Category |
Packet name |
Function |
Type |
WI |
Mandatory packet |
CreateMSSQLViews |
Creates views which are required for the calculation of the recursive sums in the SAP-WBS tables in MSSQL = |
#20514 |
Mandatory packet |
AddPulseMappingTable |
Inserts new tables for the hybrid implementation |
Feature |
#21604 |
Mandatory packet |
AddPulseFlagForWebInterfaces |
Inserts a new flag for web interfaces |
Feature |
#22130 |
Mandatory packet |
AddQGDoneOnFieldForPL |
Adds new Completed on: manager columns in DTs 804 and 463. |
Feature |
#21496 |
Mandatory packet |
AddCtgConstraints |
Adds the external keys of DT281-DT284 in DT280 to ensure that in the first mentioned data tables no records on the cost type groups exist which are not available in DT280. |
Feature |
#22092 |
Mandatory packet |
AddFunctionalPortfolioId |
Creates a new DI for the functional portfolio ID in DT870. At first, the functional ID is not contained in the user modules and cannot be changed. The function is scheduled for one of the following releases. |
Feature |
#20251 |
Mandatory packet |
SetDfWithLengthOfResName |
Extends the DF length of DI000246 and all dependent DIs (incarnations/exits) to 200. Adjusts the DF width of the respective data fields in all modules. |
Feature |
#20827 |
Mandatory packet |
AddLiabilityPoolTable |
Adds the new pool table DT559 for liability import. |
Feature |
#20491 |
Mandatory packet |
ResolveSAPPSPAAEPacket |
Sets the CreateTableSapPspAae migration packet (DB 39.5.10) to completed if the table it creates already exists. |
Feature |
#21059 #22409 |
Mandatory packet |
AddMaxHoursColumnToEmployeePool |
Creates the MAX_HOURS column for the Fast Creation of Employee Data for the new DI065035 Max. hours/day in the employee pool on the database. |
Feature |
#22158 |
Help packet |
SetMaxHoursPerDay |
Fills the Max. actual hours/day field for all existing employee resources (resource type = 1*) with the stored value in the maximum_work_hours_per_day global setting. |
Feature |
#22158 |
Mandatory packet |
CreateCriticalPathDI |
Creates DI064739 in DT463, with the help of which tasks are marked by the scheduling which lie on the critical path. |
Feature |
#21020 |
Mandatory packet |
UpdateWorkFlag |
Corrects the incorrect data produced by copying the absence data to the department resources. |
Bugfix |
#22092 |
Mandatory packet |
ForceCtgCleanup |
Runs the CleanupOldKoAGrFields migration packet if it has not yet been run during the update from Venus (DB 39.5). |
Bugfix |
#22278 |
Mandatory packet |
CreateCriticalPathDI |
Creates DI064739 in DT463, with the help of which tasks are marked by the scheduling which lie on the critical path. |
Bugfix |
#21020 |
Optional packet |
ChangeEffortThresholds |
Resets the variables for the threshold values of the cost and effort traffic lights used from DB 39.5.11 to those used prior to DB 39.5.11 @G286 and @G287. |
Bugfix |
#19980 |