (the technical ID is hidden by default and the Data field option and Filter criterion parameters are deactivated)
    • @L variables are always set to the technical ID since
      • only these data items have an index that speeds up the search.
      • Modules with this preset are usually embedded into workflows in which the following modules also work with it (not only as a filter, but also in the Python macros for accessing the database).
      • In modules that have a filter with @L on main or subproject, no filters on project level are available to the user (the Filter criterion parameter is deactivated for all project fields).
  • PLANTA recommends that you consider this logic for individual customizings.

DI000690 Project name

Name of the planning object (project/program/proposal/idea/request)

The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following modules:

DI000141 Locked

This parameter determines whether the planning object is locked for working time recording.


  • Checked: Reporting actual effort or actual hours is not possible
  • Unchecked: Reporting actual effort or actual hours is possible


  • When a planning object is created, the Locked flag is set automatically so that no reporting hours can be executed unintentionally for the planning object during the initial planning phase.
  • If work reporting is to be enabled for a planning object, the Locked checkbox must be deactivated.

Note for structured projects

  • The value (activated/deactivated) is neither inherited from main project to subproject nor the other way around. It can be Modified on every project level. Changes to subprojects, however, can only be made by users that possess multi-project or multi-portfolio manager rights.

The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following modules:

From DB 39.5.7

Up to DB 39.5.7

  • Attributes/parameters area in the Project Core Data module
  • Attributes/parameters area in the Request module,

  • From DB 39.5.13

    DI009494 Posting type ID

    Code (ID) of the posting type of the planning object. For description, see Posting type name.

    Up to DB 39.5.13

    DI009494 Posting type

    Code (ID) of the posting type of the planning object. For description, see Posting type name.

    From DB 39.5.13

    DI056881 Posting type

    Name of the posting type of the planning object. The Posting type parameter specifies up to which date the employees can post actual effort to the project. In input mode, a listbox for selection of a posting type is displayed on the respective field.

    In PLANTA, actual posting means the recording of actual hours in the course of Time Recording as well as the recording of actual costs in Cost Posting) and Revenues Posting.


    • 0 - Actual postings up to the end of the current week: Recording of actual postings, actual costs, and actual revenues up to the last day of the current week.
    • 1 - Actual postings also into the future (overhead costs,...) Reporting of actual hours, actual costs, and actual revenues is also possible for future dates.
    • 2 - ... - This value is not preset by default and can be specified by a user with customizing rights in the Listbox Values (old) module.


    • New projects are preset with Posting type = "0".

    Note for structured projects

    • Each new subproject in a project structure automatically inherits the cost center (upon creation) from its immediate parent project. The value can only be modified in the main project. If you try to change values on a subproject, the following message is displayed: The posting type can only be changed in the main project.

    The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following modules:

    From DB 39.5.12

    DI056881 Posting type name

    Name of the posting type of the planning object. The Posting type parameter specifies up to which date the employees can post actual effort to the project. In input mode, a listbox for selection of a posting type is displayed on the respective field.

    In PLANTA, actual posting means the recording of actual hours in the course of Time Recording as well as the recording of actual costs (Cost Posting) and (Revenues Posting).


    • 0 - Actual postings NEW up to the end of the current week - Recording of actual hours, actual costs, and actual revenues up to the last day of the current week.
    • 1 - Actual postings also for the future (overhead costs,...) - Reporting of actual hours, actual costs, and actual revenues is also possible for dates in the future.
    • 2 - ... - This value is not preset by default and can be specified by a user with customizing rights in the Listbox Values (old) module.


    • New projects are preset with Posting type = "0".

    Note for structured projects

    • Each new subproject in a project structure automatically inherits the cost center (upon creation) from its immediate parent project. The value can only be modified in the main project. If you try to change values on a subproject, the following message is displayed: The posting type can only be changed in the main project.

    The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following modules:

    Up to DB 39.5.12

    DI056881 Posting type name

    Name of the posting type of the planning object. The Posting type parameter specifies up to which date the employees can post actual effort to the project. In input mode, a listbox for selection of a posting type is displayed on the respective field.

    In PLANTA, actual posting means the recording of actual hours in the course of Time Recording as well as the recording of actual costs (Cost Posting) and (Revenues Posting).


    • 0 - Actual postings only up to today - Reporting of actual hours, actual costs, and actual revenues up to the last day of the current week.
    • 1 - Actual postings also for the future (overhead costs,...) - Reporting of actual hours, actual costs, and actual revenues is also possible for dates in the future.
    • 2 - ... - This value is not preset by default and can be specified by a user with customizing rights in the Listbox Values (old) module.


    • New projects are preset with Posting type = "0".

    Note for structured projects

    • Each new subproject in a project structure automatically inherits the cost center (upon creation) from its immediate parent project. The value can only be modified in the main project. If you try to change values on a subproject, the following message is displayed: The posting type can only be changed in the main project.

    The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following modules:

    From DB 39.5.13

    DI001042 Status ID

    Code (ID) of the posting type of the planning object. For description, see DI041499.

    Up to DB 39.5.13

    DI001042 Status

    Code (ID) of the posting type of the planning object. For description, see DI041499.

    From DB 39.5.13

    DI041499 Status

    Name of the planning object status. In input mode, a listbox for selection of a posting type will be displayed on the respective field.


    • Template (0)
    • Active (1)
    • Inactive (2)
    • Archive (9)


    • New planning objects are preset with Status = Active.
    • For planning objects with Status ≠ "Active", no calculation of the schedule can be carried out (e.g. project templates used for copying).
    • Difference between "Archive" and "Inactive"
      • The tasks of the archived projects are not counted in the license level (task limit). The tasks of inactive projects, however, are counted. Inactive projects are only temporarily switched off and can be set to active again at a later point.
      • Archived projects cannot be edited by regular users (regardless of their rights). All fields (except the Status field itself) are "output" and all editing functions are switched off. Only users with Customizer rights still have write rights to archived projects. Inactive projects remain editable for regular users, although they are only available in particular views.
    • Before the status of a loaded planning object can be changed from "Active" to "Archive" or "Inactive", a final scheduling has to be carried out for the planning object and subsequently it must be unloaded. This is indicated by an info message.
    • For programs, the Status can only be changed from "Active" to "Archive" or "Inactive" if all assigned projects have the "Archive" or "Inactive" status accordingly.
    • If an archived planning object is opened, no current milestones are displayed in the graphic in the project Dashboard (program Dashboard), but only the milestones from the baseline and from the active status report. Reason: in the graphic, the calculated dates for the x axis are required. Since in the current planning, however, no calculated dates exist anymore due to the unloading in the archiving procedure, milestones of the current planning cannot be displayed in the graphic.
    • Archived planning objects are no longer scheduled, however, their effort and cost values are still considered in the program.
    • If a project with external links from/to other projects is set to "Inactive" or "Archive", the external links are converted to links with active External task parameter.

    Note for structured projects

    • Each new subproject in a project structure automatically inherits the status (upon creation) from its immediate parent project. The value can only be modified in the main project. If you try to change values on a subproject, the following message is displayed: The project status can only be changed in the main project.

    The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following modules: Note

    From DB 39.5.7

    DI041499 Status name

    Name of the planning object status. In input mode, a listbox for selection of a posting type is displayed on the respective field.


    • Template (0)
    • Active (1)
    • Inactive (2)
    • Archive (9)


    • New planning objects are preset with Status = Active.
    • For planning objects with Status ≠ "Active", no calculation of the schedule can be carried out (e.g. project templates used for copying).
    • Difference between "Archive" and "Inactive"
      • The tasks of the archived projects are not counted in the license level (task limit). The tasks of inactive projects, however, are counted. Inactive projects are only temporarily switched off and can be set to active again at a later point.
      • Archived projects cannot be edited by regular users (regardless of their rights). All fields (except the Status field itself) are "output" and all editing functions are switched off. Only users with Customizer rights still have write rights to archived projects. Inactive projects remain editable for regular users, although they are only available in particular views.
    • Before the status of a loaded planning object can be changed from "Active" to "Archive" or "Inactive", a final scheduling has to be carried out for the planning object and subsequently it must be unloaded. This is indicated by an info message.
    • NEW For programs, the Status can only be changed from "Active" to "Archive" or "Inactive" if all assigned projects have the "Archive" or "Inactive" status accordingly.
    • If an archived planning object is opened, no current milestones are displayed in the graphic in the project Dashboard (program Dashboard), but only the milestones from the baseline and from the active status report. Reason: in the graphic, the calculated dates for the x axis are required. Since in the current planning, however, no calculated dates exist anymore due to the unloading in the archiving procedure, milestones of the current planning cannot be displayed in the graphic.
    • NEW Archived planning objects are no longer scheduled, however, their effort and cost values are still considered in the program.
    • NEW If a project with external links from/to other projects is set to "Inactive" or "Archive", the external links are converted to links with active External task parameter.

    The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following modules: Note

    Up to DB 39.5.7

    DI041499 Status name

    Name of the planning object status. In input mode, a listbox for selection of a posting type is displayed on the respective field.


    • Template (0)
    • Active (1)
    • Inactive (2)
    • Archive (9)


    • New planning objects are preset with Status = Active.
    • For planning objects with Status ≠ "Active", no calculation of the schedule can be carried out (e.g. project templates for copying).
    • Before the status of a loaded planning object can be changed from "Active" to "Archive" or "Inactive", a final scheduling has to be carried out for the planning object and subsequently it must be unloaded. This is indicated by an info message.

    Note for structured projects

    • Each new subproject in a project structure automatically inherits the status (upon creation) from its immediate parent project. The value can only be modified in the main project. If you try to change values on a subproject, the following message is displayed: The project status can only be changed in the main project.

    The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following modules: Note

    From DB 39.5.13

    DI056873 Status

    Name of the planning object status. For description, see DI041499.

    Up to DB 39.5.13

    DI056873 Status name

    Name of the planning object status. For description, see DI041499.

    DI059323 WBS changes locked

    Defines whether generating a WBS code or changing the existing WBS code is allowed for the current project

    The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following modules:

    DI000260 Short name

    Short description of the project/proposal/idea/program/request

    DI000264 WBS code*

    Work break down structure code


    From DB 39.5.13

    DI023220 Type ID

    Code (ID) of the type of the planning object. For description, see DI057969.

    Up to DB 39.5.13

    DI023220 Type

    Code (ID) of the planning object (project/program/proposal/idea/request). For description, see DI057969.

    From DB 39.5.13

    DI057969 Type

    Name of the type of the planning object. The parameter determines whether the planning object is a

    • Project (0)
    • Proposal (1)
    • Idea (2)
    • Request (10)
    • Program (30) In input mode, a listbox for selection of a posting type will be displayed on the respective field.

    The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following module:

    See also: Change planning object type

    Up to DB 39.5.13

    DI057969 Type name

    Name of the type of the planning object. The parameter determines whether the planning object is a

    • Project (0)
    • Proposal (1)
    • Idea (2)
    • Request (10)
    • Program (30) In input mode, a listbox for selection of a posting type will be displayed on the respective field.

    The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following module:

    See also: Change planning object type

    From DB 39.5.13

    DI057968 Type

    Name of the type of the planning object. For description, see DI057969.

    Up to DB 39.5.13

    DI057968 Type name

    Name of the planning object type. For description, see DI057969.

    DI001037 Planned effort

    Planned effort of the planning object. In the calculation of the schedule, the value is determined (summarized) from the values of the subordinate areas (levels). Manual input is not possible. See calulation/summarization structure

    Calculation/summarization structure


    • Planned effort is only summarized from the resource assignment (DT466) to the task (DT463) and subsequently to the project (DT461) if the Effort summarization checkbox is activated in the Resource Data Sheet.

    DI001038 Actual effort

    Actual effort of the planning object. In the calculation of the schedule, the value is determined (summarized) from the values of the subordinate areas (levels). Manual input is not possible. See calulation/summarization structure

    Calculation/summarization structure


    • Planned effort is only summarized from the resource assignment (DT466) to the task (DT463) and subsequently to the project (DT461) if the Effort summarization checkbox is activated for the respective resource in the Resource Data Sheet.

    DI001039 Remaining effort

    Remaining effort of the planning object. In the calculation of the schedule, the value is determined (summarized) from the values of the subordinate areas (levels). Manual input is not possible. See calulation/summarization structure

    Calculation/summarization structure


    • Planned effort is only summarized from the resource assignment (DT466) to the task (DT463) and subsequently to the project (DT461) if the Effort summarization checkbox is activated for the respective resource in the Resource Data Sheet.

    DI000687 Total effort

    Total effort of the planning object. The value is determined in the calculation of the project schedule as a sum of actual and remaining (manual input not possible).


    DI000661 Planned costs

    Planned costs of the planning object. In the calculation of the schedule, the value is determined (summarized) from the values of the subordinate areas (levels). Manual input is not possible. See calulation/summarization structure

    Calculation/summarization structure

    • Project: * Planned costs = Sum of the Planned costs of all tasks of the project and all of its subprojects (if there are any)

    DI000662 Actual costs

    Actual costs of the planning object. In the calculation of the schedule, the value is determined (summarized) from the values of the subordinate areas (levels). Manual input is not possible. See calulation/summarization structure

    Calculation/summarization structure

    • Project: * Actual costs = Sum of the Actual costs of all tasks of the project and of all of its subprojects (if there are any)

    DI000673 Rem. costs

    Remaining costs of the planning object. In the calculation of the schedule, the value is determined (summarized) from the values of the subordinate areas (levels). Manual input is not possible. See calulation/summarization structure

    Calculation/summarization structure

    DI000674 Total costs

    Total costs of the planning object. The value is determined in the calculation of the project schedule as a sum of actual and remaining (manual input not possible).


    DI000634 Cost budget

    Budget details. Cost budget is planned/allocated in the Budget module (DT281) and the value is fetched to DI000634 (DT461) via Python value range.


    • The values are summarized upwards via the structure if there are entries in subprojects.

    DI000638 Cost deviation: planned - budget

    Absolute deviation of planned costs from the cost budget


    • Deviation > 0 means: Budget overrun!

    Calculation via value range

    DI000641 % deviation costs: planned - budget

    Percentage deviation of planned costs from the cost budget


    • Deviation > 0 means: Budget overrun!

    Calculation via value range

    DI000658 Cost deviation: total - budget

    Absolute deviation of total costs from the cost budget


    • Depending on whether the Total costs - budget deviation value is positive or negative, the value is colored red, yellow, or green.
      • Budget overrun: green
    • Deviation > 0 means: Budget overrun!
      • Budget overrun by more than 5%: red
      • Budget overrun less than 5%: yellow

    Calculation via value range

    DI000660 % deviation costs: total - budget

    Percentage deviation of total costs from the cost budget from the current planning


    • Deviation > 0 means: Budget overrun!

    Calculation via value range

    DI000676 Cost deviation: total - planned

    Absolute deviation of total costs from planned costs

    Calculation via value range

    DI000686 % deviation costs: total - planned

    Percentage deviation of total costs from planned costs

    Calculation via value range

    DI000687 Total effort

    Total effort of the project (program, proposal, idea)


    DI000688 Deviation effort: total - planned

    Absolute deviation of total effort from planned effort


    DI000689 % deviation effort: total - planned

    Percentage deviation of total effort from planned effort


    DI000692 Group 1

    Parameter for grouping the planning objects. In the user modules, the respective field is named Project type.


    • In PLANTA Standard, this field is preset with a listbox the content of which can be adjusted via the Miscellaneous Listbox Values master data module.

    The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following modules:

    DI000693 Group 2

    Further parameters for grouping planning objects. The description and listing of the modules for editing are the same as for Group 1

    DI000694 Group 3

    Further parameters for grouping planning objects. The description and listing of the modules for editing are the same as for Group 1

    DI001003 Parent project ID

    ID of the parent project in a project structure. When you structure a project and save it, the ID of the parent project is automatically entered for the subproject.

    See also: How to Structure Projects

    From DB 39.5.7

    DI001004 Structure task ID

    When you structure a project, the ID of the structure task of the parent project is automatically entered for a subproject here. The structure task is a task which links a parent project to a subproject.


    • After projects have been structured and calculated, a structure task is created automatically in each parent project.
    • In the Standard, structure tasks are hidden in all modules in question by default and cannot be displayed by the user. This is to be considered for individual customizings as well.
      • The Structure task parameter defines whether a task is a normal or a structure task.

    Up to DB 39.5.7

    DI001004 Parent task ID

    When you structure a project, the ID of the structure task of the parent project is automatically entered for a subproject here. The structure task is a task which links a parent project to a subproject.


    • After projects have been structured and calculated, a structure task is created automatically in each parent project.
    • In the Standard, structure tasks are hidden in all modules in question by default and cannot be displayed by the user. This is to be considered for individual customizings as well.
      • The Structure task parameter defines whether a task is a normal or a structure task.


    • DI001004 must not be confused with DI008851 Parent task ID in DT463, which has the same name but a completely different function. DI008851 Parent task ID is filled with the ID of the parent task when structuring the tasks.

    See also: How to Structure Projects

    DI001005 Created on

    When you create a record, the creation date is automatically entered in this field.

    DI001006 Modified on

    When you modify a record, the modifying date is automatically entered in this field.

    DI001008 Created by

    When you create a record, the ID (code) of the logged-on user is automatically entered in this field.

    The creating user is also the owner of a record.

    DI001009 Modified by

    When you modify a record, the ID (code) of the logged-on user is automatically entered in this field.

    From DB 39.5.13

    DI001014 Code ID

    ID of the code of the planning object. For description, see DI056883.

    Up to DB 39.5.13

    DI001014 Code

    ID of the code of the planning object. For description, see DI056883.

    From DB 39.5.13

    DI056883 Code

    Name of the code of the planning object. In input mode, a listbox for selection of a posting type will be displayed on the respective field.

    In PLANTA, codes serve to organize planning objects. In PLANTA Standard, the code of the planning objects (or the symbol stored for the respective code) is considered in the visualization of the planning object date bars (e.g. in the Projects module) or in utilization diagrams.


    • A - A projects
    • B - B projects
    • C - C projects
    • D - Other projects
    • E - New projects

    All newly created planning objects are set to code = E (new projects) by default

    Technical details on utilization diagrams

    • In PLANTA Standard, the visualization of the planning object utilization is done in utilization diagrams according to the code. However, the planning object codes are not considered directly, but via respective model parameters.
    • Since utilization diagrams in PLANTA can only consider 5 codes, PLANTA recommends to use 5 planning codes accordingly (as is the case in Standard). If you wish to use more than 5 planning object codes anyway (e.g. for further project evaluation purposes), they are bundled in one code in utilization diagrams and visualized with the same symbol.

    Note for structured projects

    • Each new subproject in a project structure automatically inherits the code (upon creation) from its immediate parent project.


    • If you want to have the codes changed or extended, please consult your PLANTA contact person.

    The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following modules (assignment of the codes to planning objects):

    Up to DB 39.5.13

    DI056883 Code name

    Name of the code of the planning object. In input mode, a listbox for selection of a posting type will be displayed on the respective field.

    In PLANTA, codes serve to organize planning objects. In PLANTA Standard, the code of the planning objects (or the symbol stored for the respective code) is considered in the visualization of the planning object bars (e.g. in the Projects module) or in utilization diagrams.

    From DB 39.5.11

    • A - A projects
    • B - B projects
    • C - C projects
    • D - Other projects
    • E - New projects NEW

    All newly created planning objects are set to code = E (new projects) by default

    Up to DB 39.5.11

    • A - A projects
    • B - B projects
    • C - C projects
    • D - Other projects
    • E - Simulation

    All newly created planning objects are set to code = E (simulation) by default

    Technical details on utilization diagrams

    • In PLANTA Standard, the visualization of the planning object utilization is done in utilization diagrams according to the code. However, the planning object codes are not considered directly, but via respective model parameters.
    • Since utilization diagrams in PLANTA can only consider 5 codes, PLANTA recommends to use 5 planning codes accordingly (as is the case in Standard). If you wish to use more than 5 planning object codes anyway (e.g. for further project evaluation purposes), they are bundled in one code in utilization diagrams and visualized with the same symbol.

    Note for structured projects

    • Each new subproject in a project structure automatically inherits the code (upon creation) from its immediate parent project.


    • If you want to have the codes changed or extended, please consult your PLANTA contact person.

    The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following modules (assignment of the codes to planning objects):

    From DB 39.5.10

    Up to DB 39.5.10

  • Basic data area in the Project Core Data module,
  • Basic data area in the Proposal Core Data module,
  • Planning Objects (in Table Form) module (all: projects, ideas, proposals, programs, requests)
  • Resource Simulation module (projects, ideas, proposals),
  • DI001015 Priority

    Priority of the planning object


    • You can increase the importance of the planning object using a numeric code to define the priority.
    • Priority controls the sequence in which the resources assigned to the projects are loaded in replanning (calculation of the schedules of all projects).
    • For new projects, the priority is set to the lowest priority. This can be adjusted.

    Permissible values

    • 0: highest priority;
    • 1: second highest priority, etc.

    Technical details

    • The value range of the field checks for the @D296 global variable via which the maximum priority value which can be entered can be set.
      • If you, e.g., want to work with priority values from 0 to 10, you should enter 10 in the variable. Numbers up to 999 are permitted.
    • In PLANTA Standard, the maximum permitted value is preset by default.

    Note for structured projects

    • Each new subproject in a project structure automatically inherits the priority (upon creation) from its immediate parent project.

    The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following modules:

    DI001019 Requested start

    Required start date of the planning object. It is the start date for all tasks which have no predecessor(s) and no requested dates of their own. The PR Req. start will be considered if no other conditions (e.g. consideration of the 'today' line) conflict with it. It will also be applied if 'actual' dates have already been entered for tasks.


    • In the scheduling of project structures, the Earliest start of the task of the main project is copied to Requested start of the project. Any dates entered manually will be overwritten.

    The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following modules:

    DI001020 Requested end

    Requested end date of the planning object


    • Depending on the Project Requested Dates for Float model parameter, this parameter is applicable to the calculation of the float times in projects.
      • If the calculated overall duration of the project is shorter than the time between PR Req. start and PR Req. end, all tasks will be given an additional float.
    • When scheduling project structures, the Latest end date of the task is transferred to Requested end of the project. Any dates entered manually will be overwritten.

    The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following modules:

    DI001023 Calc. start

    Calculated start date of the planning object (determined in the calculation of the schedule)


    • Earliest calculated start date of all tasks of the project and all subprojects (if there are any)

    DI001024 Calc. end

    Calculated end date (determined in the calculation of the schedule) of the project (proposal/idea/program)


    • Latest calculated end date of all tasks of the project and all subprojects (if available)

    DI001025 Actual start

    Actual start date of the planning object


    DI001026 Actual end

    Actual end date of the project (proposal, idea, or program).


    • Latest actual end of all tasks of the project and the subprojects (if available), if all tasks are completed.

    Project Durations

    If project Actual start = 0 (project is being planned) Sort If project Actual start > 0 (project is already started) Sort
    DI001034 Planned duration If requested dates entered: Requested end - Requested start
    Otherwise: Calc. end - Calc. start
          Unchanged after the first calculation (analogous to Planned task duration).
    Although changes can still be made in the Planned task duration
    after project start, the capacity scheduling no longer writes it in the Planned project duration in the next calculation.
    DI001035 Actual duration 0       Work reporting date - Actual start (analogous to the calculation of Actual task duration).
    DI001036 Remaining duration Calc. end - Calc. start       latest Task calc. end of all tasks - earliest. Task calc. start of all tasks
    DI023415 Total duration Actual duration + Remaining duration       Actual duration + Remaining duration


    • Project durations are scheduled on the basis of work days (Work = Checked). This means that the number of days with Work = Unchecked (weekends, public holidays, company holidays) will additionally be subtracted from the results of the above described subtractions. The calculation accesses the calendar which is entered in the @G150 global variable.
    • If the today line is inactive or fixed, it is possible that the Remaining duration overlaps the Actual duration (e.g.: Actual duration is up to yesterday, but there is still remaining effort in the last week). For this case, no plausible total project duration can be calculated.
    • If the today line is inactive, the settings in the Split parameter are not taken into consideration in the project duration calculation.

    From DB 39.5.13

    DI001481 Time recording date


    Up to DB 39.5.13

    DI001481 Work reporting date


    DI001043 Network cycle

    Parameter that signalizes that there is a cycle in the project.


    • If the scheduling procedure is aborted due to a cycle in the network, this checkbox will be activated. After the cycle has been removed, this checkbox is deactivated in when the next scheduling is performed.

    See also: Cycle Search module, Task with cycle parameter

    DI001044 Loaded

    The parameter marks whether a calculation of the schedule of the planning object has been carried out.


    • Checked - The schedule has been calculated.
    • Unchecked - Unloading has been carried out or the schedule has not yet been calculated.

    From DB 39.5.12

    DI001045 Last scheduling date

    Date of last calculation of the schedule of the planning object

    Up to DB 39.5.12

    DI001045 Last scheduling date

    Date of last calculation of the schedule of the planning object

    DI001048 Number of tasks

    Number of tasks of the project


    • This value is automatically determined in the calculation of the schedule of the planning object.
    • For archived projects, this field is not filled (i.e. tasks of archived projects are not counted).
    • Structure tasks are not counted.

    DI002345 Number of tasks

    Number of tasks of the project


    • In opposite to the DI001048 parameter of the same name,
      • this parameter is also filled for archived projects (i.e. tasks of archived projects are counted).
      • Structure tasks are counted.

    DI001049 Number of links

    Number of links of the project. The counting only includes the links relevant for scheduling, i.e. internal links and external links (incoming and outgoing). External tasks are not included in the counting.


    • This value is automatically determined in the calculation of the schedule of the planning object.

    From DB 39.5.12

    DI001050 Last scheduling date

    Date on which the last calculation of the project schedule has been carried out.

    Up to DB 39.5.12

    DI001050 Last capacity scheduling date

    Date on which the last capacity scheduling has been carried out

    DI001052 Main project ID

    Code (ID) of the main project in a project structure


    • If no project structure is available, the main project ID (DT001052) equates to the project ID (DI001001).
    • Projects with Level = 0 are always main projects at the same time.

    DI001053 Level

    From DB 39.5.0

    Project level. NEW Both initial setting and refreshing of the value is done immediately after the structure has been changed and saved. A calculation of the schedule is not necessary.


    • 0: main project (top level)
    • 1: subproject of the first level, etc.

    Up to DB 39.5.0

    Project level. Individual project levels of a project structure are calculated by capacity scheduling.


    • 0: main project (top level)
    • 1: subproject of the first level, etc.

    DI001061 Customer

    Customer of the project

    Note for structured projects

    • Each new subproject in a project structure automatically inherits the code (upon creation) from its immediate parent project.

    The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following modules:

    From DB 39.5.12

    DI001062 Manager ID

    Code (ID) of the project (proposal, idea, program, or request) manager For details, see manager name.

    Up to DB 39.5.12

    DI001062 Manager

    Code (ID) of the project (proposal, idea, program, or request) manager

    From DB 39.5.12

    DI006514 Manager

    Name of the project (proposal, idea, program, or request) manager

    Up to DB 39.5.12

    DI006514 Manager name

    Name of the project (proposal, idea, program, or request) manager

    From DB 39.5.12

    DI034520 Manager

    Name of the project (idea, proposal, program, or request) manager In input mode, a listbox for selection of a manager will be displayed on the respective field.


    The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following modules:

    Up to DB 39.5.12

    DI034520 Manager name

    Name of the project (idea, proposal, program, or request) manager In input mode, a listbox for selection of a manager will be displayed on the respective field.

    Notes *

    The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following modules:

    DI007817 Manager name: parent project

    Name of the project manager of the parent project

    DI007822 E-mail manager: parent project

    E-mail address of the project manager of the parent project

    From DB 39.5.12

    DI007823 Main project manager ID

    Code (ID) of the main project manager

    Up to DB 39.5.12

    DI007823 Main project manager

    Code (ID) of the main project manager

    From DB 39.5.12

    DI006864 Main project manager

    Name of the manager of the main project

    Up to DB 39.5.12

    DI006864 Main project manager name

    Name of the manager of the main project

    DI007821 E-mail main project manager

    E-mail address of the main project manager

    DI007824 Manager: parent project

    Code (ID) of the parent project manager

    DI006545 E-mail

    E-mail of the project manager

    The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following modules:

    From DB 39.5.13

    DI001063 Client

    Contact person at the customer’s site

    Note for structured projects

    • Each new subproject in a project structure automatically inherits the code (upon creation) from its immediate parent project.

    The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following modules:

    Up to DB 39.5.13

    DI001063 Customer manager

    Contact person at the customer’s site

    Note for structured projects

    • Each new subproject in a project structure automatically inherits the code (upon creation) from its immediate parent project.

    The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following modules:

    From DB 39.5.10

    DI001285 Last planning: start

    The DI is no longer used.

    Up to DB 39.5.10

    DI001285 Last planning: start

    Project start date from the active (last released) status report. Is automatically copied from the Calc. start parameter of the active status report. Serves for comparison with the current plan.

    From DB 39.5.10

    DI001289 Last planning: end

    The DI is no longer used.

    Up to DB 39.5.10

    DI001289 Last planning: end

    Project end date from the active (last released) status report. Is automatically copied from the Calc. end. Serves for comparison with the current plan.

    From DB 39.5.7

    DI001296 Deviation project end dates: calc. end - requested end

    Absolute deviation of the project end dates calculated by the scheduling (Calc. end from Req. end) in days

    Up to DB 39.5.7

    DI001296 Plan 4: end deviation

    Absolute deviation of the project end dates calculated by the scheduling (Calc. end from Requested end) in days

    From DB 39.5.7

    DI008143 Deviation MMS end dates: calc. end - requested end

    Absolute deviation of the project end dates calculated by the scheduling (Calc. end from Requested end) in days The highest deviation value from all master milestones is visualized.

    Up to DB 39.5.7

    DI008143 Deviation: End 4 master milestone

    Absolute deviation of the project end dates calculated by the scheduling (Calc. end from Requested end) in days The highest deviation value from all master milestones is visualized.

    DI002051 Bars: calculated dates (traffic light)

    Bar (with a traffic light function) for the visualization of the interval between the calculated dates (Calc. start and Calc. end) of the project (program, proposal, idea)

    DI002052 Bar: requested dates

    Bar for the visualization of the interval between the requested dates (Requested start and Requested end) of the project (proposal, idea, program)

    DI002055 Bar: actual dates

    Bar for the visualization of the interval between the actual dates (Actual start and Actual end) of the project (proposal, idea, program)

    DI002088 Bar: actual start - work reporting date

    Bar for the visualization of the interval between the Actual start date and the last work reporting date of the project (proposal, idea, program)

    DI002367 Bars: calculated dates by code

    Bar for the visualization of the interval between the calculated dates (Calc. start and Calc. end) of the project (program, proposal, idea) The symbol of the bar is determined by the code (of the program, proposal, idea)

    DI023412 Bar: float

    Bar for the visualization of the date float (positive interval between Requested end and Calc. end) of the project (program, proposal, idea)

    DI023373 Bar: delay

    Bar for the visualization of the date delay (positive interval between Requested end and Calc. end) of the project (program, proposal, idea)

    DI002555 Main project name

    Name of the main project

    DI002771 Created by: name

    When you create a record, the ID (code) of the logged-on user is automatically entered in this field.

    The creating user is also the owner of a record.

    DI003382 Main project customer

    Customer of the main project

    DI005443 Plan 1 frozen on

    Date on which plan 1 was frozen


    • This field can be released by PLANTA for manual editing. If you wish this, please contact your PLANTA consultant.

    DI005444 Plan 2 frozen on

    Date on which plan 2 was frozen


    • This field can be released by PLANTA for manual editing. If you wish this, please contact your PLANTA consultant.

    DI005445 Plan 3 frozen on

    Date on which plan 3 was frozen


    • This field can be released by PLANTA for manual editing. If you wish this, please contact your PLANTA consultant.

    From DB 39.5.13

    DI006445 Planning type ID

    Code (ID) of the Planning type parameter. For description, see Planning type name.

    Up to DB 39.5.13

    DI006445 Planning type

    Code (ID) of the Planning type parameter. For description, see Planning type name.

    From DB 39.5.13

    DI056876 Planning type

    Name of the planning type of the project. The planning type determines how the projects are calculated. In input mode, a listbox for selection of a planning type will be displayed on the respective field.


    • 0 = Adherence to schedule
      • Availability of capacity or tasks which have already been loaded are not taken into account when loading tasks. No capacity adjustment takes place.
    • 1 = Adherence to total float
      • In case of capacity shortage, a task can be moved within its total buffer time. If sufficient free capacity is available, the task is loaded. If not, the task is loaded at its latest dates (Latest start/Latest end). The project end date (Requested end or Latest end) is not overrun due to capacity shortage.
    • 2 = Adherence to capacity
      • A capacity shortage will cause tasks to be moved until sufficient free capacity is available. The project end date (Requested end) is not taken into account, provided that all other requirements are met:

    Note for structured projects

    • Each new subproject in a project structure automatically inherits the planning type (upon creation) from its immediate parent project.

    The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following modules:

    Up to DB 39.5.13

    DI056876 Planning type name

    Name of the planning type of the project. The planning type determines how the projects are calculated. In input mode, a listbox for selection of a planning type will be displayed on the respective field.


    • 0 = Adherence to schedule
      • Availability of capacity or tasks which have already been loaded are not taken into account when loading tasks. No capacity adjustment takes place.
    • 1 = Adherence to total float
      • In case of capacity shortage, a task can be moved within its total buffer time. If sufficient free capacity is available, the task is loaded. If not, the task is loaded at its latest dates (Latest start/Latest end). The project end date (Requested end or Latest end) is not overrun due to capacity shortage.
    • 2 = Adherence to capacity
      • A capacity shortage will cause tasks to be moved until sufficient free capacity is available. The project end date (Requested end) is not taken into account, provided that all other requirements are met:

    Note for structured projects

    • Each new subproject in a project structure automatically inherits the planning type (upon creation) from its immediate parent project.

    The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following modules:

    DI006926 Effort budget

    Budget details for effort

    From DB 39.5.0

    • It is a virtual field. The values are fetched from the Effort budget of DT281 via Python value range.
    • The Effort budget in DT281 is always a calculated value and represents the number of all effort budgets of the current project and all of its subprojects. Hence, the value of DI006926 is always the value of the entire project structure (if available).
    • The effort budget in the Budget module is planned/allocated in the Effort budget (without subprojects) field on project level or in the Effort budget (without subprojects) field on yearly tranche level.

    Up to DB 39.5.0

    • The values are summarized via the structure to top level by the capacity scheduling if entries exist in subprojects. I.e., if the budget for the main project has been allocated manually, this value is overwritten by the sum from the subprojects and the main project.
      • If you do not want this to happen, you can disable structure summarization during capacity scheduling. For this purpose, clear the Schedule parameter in the Data Dictionary module (a 3 is entered here by default).

    DI006927 Deviation effort: total - budget

    Absolute deviation of total effort from the effort budget in the current planning


    • Deviation > 0 means: Budget overrun!

    Calculation via value range

    DI006928 % deviation effort: total - budget

    Percentage deviation of total effort from the effort budget in the current planning


    • Deviation > 0 means: Budget overrun!

    Calculation via value range

    From DB 39.5.12

    DI007786 Cost center ID

    Code (ID) of the cost center of the planning object. For description, see DI041497.

    Up to DB 39.5.12

    DI007786 Cost center

    Code (ID) of the cost center of the planning object. For description, see DI041497.

    DI007802 Cost center name

    Name of the cost center of the planning object. For description, see DI041497.

    From DB 39.5.12

    DI041497 Cost center

    Name of the cost center of a planning object. In PLANTA project, the access to the planning objects is controlled via the cost center. In input mode, a listbox for selection of a cost center is displayed on the respective field.

    Note for structured projects

    • Each new subproject in a project structure automatically inherits the cost center (upon creation) from its immediate parent project.

    The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following modules: Details
    • You can create and edit cost centers in the Cost Centers module.

    Up to DB 39.5.12

    DI041497 Cost center name

    Name of the cost center of the planning object. In PLANTA project, access to the planning objects is controlled via the cost center. In input mode, a listbox for cost center selection will be displayed on the respective field.

    The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following modules: Details
    • You can create and edit cost centers in the Cost Centers module.

    DI008837 Cost center structure code

    Structure code of a cost center


    From DB 39.5.7

    DI007806 Cost budget overrun

    Grouping field with display of the budget overrun category (up to 5%, over 5%). In this field, individual projects (proposals, ideas, programs) are listed, the budget overrun values of which correspond to the value specified in the grouping field.

    Up to DB 39.5.7

    DI007806 Budget overrun

    Grouping field with display of the budget overrun category (up to 5%, over 5%). In this field, individual projects (proposals, ideas, programs) are listed, the budget overrun values of which correspond to the value specified in the grouping field.

    From DB 39.5.7

    DI063724 Effort budget overrun

    Grouping field with display of the budget overrun category (up to 5%, over 5%). In this field, individual projects (proposals, ideas, programs) are listed, the budget overrun values of which correspond to the value specified in the grouping field.

    Up to DB 39.5.7

    DI063724 Effort overrun

    Grouping field with display of the budget overrun category (up to 5%, over 5%). In this field, individual projects (proposals, ideas, programs) are listed, the budget overrun values of which correspond to the value specified in the grouping field.

    DI007807 End date delay

    Grouping field for the display of the date delay category (up to 5D, over 5D) In this field, individual projects (proposals, ideas, programs) are listed, the date delay values of which correspond to the value specified in the grouping field.

    DI007808 Number of projects

    The number of projects is displayed in this field

    DI007983 Milestone delay

    Grouping field for the display of the date delay category for milestones (up to 5D, over 5D). In this field, individual projects (proposals, ideas, programs) are listed, the date delay values of which correspond to the value specified in the grouping field.

    DI002833 Split

    Via the Split parameter, entire projects can be interrupted (splitted).


    • Checked The Project is to be splitted. In scheduling, all tasks of this project are treated like splitted tasks.
    • Unchecked The project is not to be splitted. However, you can set the splitting flag for singular tasks.


    • The activated split overwrites the non-activated task split. The opposite is not true, i.e. the deactivated project split does not overwrite the activated task split.
    • Using the combination of project requested start (if this date is later than the project actual start) on main project level and project split on subproject level, you can shift (split) the entire project structure very easily and quickly.
    • The project split is to be preset individually for subprojects.

    DI010246 Overhead costs

    DI023213 Current risk value

    Calculated risk value of the planning object in percent. When answering risk queries, the value is continuously calculated and displayed or refreshed.


    • In the Risk Checklist master data module, an own weighting value is stored for Yes or No answers for each risk query.
    • In the Project Core Data, Program Core Data, Proposal Core Data, risk queries are answered with Yes or No.
    • The risk value is then calculated on the basis of the weighting values of the Yes/No answers of the respective queries according to the following formula:
    Sum of all risk values [(Yes or No weighting) / (Yes + No weighting)] * 100
    • Attention: the weighting value is the value which is stored in the master data module for Yes and No answers. The weighting is the weighting value * the respective answer, i.e. Yes or No (1 or 0).


    • In the master data module, there are two criteria with the following weighting values:
      • 1: Yes=15 No=0
      • 2: Yes=10 No=0
      • In the user module, the first question is answered with "Yes" and the second with "No".
        • The answer to question 1 results in a weighting of 15 = 15*1 + 0*0
        • The answer to question 2 results in a weighting of 0 = 10*1 + 0*1
        • The calculation of the entire risk value is done as follows: (15/ 15 + 10)) * 100 = 60 %
      • In the same case, both questions are answered with “No”.
        • The answer to question 1 results in a weighting of 0 = 15*0 + 0*1
        • The answer to question 2 results in a weighting of 0 = 10*0 + 0*1
        • The calculation of the risk value is done as follows: (0 / (15 + 10)) * 100 = 0 % (no risk)
      • If you, e.g., increase the Yes value for question 1 in the master data module to 20, and if the questions are answered as in the first application case (Yes, No), the risk value is increased respectively and then amounts to 66%.

    DI022774 Frozen risk value

    Calculated risk value of the planning object in percent. In contrast to Current risk value, this value is only displayed or refreshed after the Complete evaluation button in the project core data module of the respective planning object has been clicked on (as a result, the value from Current risk value is copied).

    DI022780 Current objective contribution

    Calculated objective contribution of the planning object in percent. While specifying or changing criterion contributions, this value is continuously calculated and displayed or refreshed.

    From DB 39.5.7

    • In the NEW Objective Evaluation Criteria master data module, one weighting value is allocated to each criterion.
    • In the Project Core Data, Program Core Data, Proposal Core Data user modules, the criterion contribution is allocated in percent for each criterion.
    • The objective contribution is then calculated from the criterion contribution values and their weighting values according to the following formula:
    Sum of (Weighting * Criterion contribution) all criteria / Sum of all weightings * 100

    Up to DB 39.5.7

    • In the Evaluation Criteria master data module, one weighting value is allocated to each criterion.
    • In the Project Core Data, Program Core Data, Proposal Core Data user modules, the criterion contribution is allocated in percent for each criterion.
    • The objective contribution is then calculated from the criterion contribution values and their weighting values according to the following formula:
    Sum of (Weighting * Criterion contribution) all criteria / Sum of all weightings * 100


    • There are the following criteria with the following weighting and criterion contributions:
      • K1: Weighting 3, criterion contribution 25%
      • K2: Weighting 5, criterion contribution 0%
      • K3: Weighting 0, criterion contribution 50%
      • K4: Weighting 5, criterion contribution 100%
    • The calculation of the risk value is done as follows: (3*0,25+5*0+0*50+5*1 / 3+5+0+5) * 100= 46,15%

    DI022781 Frozen objective contribution

    Calculated objective contribution of the planning object in percent. In contrast to Current objective contribution, this value is only displayed or refreshed after the Complete evaluation button in the core data module of the respective planning object has been clicked on (as a result, the value from Current objective contribution is copied).

    DI023121 Objectives

    Here, the objectives of the project (idea, proposal, program, request) are defined.

    The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following modules:

    DI023122 Scope and limit

    In this field, there is a description of what is and is not to be done in a project (idea, proposal, program, request).

    The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following modules:

    DI023123 Conseq. non-realization

    In this field, it is defined what consequences result from non-realization.

    The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following modules:

    DI023124 Areas involved

    In this field, involved departments and persons are defined for the project (idea, proposal, program, request).

    The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following modules:

    DI023125 Mandatory

    Parameter with the help of which a project (program) is marked as a mandatory project (mandatory program).


    • The parameter is meant to be a selection help for the portfolio manager for the creation of the portfolio. Mandatory projects must be realized, even if other projects appear to be more worthwhile, e.g. projects for complying with statutory requirements.
    • The parameter has no technical impact on the system.

    The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following modules:

    DI023126 Mandatory: reason

    Reason for the activation of the Mandatory checkbox

    The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following modules:

    DI023128 ROI

    Return on Investment (ROI)


    • The return on investment is a measure of what is expected to be "returned" from the investment. It thus expresses the profit objective.
    • The profit is related to the operating resources invested, because management must achieve the profit with this investment – with the available means.
    • As a key figure, the ROI can be broken down into two basic components:
      • ROI = Sales return * Capital turnover
        • Sales return = Profit/Net revenue
        • Capital turnover = Net revenue/Total capital

    The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following modules:

    DI023129 Description

    Description of the project (idea, proposal, program, request)

    The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following modules:

    DI023130 Internal interest

    Internal interest. The value is used to calculate the NPV value.

    The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following modules:

    DI023188 Type name

    Name of the planning object type. Via the Type parameter, planning objects are distinguished as projects, ideas, proposals, programs, etc. The name displayed here depends on the value the respective planning object has in the Type parameter ID. It is controlled via value ranges.


    • DI023188 is used as grouping field.

    DI023252 Type name

    Name of the planning object type. Via the Type parameter, planning objects are distinguished as projects, ideas, proposals, programs, etc. The name displayed here depends on the value the respective planning object has in the Type parameter ID. It is controlled via value ranges.


    • DI023252 is used as grouping field.

    From DB 39.5.7

    DI063005 OLE deviation project/MMS end date: calc. end - requested end

    Symbol (traffic light) for the visualization of the deviation of the project/program end dates (Calc. end from Requested end) and master milestone end dates (Calc. end from Requested end) in the current planning


    • The traffic light refers to the highest of all deviation values.

    Up to DB 39.5.7

    DI063005 OLE dates smiley

    Traffic light for the visualization of the deviation of the dates from the current planning

    From DB 39.5.7

    DI023387 OLE deviation project end dates: calc. end - requested end

    Symbol (traffic light) for the visualization of the project end dates (Calc. end from Requested end) in the current planning

    Up to DB 39.5.7

    DI023387 OLE end dates deviation small traffic light

    Symbol (traffic light) for the visualization of the project end dates (Calc. end) from (Requested end)

    From DB 39.5.7

    DI023388 OLE deviation MMS end dates: calc. end - requested. end

    Symbol (traffic light) for the visualization of the master milestone end dates (Calc. end from Requested end) in the current planning


    • The traffic light refers to the highest of all deviation values.

    Up to DB 39.5.7

    DI023388 OLE deviation master milestones

    Traffic light for the visualization of the master milestone end dates (Calc. end) from (Requested end)


    • The traffic light refers to the highest of all deviation values.

    From DB 39.5.7

    DI023389 OLE deviation costs: total - budget

    Symbol (traffic light) for the visualization of the cost deviation (Total costs from Cost budget) in the current planning.

    Up to DB 39.5.7

    DI023389 OLE costs deviation small traffic light

    Traffic light for the visualization of the cost deviation (Total costs from Cost budget)

    From DB 39.5.7

    DI023390 OLE effort deviation: total - budget

    Symbol (traffic light) for the visualization of the effort deviation (Total effort from Effort budget) in the current planning.

    Up to DB 39.5.7

    DI023390 OLE effort deviation small traffic light

    Ttraffic light for the visualization of the effort deviation (Total effort from Effort budget) in the current planning.

    DI023413 Deviation project end dates: calc. end - requested end

    Absolute deviation of the project end dates (Calc. end from Requested end) in the current planning

    DI023416 Deviation MMS end dates: calc. end - requested. end

    Absolute deviation of the master milestone end dates (Calc. end from Requested end) in the current planning


    • The highest deviation value from all master milestones is visualized.

    DI023596 Dominance symbol simulation 461

    DI023655 Project name

    Name of the project

    DI028199 Display by manager

    Currently without function

    DI028338 Planned revenues

    Planned revenues of the project


    • Planned revenues of the project = sum of the planned revenue values of all revenue resources planned in the project Revenue values of the individual resources are stored in DT472, however, they are not stored in columns specifically designed for revenues but in the cost columns. In the case of planned revenues, they are stored in the Remaining costs column. Whether the value stored in this column is a cost or revenue value is determined by the type of resource to which the value applies.


    From DB 39.5.0

    • Planned revenues of a project from DT461 are not contained in any module in PLANTA Standard but can be included in the Schedule module via customizing if necessary.
    • Planned revenues of a project are written in DT861 in addition to DT461 and can be included in the Budget module via customizing.

    Up to DB 39.5.0

  • Planned revenues of a project from DT461 can be found in PLANTA Standard in the Budget module.
  • Note

    • Planned revenues of a project are only displayed if at least one revenue resource is planned in the project (Schedule).

    DI028339 Actual revenues

    Actual revenues of the project


    • Actual revenues of the project = sum of the actual revenue values of all revenue resources planned in the project Revenue values of the individual revenue resources are stored in DT472, however, they are not stored in columns specifically designed for revenues but in the cost columns. In the case of actual revenues, they are stored in the Remaining costs column. Whether the value stored in this column is a cost or revenue value is determined by the type of resource to which the value applies.

    Representation in modules

    From DB 39.5.0

    • Actual revenues of a project from DT461 are not contained in any module in PLANTA Standard but can be included in the Schedule module via customizing if necessary.
    • In addition to being written in DT461, actual revenues of a project are also written in DT861, however, here they are written in a fiscal-year specific manner. The summed-up values across all years can be looked at in the sum line of the Benefit and revenues area in the Actual revenues (without subprojects) and Actual revenues fields in the Budget module.

    Up to DB 39.5.0

  • Actual revenues of a project from DT461 can be found in PLANTA Standard in the Budget module.
  • DI028340 Remaining revenues

    Remaining revenues of the project


    • Remaining revenues of the project = sum of the remaining revenue values of all revenue resources planned in the project Revenue values of the individual revenue resources are stored in DT472, however, they are not stored in columns specifically designed for revenues but in the cost columns. In the case of actual revenues, they are stored in the Remaining costs column. Whether the value stored in this column is a cost or revenue value is determined by the type of resource to which the value applies.


    From DB 39.5.0

    • Remaining revenues of a project from DT461 are not contained in any module in PLANTA Standard but can be included in the Schedule module via customizing if necessary.
    • Remaining revenues of a project are, in addition to DT461, also written in DT861 and displayed in the Remaining revenues (without subprojects) and Remaining revenues fields in the sum line of the Benefit and revenues area of the Budget module.

    Up to DB 39.5.0

  • Remaining revenues of a project from DT461 can be found in PLANTA Standard in the Budget module.
  • DI028341 Total revenues

    Total revenues of the project. The value is determined in the calculation of the project schedule as a sum of actual and remaining (manual input not possible).



    DI028352 Internal gross profit

    DI006516 Estimate date entire project

    Date of the estimate of the entire project by the project manager. The update of the date is done automatically after the estimate of at least one factor in the Status module has been made/changed.

    DI006515 Entire project estimate

    Numeric estimate value for the entire project, according to which the display of the respective estimate symbol is done. The value is usually invisible in the user modules.

    The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following modules:


    • The change of the estimate and hence of this value is done by clicking on the arrow symbol ».

    DI028844 Cost estimate

    Numeric estimate value for costs, according to which the display of the respective estimate symbol is done. The value is usually invisible in the user modules.

    The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following modules:


    • The change of the estimate and hence of this value is done by clicking on the arrow symbol ».

    DI028845 Effort estimate

    Numeric estimate value for effort, according to which the display of the respective estimate symbol is done. The value is usually invisible in the user modules.

    The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following modules:


    • The change of the estimate and hence of this value is done by clicking on the arrow symbol ».

    From DB 39.5.7

    DI028846 Estimate project/MMS end date

    Numeric estimate value for project and master milestone end dates, according to which the display of the respective estimate symbol is done. The value is usually invisible in the user modules.

    The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following modules:


    • The change of the estimate and hence of this value is done by clicking on the arrow symbol ».

    Up to DB 39.5.7

    DI028846 Milestones estimate

    Numeric estimate value for milestone dates, according to which the display of the respective estimate symbol is done. The value is usually invisible in the user modules.

    The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following modules:

    DI028847 Quality estimate

    Numeric estimate value for project quality, according to which the display of the respective estimate symbol is done. The value is usually invisible in the user modules.

    The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following modules:


    • The change of the estimate and hence of this value is done by clicking on the arrow symbol ».

    DI061342 Risks/opportunities estimate

    Numeric estimate value for risks and opportunities, according to which the display of the respective estimate symbol is done. The value is usually invisible in the user modules.

    The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following modules:


    • The change of the estimate and hence of this value is done by clicking on the arrow symbol ».

    DI023380 OLE entire project estimate

    Symbol which visualizes the estimate of the entire project/program by the project/program manager


    • The change of the estimate and hence of the symbol shape is done by clicking on the arrow symbol ».
    • In PLANTA Standard, changing is only possible in the Status (projects) and Status (Programs) modules. In other modules, it is an output value.

    DI029112 OLE cost estimate

    Symbol which visualizes the estimate of the project/program costs by the project/program manager

    See the note under OLE entire project estimate

    DI029113 OLE effort estimate

    Symbol which visualizes the estimate of the project/program effort by the project/program manager

    See the note under OLE entire project estimate

    From DB 39.5.7

    DI029115 OLE estimate project/MMS end dates

    Symbol which visualizes the estimate of the project/program and master milestone end dates by the project/program manager

    See the note under OLE entire project estimate

    Up to DB 39.5.7

    DI029115 OLE estimate milestones

    Symbol which visualizes the master milestone end dates by the project manager.

    See the note under OLE entire project estimate

    DI029116 OLE quality estimate

    Symbol which visualizes the estimate of the project/program quality by the project/program manager

    See the note under OLE entire project estimate

    DI061345 OLE risks/opportunities estimate

    Symbol which visualizes the estimate of the risks and opportunities of the project/program by the project/program manager

    See the note under OLE entire project estimate

    DI029133 461: OLAP 1 - 029129

    DI029160 461: OLAP 1 - txt

    It is used for the visualization of the dynamic grouping values in modules with grouping options, e.g. Projects or Projects: 2 Groupings.

    DI029161 461: OLAP 2 - txt

    It is used to display the values of the 2nd dynamic grouping in modules, in which 2 groupings are used, e.g. Projects: 2 Groupings

    DI029190 Comment entire project

    Comment on the entire project/program

    The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following modules:

    DI029192 Comment costs

    Comment on the costs of the project/program

    The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following modules:

    DI029193 Comment effort

    Comment on the effort of the project/program

    The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following modules:

    From DB 39.5.7

    DI029194 Comment project/MMS end dates

    Comment on the end dates of the project/program and the master milestones

    The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following modules:

    Up to DB 39.5.7

    DI029194 Comment milestones

    Comment on the dates of the master milestones of the project

    The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following modules:

    DI029195 Comment quality

    Comment on the quality of the project/program

    The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following modules:

    DI061344 Comment risks/opportunities

    Comment on the risks/opportunities of the project/program

    The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following modules:

    DI029448 WBS code*

    From DB 39.5.7

    DI029872 % deviation costs: total - budget (baseline)

    Percentage deviation of total costs from the cost budget from the baseline report The value is fetched from the % cost deviation: total - budget parameter of the baseline report.

    Up to DB 39.5.7

    DI029872 823: baseline: cost deviation

    Percentage deviation of total costs from the cost budget from the baseline report The value is fetched from the % cost deviation: total - budget parameter of the baseline report.

    From DB 39.5.7

    DI029874 OLE cost deviation trend (current vs. baseline)

    Symbol for the visualization of the trend of the cost deviation values from the current planning (% cost deviation: total - budget) compared with the values from the baseline report (% cost deviation: total - budget (baseline))


    • Arrow up: negative trend
    • Arrow down: positive trend
    • Arrow to the right: no change to the values

    Up to DB 39.5.7

    DI029874 OLE cost trend baseline

    Symbol for the visualization of the trend of the cost deviation values from the current planning (% cost deviation: total - budget) compared with the values from the baseline report (% cost deviation: total - budget (baseline))


    • Arrow up: negative trend
    • Arrow down: positive trend
    • Arrow to the right: no change to the values

    From DB 39.5.7

    DI029875 % deviation effort: total - budget (baseline)

    Percentage deviation of total effort from the cost budget from the baseline report. The value is copied from the % deviation effort: total - budget parameter of the baseline report.

    Up to DB 39.5.7

    DI029875 823: baseline: effort deviation

    Percentage deviation of total costs from the effort budget from the baseline report. The value is copied from the % deviation effort: total - budget parameter of the baseline report.

    From DB 39.5.7

    DI029879 OLE effort deviation trend (current vs. baseline)

    Symbol for the visualization of the trend of the cost deviation values from the current planning (% deviation effort: total - budget) compared with the values from the baseline report (% deviation effort: total - budget (baseline))


    • Arrow up: negative trend
    • Arrow down: positive trend
    • Arrow to the right: no change to the values

    Up to DB 39.5.7

    DI029879 OLE effort trend baseline

    Symbol for the visualization of the trend of the cost deviation values from the current planning (% deviation effort: total - budget) compared with the values from the baseline report (% deviation effort: total - budget (baseline))


    • Arrow up: negative trend
    • Arrow down: positive trend
    • Arrow to the right: no change to the values

    From DB 39.5.7

    DI029876 Deviation project end dates: calc. end - requested end (baseline)

    Deviation of the calculated end date from the requested end date of the project (program) from the active baseline. The value is copied from the Deviation project end dates: Calc. end - Req. end of the baseline report.

    Up to DB 39.5.7

    DI029876 823: baseline: end deviation

    Deviation of the end date from the active status report from the end dates of the active baseline

    From DB 39.5.7

    DI029877 Deviation MMS end dates: calc. end - requested end (baseline)

    Deviation of the calculated end date from the requested end date of the master milestones from the requested end date of the master milestones from the active baseline. The value is copied from the Deviation MMS end dates: calc. Calc. end - Req. end of the baseline report.

    The highest deviation value from all master milestones is visualized.

    Up to DB 39.5.7

    DI029877 823: baseline: milestone delay

    Deviation of the calculated end date from the requested end date of the master milestones from the requested end date of the master milestones from the active baseline. The value is copied from the Deviation MMS end dates: calc. Calc. end - Req. end of the baseline report.

    The highest deviation value from all master milestones is visualized.

    From DB 39.5.7

    DI029878 OLE trend deviation MMS end dates (current vs. baseline)

    Symbol for the visualization of the deviation trend of the calculated end date from the requested end dates of the master milestones of the current planning (Deviation MMS end dates: Calc. end - Req. end) compared with the deviation value from the baseline report Deviation MMS end dates: calc. end - requested end (baseline)


    • Arrow up: negative trend
    • Arrow down: positive trend
    • Arrow to the right: no change to the values

    Up to DB 39.5.7

    DI029878 OLE milestone trend baseline

    Symbol for the visualization of the deviation trend of the calculated end date from the requested end dates of the master milestones of the current planning (Deviation MMS end dates: Calc. end - Req. end) compared with the deviation value from the baseline report Deviation MMS end dates: calc. end - requested end (baseline)

    From DB 39.5.7

    DI029880 OLE trend deviation Project end dates (current vs. baseline)

    Symbol for the visualization of the deviation trend of the calculated end date from the requested end date of the project (program) of the current planning (Deviation project end dates: Calc. end - Req. end) compared with the deviation value from the baseline report Deviation project end dates: calc. end - requested end (baseline)

    Up to DB 39.5.7

    DI029880 OLE end date trend baseline

    Symbol for the visualization of the deviation trend of the calculated end date from the requested end dates of the master milestones of the current planning (Deviation MMS end dates: Calc. end - Req. end) compared with the deviation value from the baseline report Deviation MMS end dates: calc. end - requested end (baseline)

    From DB 39.5.7

    DI029885 % deviation effort: total - budget (active SR)

    Percentage deviation of total effort from the effort budget from the active status report. The value is copied from the % deviation effort: total - budget parameter of the active status report.

    Up to DB 39.5.7

    DI029885 823: Status Report: effort deviation

    Percentage deviation of total effort from the effort budget from the active status report

    DI063793 Deviation project end dates: calc. end - requested end (active SR)

    Deviation of the calculated end date from the requested end date of the project (program) from the active status report with text specification (delay/float). The value is copied from the Deviation project end dates: calc. end - requested end parameter of the active status report.

    From DB 39.5.7

    DI029886 Deviation project end dates: calc. end - requested end (active SR)

    Deviation of the calculated end date from the requested end date of the project (program) from the active status report. The value is copied from the Deviation project end dates: calc. end - requested end parameter of the active status report.

    Up to DB 39.5.7

    DI029886 823: Status Report: end deviation

    Deviation of the calculated end date from the requested end date of the project (program) from the active status report. The value is copied from the Deviation project end dates: calc. end - requested end parameter of the active status report.

    DI063794 Deviation MMS end dates: calc. end - requested end (active SR)

    Deviation of the calculated end dates of the master milestones from the requested end date of the master milestones from the active status report with text specification (delay/float). The value is copied from the Deviation MMS end dates: calc. end - requested end parameter of the active status report.

    The highest deviation value from all master milestones is visualized.

    From DB 39.5.7

    DI029887 Deviation MMS end dates: calc. end - requested end (active SR)

    Deviation of the calculated end date of the master milestones from the requested end date of the master milestones from the active status report. The value is copied from the Deviation MMS end dates: calc. end - requested end parameter of the active status report.

    The highest deviation value from all master milestones is visualized.

    Up to DB 39.5.7

    DI029887 823: Status Report: milestone delay

    Deviation of the calculated end date of the master milestones from the requested end date of the master milestones from the active status report. The value is copied from the Deviation MMS end dates: calc. end - requested end parameter of the active status report.

    From DB 39.5.7

    DI029888 % deviation costs: total - budget (active SR)

    Percentage deviation of the total costs from the cost budget from the active status report. The value is fetched from the % cost deviation: total - budget parameter of the active status report.

    Up to DB 39.5.7

    DI029888 823: Status Report: cost deviation

    Percentage deviation of total effort from the cost budget from the active status report

    From DB 39.5.7

    DI029890 OLE effort deviation trend (current vs. active SR)

    Symbol for the visualization of the trend of the deviation of the total effort from the effort budget in the current planning (% deviation effort: total - budget) compared with the deviation value from the active (last released) status report (% deviation effort: total - budget (active SR))


    • Arrow up: negative trend
    • Arrow down: positive trend
    • Arrow to the right: no change to the values

    Up to DB 39.5.7

    DI029890 OLE effort trend status report

    Symbol for the visualization of the trend of the deviation of the total effort from the effort budget in the current planning (% deviation effort: total - budget) compared with the deviation value from the active (last released) status report (% deviation effort: total - budget (active SR))


    • Arrow up: negative trend
    • Arrow down: positive trend
    • Arrow to the right: no change to the values

    From DB 39.5.7

    DI029891 OLE trend deviation Project end dates (current vs. active SR)

    Symbol for the visualization of the deviation trend of the calculated end date from the requested end date of the project (program) in the current planning (Deviation project end dates: calc. end - requested end) compared with the deviation value from the active (last released) status report (Deviation project end dates: calc. end - requested end (active SR))


    • Arrow up: negative trend
    • Arrow down: positive trend
    • Arrow to the right: no change to the values

    Up to DB 39.5.7

    DI029891 OLE end date trend status report

    Symbol for the visualization of the deviation trend of the calculated end date from the requested end date of the project (program) in the current planning (Deviation project end dates: calc. end - requested end) compared with the deviation value from the active (last released) status report (Deviation project end dates: calc. end - requested end (active SR))


    • Arrow up: negative trend
    • Arrow down: positive trend
    • Arrow to the right: no change to the values

    From DB 39.5.7

    DI029892 OLE cost deviation trend (current vs. active SR)

    Symbol for the visualization of the trend of the deviation of the total costs from the cost budget in the current planning (% cost deviation: total - budget) compared with the deviation value from the active (last released) status report (% cost deviation: total - budget (active SR))


    • Arrow up: negative trend
    • Arrow down: positive trend
    • Arrow to the right: no change to the values

    Up to DB 39.5.7

    DI029892 OLE cost status report trend

    Symbol for the visualization of the trend of the deviation of the total costs from the cost budget in the current planning (% cost deviation: total - budget) compared with the deviation value from the active (last released) status report (% cost deviation: total - budget (active SR))


    • Arrow up: negative trend
    • Arrow down: positive trend
    • Arrow to the right: no change to the values

    From DB 39.5.7

    DI029893 OLE trend deviation MMS end dates (current vs. active SR)

    Symbol for the visualization of the trend of the calculated end date from the requested end date of the master milestones in the current planning (Deviation MMS end dates: calc. end - requested end) compared with the deviation value from the active (last released) status report (Deviation MMS end dates: calc. end - requested end (active SR)).


    • Arrow up: negative trend
    • Arrow down: positive trend
    • Arrow to the right: no change to the values

    Up to DB 39.5.7

    DI029893 OLE milestone trend status report

    Symbol for the visualization of the trend of the calculated end date from the requested end date of the master milestones in the current planning (Deviation MMS end dates: calc. end - requested end) compared with the deviation value from the active (last released) status report (Deviation MMS end dates: calc. end - requested end (active SR)).


    • Arrow up: negative trend
    • Arrow down: positive trend
    • Arrow to the right: no change to the values

    From DB 39.5.11

    DI029895 Status reports: collective creation

    This parameter defines whether the status reports can be created from a check module for a defined period at the click of a button. The function primarily serves to create status reports for several projects at once (collective creation).


    • Checked - Reports can be created from a check module for the defined period for several projects at once.
    • Unchecked - The status report creation can only be initiated individually for each project from the Status module.

    Note NEW

    • The parameter can only be activated or deactivated on main project level. If you try to activate the parameter on a subproject, a message indicating that the function is only available for main projects is displayed.
      • The setting on the main project automatically applies to subprojects as well.

    The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following modules:

    See also: Collective Creation of Status Reports

    From DB 39.5.10

    DI029895 Status reports: collective creation

    This parameter defines whether the status reports can be created from a check module for a defined period at the click of a button. The function primarily serves to create status reports for several projects at once (collective creation).


    • Checked - Reports can be created from a check module for the defined period for several projects at once.
    • Unchecked - The status report creation can only be initiated individually for each project from the Status module.

    The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following modules:

    See also: Collective Creation of Status Reports

    Up to DB 39.5.10

    DI029895 Create status report automatically

    This parameter defines whether the status reports can be created from the check module for a defined period at the click of a button. The function primarily serves to create status reports for several projects at once (collective creation).


    • Checked - Reports can be created from a check module for the defined period for several projects at once.
    • Unchecked - The status report creation can only be initiated individually for each project from the Status module.

    The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following modules:

    See also: Collective Creation of Status Reports

    DI040784 Last automatic status report

    The last automatically created status report

    DI063009 Program ID

    Technical ID of the program. It is generated automatically and cannot be changed afterwards, unlike the functional ID. It is usually invisible in the modules.

    DI063010 Program name

    Name of the respective program

    DI063026 Program

    Functional ID of the program. It is generated automatically (copied from the technical Project ID). Unlike the technical program ID, the functional ID can be changed afterwards (in the Program Core Data module) if necessary.

    DI040908 Edit

    DI040909 Reporting

    DI041032 Initiator

    DI041033 Initiator name

    DI041089 Process status

    Status of the process

    DI041182 Name + ID

    DI041184 Current status

    Current status of the planning object

    DI041195 Phase name

    Name of the phase

    DI041200 Process model

    ID of the process model. For description, see Process model name.

    DI041394 UF info

    News frequency of use

    DI041395 UF todo items + risk measures

    Frequency of use of todo items ad risk measures

    DI041396 OLE info

    This field signalizes with an OLE symbol whether current news for the respective planning object are available. If no current news are available, the symbol is grayed out. Current news are news which have not yet been marked as Read.

    DI041409 Production costs: objective

    In this field the desired production cost amount is defined.

    The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following module:

    DI041410 Production costs: current

    In this field the current production cost amount is defined.

    The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following module:

    DI041411 Production costs: date

    In this field, the date to which the current production costs refer is entered.

    The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following module:

    DI041412 Production costs: comments

    You can write comments on production costs here

    The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following module:

    DI041614 Process model name

    Name of the process model by which the selected project (idea, proposal, request) is planned and controlled. In input mode, a listbox for selection of a process model is displayed on the respective field.


    DI041621 Modified by: name

    When you modify a record, the ID (code) of the logged-on user is automatically entered in this field.

    DI041680 Area

    ID of the Area parameter. For description, see Area name.

    DI041681 Break Even

    A break-even point (or break even) is an economic term which describes the point of balance at which costs and revenues are equal so that there is no profit or loss (Source: Wikipedia).

    The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following modules:

    DI041682 Gross profit probability

    Gross profit probability of the project (idea, proposal, program)

    The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following modules:

    From DB 39.5.7

    DI041683 NPV (without subprojects)

    Net present value (net capital value of the selected project (proposal, idea, program) without considering its possibly existing subprojects). For further info on net present value, see here.

    NEW The value is automatically calculated, taking different parameters like costs, revenues, internal interest, etc. into account.


    • The calculation is done in accordance with the standard formula

    • C0 Capital value with regard to t=0
    • i calculation interest rate (=internal interest, e.g. 5%)
    • N processing period
    • CFt Cashflow (source: Wikipedia)
      • In PLANTA, the cashflow is calculated per year: CFt = revenues + benefit - costs

    Parameters involved (current planning)

    Variable from the NPV calculation DI041683 NPV (without subprojects) DI023127 NPV End values findable Source values creatable/editable
    Revenues DT861 Total Revenues (without Subprojects) DT861 Total Revenues Budget module, Revenues area Total revenues are the sum of Remaining Revenues and Actual Revenues.
    • Remaining Revenues are planned on revenue resources in the Schedule module
    • Actual Revenues resukt from the postings made in the Revenues Posting module.
    Benefits DT861 Resulting Benefit (without subprojects) DT861 Resulting Benefit Budget module, Benefit area Resulting Benefit either results from Planned Benefit or Achieved Benefit. Both values are created/edited in the Key Performance Indicators area in the Project Core Data module.
    Costs DT282 Total costs (without subprojects) DT282 Total costs Budget module, Costs area Total costs are a sum of Actual costs and Remaining costs .
    • Remaining Costs are either planned directly for resources in the Schedule module or automatically result from effort values of regular resources which are planned in the Schedule module.
    • Actual costs are either posted manually for cost resources in the Cost Posting module or result from the actual working hours of the regular resources recorded in the Time Recording module.
    i Interest rate DT461 Internal interest DT461 Internal interest Project Core Data module, Evaluation Data area Project Core Data module, Evaluation Data area
    N review period Years planned in the project (yearly tranche from DT861) Years planned in the project (yearly tranche from DT861)    

    From DB 39.5.0

    DI041683 NPV

    Net Present Value, i.e. the net capital value of the selected project (without its possibly existing subprojects). For further info on net present value, see here.

    From Release 39.5.0, the field is temporarily without function.

    Up to DB 39.5.0

    DI041683 NPV

    Net Present Value, i.e. the net capital value of the selected project (without its possibly existing subprojects). For further info on net present value, see here.


    • The value is manually entered in the field.

    From DB 39.5.7

    DI023127 NPV

    Net present value (net capital value of the selected project (proposal, idea, program) and all of its subprojects. For further info on net present value, see here.

    NEW The value is automatically calculated, taking different parameters like costs, revenues, internal interest, etc. into account.

    For the calculation formula and the parameters involved, see NPV (without subprojects)

    From DB 39.5.0

    DI023127 NPV total

    Net Present Value, i.e. the net capital value of the selected project and all of its subprojects. For further info on net present value, see here.

    From Release 39.5.0, the field is temporarily without function.

    Up to DB 39.5.0

    DI023127 Capital value

    Net Present Value, i.e. the net capital value of the selected project and all of its subprojects. For further info on net present value, see here.


    • The value is manually entered in the field.

    From DB 39.5.7

    DI041688 Possible damage

    In projects: Possible damage of the selected project and all of its subprojects, if available (sum of the Possible damage (without subprojects) values of the selected project and all of its subprojects).
    For programs, ideas, proposals: Possible damage of the respective planning object since no structures are possible here (here: Possible damage = Possible damage (without subprojects))

    Up to DB 39.5.7

    DI041688 Possible damage summarized

    Possible damage of the selected project and all of its subprojects. The sum value is only formed from risk values for which the Active checkbox is activated in the Risks/Opportunities module.

    New from DB 39.5.7

    DI063802 Possible damage (without subprojects)

    Possible damage of the selected project (program, proposal, idea) without its possibly existing subprojects
    The value is a sum of Possible damage values of the individual risks of the project (program, proposal, idea) for which the Active checkbox in the Risks/Opportunities module is activated.

    From DB 39.5.7

    DI028280 Probable damage

    In projects: Probable damage of the selected project and all of its subprojects, if available (sum of the Probable damage (without subprojects) values of the selected project and all of its subprojects).
    For programs, ideas, proposals: Probable damage of the respective planning object since no structures are possible here (here: Probable damage = Probable damage (without subprojects)).

    Up to DB 39.5.7

    DI028280 Probable damage summarized

    Probable damage of the selected project and all of its subprojects, if available. The sum value is only formed from risk values for which the Active checkbox is activated in the Risks/Opportunities module.

    New from DB 39.5.7

    DI063801 Probable damage (without subprojects)

    Probable damage of the selected project (program, proposal, idea) without its possibly existing subprojects.
    The value is a sum of Probable damage values of the individual risks of the project (program, proposal, idea) for which the Active checkbox in the Risks/Opportunities module.

    From DB 39.5.7

    DI028281 Actual damage

    In projects: Actual damage of the selected project and all of its subprojects, if available (sum of the Actual damage (without subprojects) values of the selected project and all of its subprojects).
    For programs, ideas, proposals: Actual damage of the respective planning object since no structures are possible here (here: Actual damage = Actual damage (without subprojects))

    Up to DB 39.5.7

    DI028281 Actual damage summarized

    Actual damage of the selected project and all of its subprojects. The sum value is only formed from risk values for which the Active checkbox is activated in the Risks/Opportunities module.

    New from DB 39.5.7

    DI063800 Actual damage (without Subprojects)

    Actually incurred damage of the selected project (program, proposal, idea) without its possibly existing subprojects
    The value is a sum of Actual damage values of the individual risks of the project (program, proposal, idea) for which the Active checkbox in the Risks/Opportunities module.

    From DB 39.5.7

    DI041690 Possible damage (active SR)

    In projects: Possible damage of the project and all of its subprojects from the active (last released) status report.
    In programs: Possible damage of the program from the active (last released) status report.

    The value is copied from the Possible damage of the active status report.


    • Here, the sum value from all planning objects assigned to the portfolio is displayed.

    Up to DB 39.5.7

    DI041690 Status report: possible damage summarized

    Possible damage of the project and all of its subprojects from the active (last released) status report. The value is copied from the Possible damage summarized from DT823.


    • Here, the sum value from all planning objects assigned to the portfolio is displayed.

    From DB 39.5.7

    DI041691 Probable damage (active SR)

    In projects: Probable damage of the project and all of its subprojects from the active (last released) status report.
    In programs: Probable damage of the program from the active (last released) status report.

    The value is copied from the Probable damage parameter of the active status report.


    • Here, the sum value from all planning objects assigned to the portfolio is displayed.

    Up to DB 39.5.7

    DI041691 Status report: probable damage summarized

    Probable damage of the project and all of its subprojects from the active (last released) status report. The value is copied from the Probable damage from DT823.


    • Here, the sum value from all planning objects assigned to the portfolio is displayed.

    From DB 39.5.7

    DI041699 Actual damage (active SR)

    In projects: Actual damage of the project and all of its subprojects from the active (last released) status report.
    In programs: Actual damage of the program from the active (last released) status report.

    The value is copied from the Probable damage parameter of the active status report.


    • Here, the sum value from all planning objects assigned to the portfolio is displayed.

    Up to DB 39.5.7

    DI041699 Status report: actual damage summarized

    Actual damage of the project and all of its subprojects from the active (last released) status report. The value is copied from the Actual damage from DT823.


    • Here, the sum value from all planning objects assigned to the portfolio is displayed.

    From DB 39.5.7

    DI041693 Possible gross profit

    In projects: Possible gross profit of the selected project and all of its subprojects, if available (sum of the Possible gross profit (without subprojects) values of the selected project and all of its subprojects)
    For programs, ideas, proposals: Possible gross profit of the respective planning object since no structures are possible here (here: Possible gross profit = Possible gross profit (without subprojects))

    Up to DB 39.5.7

    DI041693 Possible gross profit summarized

    Possible gross profit of the selected project and all of its subprojects. The sum value is only formed from opportunity values for which the Active checkbox is activated in the Risks/Opportunities module.

    New from DB 39.5.7

    DI063799 Possible gross profit (without subprojects)

    Possible gross profit of the selected project (program, proposal, idea) without its possibly existing subprojects
    The value is a sum of Possible gross profit values of the individual risks of the project (program, proposal, idea) for which the Active checkbox in the Risks/Opportunities module is activated.

    From DB 39.5.7

    DI029618 Probable gross profit

    In projects: Probable gross profit of the selected project and all of its subprojects, if available (sum of the Probable gross profit (without subprojects) values of the selected project and all of its subprojects).
    For programs, ideas, proposals: Probable gross profit of the respective planning object since no structures are possible here (here: Probable gross profit = Probable gross profit (without subprojects))

    Up to DB 39.5.7

    DI029618 Probable gross profit summarized

    Probable gross profit of the selected project and all of its subprojects. The sum value is only formed from opportunity values for which the Active checkbox is activated in the Risks/Opportunities module.

    New from DB 39.5.7

    DI063798 Probable gross profit (without subprojects)

    Probable gross profit of the selected project (program, proposal, idea) without its possibly existing subprojects
    The value is a sum of Probable gross profit values of the individual opportunities of the project (program, proposal, idea) for which the Active checkbox in the Risks/Opportunities module.

    From DB 39.5.7

    DI029619 Actual gross profit summarized

    In projects: Actual gross profit of the selected project and all of its subprojects, if available (sum of the Actual gross profit (without subprojects) values of the selected project and all of its subprojects).
    For programs, ideas, proposals: Actual gross profit of the respective planning object since no structures are possible here (here: Actual gross profit = Actual gross profit (without subprojects))

    Up to DB 39.5.7

    DI029619 Actual gross profit summarized

    Actual gross profit of the selected project and all of its subprojects. The sum value is only formed from opportunity values for which the Active checkbox is activated in the Risks/Opportunities module.

    New from DB 39.5.7

    DI063797 Actual gross profit (without subprojects)

    Actually incurred gross profit of the selected project (program, proposal, idea) without its possibly existing subprojects
    The value is a sum of Actual gross profit values of the individual opportunities of the project (program, proposal, idea) for which the Active checkbox in the Risks/Opportunities module.

    From DB 39.5.7

    DI041695 Possible gross profit (active SR)

    Possible gross profit of the project and all of its subprojects from the active (last released) status report. The value is copied from the Possible gross profit parameter of the active status report.


    • Here, the sum value from all planning objects assigned to the portfolio is displayed.

    Up to DB 39.5.7

    DI041695 Status report: possible gross profit summarized

    Possible gross profit of the project and all of its subprojects from the active (last released) status report. The value is copied from the Possible gross profit summarized parameter of the active status report.


    • Here, the sum value from all planning objects assigned to the portfolio is displayed.

    From DB 39.5.7

    DI041696 Probable gross profit (active SR)

    Probable gross profit of the project and all of its subprojects from the active (last released) status report. The value is copied from the Probable gross profit parameter of the active status report.


    • Here, the sum value from all planning objects assigned to the portfolio is displayed.

    Up to DB 39.5.7

    DI041696 Status report: probable gross profit summarized

    Probable gross profit of the project and all of its subprojects from the active (last released) status report. The value is copied from the Probable gross profit summarized parameter of the active status report.


    • Here, the sum value from all planning objects assigned to the portfolio is displayed.

    From DB 39.5.7

    DI041698 Actual gross profit (active SR)

    Actual gross profit of the project and all of its subprojects from the active (last released) status report. The value is copied from the Actual gross profit parameter of the active status report.


    • Here, the sum value from all planning objects assigned to the portfolio is displayed.

    Up to DB 39.5.7

    DI041698 Status report: actual gross profit summarized

    Actual gross profit of the project and all of its subprojects from the active (last released) status report. The value is copied from the Actual gross profit summarized parameter of the active status report.


    • Here, the sum value from all planning objects assigned to the portfolio is displayed.

    DI058033 Status report: report name

    Name of the status report

    DI051808 Main project

    ID of the main project

    From DB 39.5.7

    DI051885 Calc. start (selected SR)

    Calculated project start date from the selected status report. The value is copied from the Calc. start parameter in DT823 Project/report.

    Up to DB 39.5.7

    DI051885 Status report: calc. start

    Calculated project start date from the selected status report.

    From DB 39.5.7

    DI056393 Deviation total effort: current - selected SR

    Deviation of the total effort of the project from the current planning from the total effort of the task from the selected status report

    Up to DB 39.5.7

    DI056393 Status report: effort deviation

    Deviation of the total effort of the project from the current planning from the total effort of the task from the selected status report

    From DB 39.5.7

    DI056844 Deviation total costs: current - selected SR

    Deviation of the total costs of the project from the current planning from the total costs of the task from the selected status report

    Up to DB 39.5.7

    DI056844 Status report: cost deviation

    Deviation of the total costs of the project from the current planning from the total costs of the task from the selected status report

    From DB 39.5.7

    DI056856 Bar: calculated dates (selected SR)

    Bar for the calculated dates of the project from the released status report (Calc. start (selected SR) and Calc. end (selected SR))

    Up to DB 39.5.7

    DI056856 Status report: bar: plan date

    Bar for the plan date of the selected status report

    DI056860 Main project (functional) + main project name

    DI056875 VR: Posting type name

    Posting type name

    DI056884 Information

    Information on the project

    DI056902 Text: update

    Help text: date of last update

    DI041684 ID active baseline

    ID of the active baseline. An active baseline is a baseline that has been created last, in case there are several available.

    DI041685 ID active status report

    ID of the active status report. An active status report is a last released status report.

    DI056903 Text: active status report

    Help text: active status report

    DI056904 Text: active baseline

    Here, specifications on the active baseline are displayed: ID and date of creation

    DI057673 Area name

    Name of the area which is used to group evaluation criteria of a planning object. In input mode, a listbox for selection of an area is displayed on the respective field.

    | See also: * Objective Evaluation Criteria

    DI057712 Project name

    Name of the project. In input mode, a listbox for selection of a project is displayed on the respective field.

    DI001021 Earliest start

    Earliest start date of the project. Internal calculation field which is used in the calculation of the project schedule.


    DI001022 Earliest end

    Earliest project end date. Internal calculation field which is used in the calculation of the project schedule.


    DI001479 Latest start

    Latest project start date


    DI001480 Latest end

    Latest project end date


    From DB 39.5.11

    DI062551 Position

    Defines the position of the subprojects in the project structure. NEW Is automatically set when moving subprojects in the Subprojects module.

    Up to DB 39.5.11

    DI062551 Position

    Defines the position of the subprojects in the project structure.

    New from DB 39.5.0

    DI061310 Main milestone name

    Name of the man milestone of the planning object. In the listbox, all master milestones of the planning object are displayed. You can define one of them as main milestone. Main milestones are used as a reference point for various calculations and evaluations.

    The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following modules:

    New from DB 39.5.0

    DI061292 Main milestone date

    The scheduled date of the main milestone. For further information on main milestones, see Main milestone name.

    New from DB 39.5.0

    DI061314 Schedule with gates

    Checkbox that serves to define whether the master milestones in the schedule should additionally be displayed on the horizontal date axis directly below the scale.

    DI059689 % actual costs to total costs

    Percentage relation of Actual costs to Total costs

    DI059690 % actual costs to the cost budget

    Percentage relation of Actual costs to the Cost budget

    DI059691 % actual costs to planned costs

    Percentage relation of Actual costs to Planned costs

    DI059692 % actual effort to total effort

    Percentage relation of Actual effort to Total effort

    DI059693 % actual effort to effort budget

    Percentage relation of Actual effort to the Effort budget

    DI059694 % actual effort to planned effort

    Percentage relation of Actual effort to Planned effort

    From DB 39.5.7

    DI062199 Dependency exists

    In this field, you can see whether the current planning object is dependent on other planning objects (activated/deactivated checkbox). This must be considered if, e.g., a planning object is removed from the portfolio.


    • If dependencies exist, they can be viewed by clicking on the button at the end of the assignment record (Portfolio module).


    • Programs do not have dependencies, the checkbox is always deactivated for these planning objects. This is indicated when clicking on the button at the end of the assignment record in the Portfolio module.

    Up to DB 39.5.7

    DI062199 Project dependency available

    In this field, you can see whether the current planning object is dependent on other planning objects (activated/deactivated checkbox). This must be considered if, e.g., a planning object is removed from the portfolio.


    • If dependencies exist, they can be viewed by clicking on the button at the end of the assignment record (Portfolio module).


    • Programs do not have dependencies, the checkbox is always deactivated for these planning objects. This is indicated when clicking on the button at the end of the assignment record in the Portfolio module.

    DI060763 Arrow down

    This DI is used to customize the function for transferring values from one column to another. The DI is, e.g., used in the Budget module and is realized in the form of arrows pointing downwards.

    DI061231 Parameter: BudgetApprovedEdit (Name)

    Name of the budget planning method which is selected via the p_project_budget_approved_edit parameter in the Global Settings

    DI061232 Parameter: BudgetApprovedEdit (Description)

    Description of the budget planning method which is selected via the p_project_budget_approved_edit parameter

    DI061427 Earned value analysis active

    Help DI. Is used as a filter DI in data areas that are only to be displayed if the Earned value analysis active model parameter is activated.

    New from DB 39.5.7

    DI063717 Number of deviating tasks

    Outputs the number of tasks that have been changed

    New from DB 39.5.0

    DI060746 Year virt.

    Listbox for selecting the years for manual yearly tranche input

    New from DB 39.5.7

    DI063831 Risk green

    Parameter which displays the number of risks in the project (program) with a green traffic light


    New from DB 39.5.7

    DI063832 Risk yellow

    Parameter which displays the number of risks in the project (program) with a yellow traffic light

    For details, see Risk green

    New from DB 39.5.7

    DI063833 Risk red

    Parameter which displays the number of risks in the project (program) with a red traffic light

    For details, see Risk green

    DI063217 Decisions

    DI063216 Measures

    DI063109 Bar: calculated dates

    DI008759 Comment

    New from DB 39.5.2

    DI063189 Date last budget calculation

    Here, the date on which the budget data was recalculated the last time is stamped.

    See also: calculation matrix for dates, costs, and budgets

    New from DB 39.5.2

    DI063188 Time last budget calculation

    Here, the time at which the budget data was recalculated the last time is stamped.

    See also: calculation matrix for dates, costs, and budgets

    New from DB 39.5.8

    DI063979 Date last cost calculation

    Here, the date on which the costs were recalculated the last time is stamped.

    See also: calculation matrix for dates, costs, and budgets

    New from DB 39.5.8

    DI063980 Time last cost calculation

    Here, the time at which the costs were recalculated the last time is stamped.

    See also: calculation matrix for dates, costs, and budgets

    From DB 39.5.10

    DI063607 Create controlling status report

    New from S 39.5.22

    DI063607 Create controlling report

    New from DB 39.5.10

    DI064208 Opportunity red

    Parameter which displays the number of opportunities in the project (program) with a "red" traffic light


    New from DB 39.5.10

    DI064209 Opportunity yellow

    Parameter which displays the number of opportunities in the project (program) with a "yellow" traffic light

    For details, see Opportunity red

    New from DB 39.5.10

    DI064210 Opportunity green

    Parameter which displays the number of opportunities in the project (program) with a "green" traffic light

    For details, see Opportunity red

    New from DB 39.5.10

    064550 Road map: start

    In this field, the start date from the last released road map is displayed if the current project is planned in a road map and the =show_roadmap_dates= global setting = 1.


    • If the project is assigned to several portfolios, the earliest road map dates are displayed.

    New from DB 39.5.10

    064551 Road map: end

    If the current project is planned in a road map and the =show_roadmap_dates= global setting = 1, the end date from the last released road map is displayed in this field.


    • If the project is assigned to several portfolios, the earliest road map dates are displayed.

    New from DB 39.5.11

    DI064672 Date last liability import

    Is set if all yearly tranches for a project are imported correctly during liability import

    New from DB 39.5.11

    DI064673 Time last liability import

    Is set if all yearly tranches for a project are imported correctly

    New from DB 39.5.15

    DI065828 External system

    Parameter which defines with which external system the data from PLANTA project is to be synchronized. The respective field with a listbox for selection of the external system is only displayed in the Project Core Data module and it is only displayed once the interfaces to the corresponding external systems (Jira and/or pulse) have been configured.


    • If Jira is configured: Jira
    • If pulse is configured: pulse
    • If both are configured: Jira; pulse


    • A project can only be synchronized with one system: either with Jira or with PLANTA pulse.


    • If "Jira" is selected,
      • PLANTA project checks
        • whether the project is unlocked in PLANTA project. Otherwise, a message will be displayed and the value in the external system field will be reset.
        • whether the functional ID of the project complies with the Jira specifications for project IDs. According to these specifications, a project ID must not contain more than 10 characters. It must begin with a letter and must not contain any special characters. Otherwise, a message will be displayed and the value in the external system field will be reset.
      • Jira checks whether the project name already exists. If it does exist, a message will be displayed and the value in the external system field will be reset.

    • If "Jira" or "PLANTA pulse" is selected, the following will be activated in the Schedule module:
      • On the tasks, the Jira or PLANTA pulse checkbox will be displayed at the end of window 1.
      • In the context menu of the project (on the project bar), the Synchronize with Jira or Synchronize with PLANTA pulse, command via which the selected tasks can be synchronized with the respective system.

    The parameter can be edited by users with modification rights in the following module:

    New from 39.5.15

    DI065857 Select

    Checkbox for the selection of a project, e.g. in the Assign Planning Objects to the Portfolio module

    DI006907 HT: is manager

    DI006863 Dummy

    DI006906 Help text: all projects

    DI006922 Help text: code name

    DI006941 Help text: standard projects

    DI009481 Help text: user project team

    DI009483 Help text: department project

    DI023289 HT: own idea?

    DI023293 HT: own proposal


    DI057852 Completed at

    Field for a manual input of the request finish time

    DI057853 Created on

    In this field the request creation date is entered automatically.

    DI057854 Created at

    In this field the request creation time is entered automatically.

    DI057855 Created by

    Here, the code of the creation user is displayed or can be entered.

    DI057856 Completed by

    Here, the code of the user who has finished the request is displayed or can be entered.

    DI057859 Product name

    Name of the product Here, you can select products from the listbox and assign them to the request (project). You can create and edit listbox values in the Products module.

    DI005352 Product

    ID of the product. For description, see Product name.

    DI057889 Parent request ID

    DI057890 Release project ID

    Code (ID) of the release project. For description, see Release project name.

    DI057925 461: OLAP 3 Request - txt

    DI057949 Parent request name

    DI058033 Status report: report name

    Name of the status report

    DI058092 Created by: name

    Here, the complete name of the request creation user is displayed or can be entered.

    DI058093 Completed by: name

    Here, the complete name of the user, who has finished the request, is displayed or can be entered.

    DI058103 Completed on

    Date listbox for the selection of the request finish date

    DI058104 Calc. start

    Calculated start date of the request

    DI058105 Calc. end

    Calculated end date of the request

    DI058106 Actual start

    Actual start date of the request

    DI058107 Actual end

    Actual end date of the request

    DI058108 Release project name

    Name of the release project. For description, see Release project name.

    DI058109 UF Project/request process steps

    Use frequency of project/request process steps

    DI058111 Requested start

    Requested start date of the request

    DI058112 Requested end

    Requested end date of the request

    DI058113 Total effort

    Total effort of the request

    DI058114 Total costs

    Total costs of the request

    DI058115 Bar actual dates (Request)

    Bar for actual dates of the request

    DI058120 Bar: requested dates (Request)

    Bar for requested dates of the request

    DI058126 Bar: calculated dates (Request)

    Bar for calculated dates of the request

    DI058128 Age

    Age of the request

    DI058134 Actual effort

    Actual effort of the request

    DI058136 Remaining effort

    Remaining effort of the request

    DI058137 Actual costs

    Actual costs of the request

    DI058138 Rem. costs

    Remaining costs of the request

    DI058139 OLE cost deviation small traffic light (Request)

    OLE symbol for deviation between costs

    DI058140 % budget total costs deviation (request)

    Percentage deviation of total costs from the cost budget Details
    • Deviation > 0 means: Budget overrun!

    DI058148 Release project

    Functional ID of the release project

    DI058153 Parent request

    DI058154 Parent request name

    DI058156 % budget- total effort deviation (Request)

    Percentage deviation of total effort from the effort budget Details
    • Deviation > 0 means: Budget overrun!

    DI058157 OLE effort deviation small traffic light (Request)

    OLE symbol for deviation between budgets

    DI058949 Release project name

    Name of a release project

    DI059008 Request status

    ID of the Request status parameter. For description, see Request status name. Name of the request status. The Request status parameter is used to organize requests. Details
    • New requests are preset with status 0 (Standard requests)
    • 0 = Standard requests
    • 1 = Active requests
    • 2 = Inactive requests
    • 9 = Requests to be archived

    DIs no longer used from DB 39.5.0

    The DIs listed below are no longer used from DB version 39.5.0.

    DI041577 Structure summarization: effort budget

    Summarized effort budget from all subprojects.

    DI041578 Entire structure: effort budget

    Summarized effort budget from the parent project and the subprojects.

    DI041570 Structure summarization: Approved budget

    Summarized approved budget values from the subprojects.

    DI041576 Entire structure: Approved budget

    Summarized budget values from the subprojects and the cost budget.

    Cost budget + Structure summarization: approved budget

    DI041689 Probability (damage) summarized

    Probability of occurrence of the summarized damage in percent.

    DI041692 Status report: probability (damage) summarized

    Probability of occurrence of the summarized damage in percent.

    DI041694 Probability (gross profit) summarized

    Probability of occurrence of the summarized gross profit in percent.

    DI041697 Status report: probability (damage) summarized

    Probability of occurrence of the gross profit from the last released status report of all projects (proposals, ideas) as a percentage

    DI028309 Cost budget: internal personnel

    Budget costs of the Internal personnel cost type group

    DI041470 Planned effort: internal

    Planned effort of the Internal resource type.

    DI041471 Actual effort: internal

    Actual effort of the Internal resource type.

    DI041472 Remaining effort: internal

    Remaining effort of the Internal resource type.

    DI041473 Total effort: internal

    Total effort of the Internal resource type.

    DI041474 Total effort: External

    Total effort of the External resource type.

    DI041475 Remaining effort: External

    Remaining effort of the External resource type.

    DI041476 Actual effort: External

    Actual effort of the External resource type.

    DI041477 Planned effort: External

    Planned effort of the External resource type.

    DI028310 Planned costs: internal personnel

    Planned costs of the Internal personnel cost type group

    DI028311 Actual costs: internal personnel

    Actual costs of the Internal personnel cost type group

    DI028312 Rem. costs: internal personnel

    Remaining costs of the Internal personnel cost type group

    DI028313 Total costs: internal personnel

    Total costs of the Internal personnel cost type group

    DI028314 Total costs: external personnel

    Total costs of the External personnel cost type group

    DI028315 Rem. costs: external personnel

    Remaining costs of the External personnel cost type group

    DI028316 Actual costs: external personnel

    Actual costs of the External personnel cost type group

    DI028317 Planned costs: external personnel

    Planned costs of the External personnel cost type group

    DI028318 Cost budget: external personnel

    Budget costs of the External personnel cost type group

    DI028319 Cost budget: material costs

    Budget costs of the cost type group Material costs

    DI028320 Planned costs: material costs

    Planned costs of the Material costs cost type group

    DI028321 Actual costs: material costs

    Actual costs of the Material costs cost type group

    DI028322 Rem. costs: material costs

    Remaining costs of the Material costs cost type group

    DI028323 Total costs: material costs

    Total costs of the Material costs cost type group

    DI028324 Cost budget: investments

    Budget costs of the Investments cost type group

    DI028325 Planned costs: investments

    Planned costs of the Investments cost type group

    DI028326 Actual costs: investments

    Actual costs of the Investments cost type group

    DI028327 Rem. costs: investments

    Remaining costs of the Investments cost type group

    DI028328 Total costs: investments

    Total costs of the Investments cost type group

    DI028329 Cost budget: miscellaneous

    Budget costs of the Miscellaneous cost type group

    DI028330 Planned costs: miscellaneous

    Planned costs of the Miscellaneous cost type group

    DI028331 Actual costs: miscellaneous

    Actual costs of the Miscellaneous cost type group

    DI028332 Rem. costs: miscellaneous

    Remaining costs of the Miscellaneous cost type group

    DI028333 Total costs: miscellaneous

    Total costs of the Miscellaneous cost type group

    DI041540 Liability: internal personnel

    Liability for the Internal personnel cost type group Internal personnel.

    A liability is a contractual or optional obligation leading to actual costs due to business transactions like goods input or invoice receipt. In finance, the term liability is used for the payment obligations of a company. Liability does not only include the liabilities already gathered in terms of bookkeeping (e.g. through received but not yet payed bills), but also all future payment obligations (e.g. due to contractual agreements). Source: Wikipedia

    DI041541 Liability: external personnel

    Liability for the External personnel cost type group Internal personnel. For description, see Liability: int. personnel

    DI041542 Liability: material costs

    Liability for the Material costs cost type group. For description, see Liability: int. personnel

    DI041543 Liability: investments

    Liability for the Investments cost type group. For description, see Liability: int. personnel

    DI041544 Liability: miscellaneous

    Liability for the Miscellaneous cost type group For description, see Liability: int. personnel

    DI041545 Liability

    Sum of all liabilities from all cost type group. For description, see Liability: int. personnel.

    Calculation: Liability: int. personnel + Liability: ext. personnel + Liability: material costs + Liability: investments + Liability: miscellaneous

    DI041565 Structure summarization: budget internal personnel

    Budget values of the cost type group Internal personnel summarized from the subprojects.

    DI041566 Structure summarization: budget external personnel

    Budget values from the cost type group External personnel summarized from the subprojects.

    DI041567 Structure summarization: budget material costs

    * Budget values of the Material costs cost type group summarized from the subprojects

    DI041568 Structure summarization: budget investments

    Budget values of the cost type group Investments summarized from the subprojects.

    DI041569 Structure summarization: budget miscellaneous

    Budget values of the Miscellaneous cost type group summarized from the subprojects.

    DI041571 Entire structure: budget internal personnel

    Budget values of the Internal personnel cost type group summarized from the parent project and the subprojects.

    Calculation: Cost budget baseline: internal personnel + Structure summarization: budget Internal personnel.

    DI041572 Entire structure: budget external personnel

    Budget values of the External personnel cost type group summarized from the parent project and the subprojects.

    Calculation: Cost budget baseline: external personnel + Structure summarization: budget external personnel.

    DI041573 Entire structure: budget material costs

    Budget values of the Material costs cost type group summarized from the parent project and the subprojects.

    Calculation: Cost budget baseline: Material costs + Structure summarization: budget material costs

    DI041574 Entire structure: budget investments

    Budget values of the Investments cost type group summarized from the parent project and the subprojects.

    Calculation: Cost budget baseline: investments + Structure summarization: budget material costs

    DI041575 Entire structure: budget miscellaneous

    Budget values of the Miscellaneous cost type group summarized from the parent project and the subprojects.

    Calculation: Cost budget baseline: miscellaneous + Structure summarization: budget material costs

    DI028342 % deviation internal personnel

    Percentage deviation of total costs from the cost budget for the Internal personnel cost type group

    DI028344 % deviation external personnel

    Percentage deviation of total costs from the cost budget for the Internal personnel cost type group

    DI028346 % deviation material costs

    Percentage deviation of total costs from the cost budget for the Material costs cost type group

    DI028348 % deviation investments

    Percentage deviation of total costs from the cost budget for the Investments cost type group

    DI028350 % deviation miscellaneous

    Percentage deviation of total costs from the cost budget for the Miscellaneous cost type group

    DI029856 Total costs - budget deviation: internal personnel

    Absolute deviation of the total costs from the Internal personnel cost type group

    Calculation: Total costs: internal personnel - Cost budget: internal personnel.

    DI029857 Total costs - budget deviation: external personnel

    Absolute deviation of the total costs from the External personnel cost type group

    Calculation: Total costs: external personnel - Cost budget: external personnel.

    DI029857 Total costs - budget deviation: material costs

    Absolute deviation of the total costs from the Material costs cost type group

    Calculation: Total costs: material costs - Cost budget: material costs

    DI029859 Total costs - budget deviation: investments

    Absolute deviation of the total costs from the Investments cost type group

    Calculation: Total costs: investments - Cost budget: investments

    DI029860 Total costs - budget deviation: miscellaneous

    Absolute deviation of the total costs from the Miscellaneous cost type group

    Calculation: Total costs: miscellaneous - Cost budget: miscellaneous

    DI028353 OLE Personal intern

    OLE symbol for the Int. personnel cost type group.

    DI028354 OLE Personal extern

    OLE symbol for the Ext. personnel cost type group.

    DI028355 OLE material costs

    OLE symbol for the Material costs cost type group.

    DI028356 OLE investments

    OLE symbol for the Investments cost type group.

    DI028357 OLE miscellaneous

    OLE-Symbol für die Miscellaneous cost type group.

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