Category |
Packet name |
Function |
Type |
WI |
Mandatory packet |
AddAttendanceTable |
Creates a new data table for the recording of presence times (arrival/leaving) (DT203) |
Feature |
#23650 |
Mandatory packet |
FunctionalSymbolGroups |
Sorts individually created colors and symbols in the respective areas in the Colors and Symbols Grouped module |
Feature |
#23967 |
Help packet |
CorrectLinkDfs |
Generates automatic SQL statements which display lists of data areas and data items which contain incorrect symbols (e.g. on link data fields), DF behavior, etc. The respective position must be checked and corrected by means of the results. |
Feature |
#20067 |
Help packet |
DesignSetNewWhiteMenuPointIcons |
Replaces the black menu item icons by white ones in line with the new PLANTA design. This packet replaces the black icons which are implemented with the DesignSetNewIcons help packet. This means that the executed DesignSetNewIcons packet is a prerequisite for the DesignSetNewWhiteMenuPointIcons packet. This also means that the DesignSetNewWhiteMenuPointIcons packet does not automatically replace the old colored menu item icons. |
Feature |
#24002 |
Mandatory packet |
AddDbUpdateRole |
Assigns the new DB update role to all users with customizer rights |
Feature |
#24186 |
Mandatory packet |
MergeDFModuleMacro |
Merges the individual module and macro DF behavior to a module/macro |
Bug |
#23205 |
Help packet |
DifferingMailAddresses |
Logs all stakeholders and users the e-mail addresses of which deviate from those of the respective persons |
Bug |
#23687 |
Mandatory packet |
UpdateYNType |
Sets all Y/N-IDs DIscwhich have "Zero" as a value to value = 0 |
Bug |
#22367 |
Mandatory packet |
ApprovePortfolioBudgets |
Approves the already approved portfolio budgets, since DI023278 has been replaced |
Bug |
#22039 |
Mandatory packet |
RemoveMPseperators |
Removes the obsolete second separator in the ? menu, which was contained in customizing and was visualized by the new client |
Bug |
#24184 |
Mandatory packet |
EnhanceDT947Produkt |
Adds Python IDs in DT947 and extends the product ID |
Feature |
#20967 |
Mandatory packet |
AddManagerAsStakeholder |
Creates the manager as a stakeholder in all active planning objects except ideas |
Feature |
#17795 |
Mandatory packet |
DeleteRoleAssignment |
Removes the assignment of role 01100119 (Technical Administration) in DT518 |
Feature |
#22546 |
Mandatory packet |
UpdateDistributionType |
Changes info dispatch type 190 = "No info" to 52 = "Mail" for all stakeholders |
Feature |
#22890 |
Category |
Packet name |
Function |
Type |
WI |
Mandatory packet |
CreateMSSQLViews |
Creates views which are required for the calculation of the recursive sums in the SAP-WBS tables in MSSQL = |
#20514 |
Mandatory packet |
AddPulseMappingTable |
Inserts new tables for the hybrid implementation |
Feature |
#21604 |
Mandatory packet |
AddPulseFlagForWebInterfaces |
Inserts a new flag for web interfaces |
Feature |
#22130 |
Mandatory packet |
AddQGDoneOnFieldForPL |
Adds new Completed on: manager columns in DTs 804 and 463. |
Feature |
#21496 |
Mandatory packet |
AddCtgConstraints |
Adds the external keys of DT281-DT284 in DT280 to ensure that in the first mentioned data tables no records on the cost type groups exist which are not available in DT280. |
Feature |
#22092 |
Mandatory packet |
AddFunctionalPortfolioId |
Creates a new DI for the functional portfolio ID in DT870. At first, the functional ID is not contained in the user modules and cannot be changed. The function is scheduled for one of the following releases. |
Feature |
#20251 |
Mandatory packet |
SetDfWithLengthOfResName |
Extends the DF length of DI000246 and all dependent DIs (incarnations/exits) to 200. Adjusts the DF width of the respective data fields in all modules. |
Feature |
#20827 |
Mandatory packet |
AddLiabilityPoolTable |
Adds the new pool table DT559 for liability import. |
Feature |
#20491 |
Mandatory packet |
ResolveSAPPSPAAEPacket |
Sets the CreateTableSapPspAae migration packet (DB 39.5.10) to completed if the table it creates already exists. |
Feature |
#21059 #22409 |
Mandatory packet |
AddMaxHoursColumnToEmployeePool |
Creates the MAX_HOURS column for the Fast Creation of Employee Data for the new DI065035 Max. hours/day in the employee pool on the database. |
Feature |
#22158 |
Help packet |
SetMaxHoursPerDay |
Fills the Max. actual hours/day field for all existing employee resources (resource type = 1*) with the stored value in the maximum_work_hours_per_day global setting. |
Feature |
#22158 |
Mandatory packet |
CreateCriticalPathDI |
Creates DI064739 in DT463, with the help of which tasks are marked by the scheduling which lie on the critical path. |
Feature |
#21020 |
Mandatory packet |
UpdateWorkFlag |
Corrects the incorrect data produced by copying the absence data to the department resources. |
Bugfix |
#22092 |
Mandatory packet |
ForceCtgCleanup |
Runs the CleanupOldKoAGrFields migration packet if it has not yet been run during the update from Venus (DB 39.5). |
Bugfix |
#22278 |
Mandatory packet |
CreateCriticalPathDI |
Creates DI064739 in DT463, with the help of which tasks are marked by the scheduling which lie on the critical path. |
Bugfix |
#21020 |
Optional packet |
ChangeEffortThresholds |
Resets the variables for the threshold values of the cost and effort traffic lights used from DB 39.5.11 to those used prior to DB 39.5.11 @G286 and @G287. |
Bugfix |
#19980 |
Category |
Packet name |
Function |
Type |
Mandatory packet |
MoveDeviationOutOfScheduling |
Deletes the DI001296 and DI001177 columns from the database which were before calculated by scheduling as the corresponding DIs are virtual now. |
Feature |
Help packet |
RestoreOldOLEs |
Changes the symbols of the traffic light OLEs to the previous design used up to DB 39.5.9. |
Feature |
Help packet |
MigratePortfolioWorkAreas |
Replaces the former 0099FF multi-portfolio board module by the new 009CSD module in case it has been assigned to an individual work area on part of the customer, since in this assignment the module cannot be replaced during the update. |
Feature |
Help packet |
ChangeDiOfDtByDdiBackgroundHeadersPortfolio Revert_ChangeDiOfDtByDdiBackgroundHeadersPortfolio |
ChangeDiOfDtByDdiBackgroundHeadersPortfolio replaces the values in the Dis by means of a predefined list within the migration packet and creates the Revert_ChangeDiOfDtByDdiBackgroundHeadersPortfolio migration packet to be able to reverse these changes again. |
Feature |
Help packet |
ShowConcurrentDAUsages |
Logs modules with multiple data area assignment which prevents a module start. |
Feature |
Mandatory packet |
FillColumnType |
Fills the column type for all DIs of the current license which do not contain a column type. |
Feature |
Mandatory packet |
CreateUserModuleTable |
Creates DT 170 User/module data table with the parameter of which the individual loading of submodules can be controlled. |
Feature |
Mandatory packet |
ExtendColumnResTitle |
Extends the maximum number of characters for the DI001275 Resource name field to 200. |
Bug fix |
Mandatory packet |
AddPortfolioChanges |
Adds real columns which are required for the new portfolio modules. |
Feature |
Mandatory packet |
EnableDT280PrimaryKey |
Activates the primary key constraint of data table DT280 that is required for further migration packets which create the foreign keys for this table. |
Feature |
Mandatory packet |
PortfolioSimulationColors |
Initiates project colors for the new portfolio simulation. |
Feature |
Mandatory packet |
PortfolioSimulation |
Adds required columns for the new portfolio simulation. |
Feature |
Mandatory packet |
SetPortfolioDefaultPicture |
Sets the portfolio logo as default image for already existing portfolios. |
Feature |
Mandatory packet |
AddPortfolioManagerEstimation |
Adds real columns that are required for the new project estimate of the portfolio manager for projects in his/her portfolios. |
Feature |
Mandatory packet |
UpdatePersonNames |
Changes the notation for names from “surname, first name” to “first name surname” throughout the system. |
Feature |
Mandatory packet |
ExtendPSPPool |
Adds further columns to the pool table of the SAP WBS interface template. |
Feature |
Mandatory packet |
AddQualityGateColumns |
Adds real columns that are required for quality gates. |
Feature |
Mandatory packet |
ChangeSAPPSPElementCalculation |
Adds and removes real columns in the database corresponding to the changed SAP WBS calculation. |
Feature |
Mandatory packet |
CreateTableSapPspAae |
Adds new tables and columns to the database for further SAP WBS elements. |
Feature |
Mandatory packet |
AddSapInterfaceColumns |
Adds time and structure fields in the database for the SAP WBS interface. |
Feature |
Mandatory packet |
CreateStakeholderPortfolioTable |
Creates new tables for portfolio stakeholders. |
Feature |
Mandatory packet |
FixPSBDefaultValue |
Changes the standard value of DI062362 Display PSR to 1. |
Feature |
Mandatory packet |
ExtendColumnReportTitle |
Extends the field length of DI008702 Report name to 100 characters. |
Feature |
Mandatory packet |
SetParallelSessionsToDefault |
Sets the default value for the number of parallel sessions to 3. |
Feature |
Mandatory packet |
ZZZSetDatabaseVersion |
Sets the database version to 39.5.10. |
Feature |
Mandatory packet |
CreateWebInterfaceTables |
Creates new tables for web interfaces. |
Feature |
Mandatory packet |
Changes the INITRANS parameter of all active database tables to prevent ITL shortage deadlocks in Oracle databases. |
Bug fix |
Category |
Packet name |
Function |
Type |
Help packet |
ShowConcurrentDAPos |
Logs all modules with double data area positioning in order to be able to filter multiple usage after an update. |
Help packet |
ReplaceHistogramDIS |
Replaces the previous histogram DIs (DI023419/DI002491) and the planned effort (DI023362/DI002508) via the new DI063981 which combines the histogram bars. As a result, new tooltips and effects are set on the data fields. |
Mandatory packet |
CreateDialogueColumns |
Creates new columns for dialog modules as a preparation for a later function |
Mandatory packet |
FixReportColumnLengths |
Increases the length of DI022962 Further parameters |
Mandatory packet |
AddStakeholderReportTable |
Adds new stakeholder report data tables |
Mandatory packet |
RemoveObjectProtectionFromLoggingTable |
Removes the object protection columns from the interface logging table |
Mandatory packet |
B_MigrateInterfacePositionData |
Migrates the new Position parameter to the older interfaces |
Mandatory packet |
A_AddInterfacePositionField |
Adds the new Position column to the parameter tables of PLANTA link |
Mandatory packet |
LicenseProcessIDs |
Extends all auto numbers of process model objects which are used in projects by the system license. |
Mandatory packet |
SetOwnerLicenseForCustomSchema |
Changes the license of the customer schema to the customer license. |
Mandatory packet |
ActivateAndMoveCustomerTablesToCustomerSchema |
Activates and moves customer tables to the correct schema. |
Mandatory packet |
DeleteNullRecord |
Solves the problem that the A_CreateConstraints migration packet failed due to an old standard record. |
Mandatory packet |
DeleteDummyData |
Updates tables that contain dash records which no longer exist. |
Mandatory packet |
DeleteLinkData |
Deletes PLANTA link data which is no longer required. |
Mandatory packet |
AddSapPspElements |
Preparatory schema adjustment for future features. |
Mandatory packet |
AddUUIDColumnsToKDB |
Adds missing UUIDs in tables DT150-DT154. |
Mandatory packet |
AddCostCalcTime |
Replenishes DT461 by DI063979 Date last cost scheduling and DI063980 Time of the last cost scheduling, which enable you to save date and time of the last cost scheduling. |
Mandatory packet |
FixEVABaseline |
Solves the problem, that baselines were not considered in the cost charts after activating the Earned Value Analysis in the Status and Info Board modules. |
Mandatory packet |
CorrectCustomerOLEs |
Adjusts the Use 39 setting of individual OLEs. |
Mandatory packet |
AddInterfaceFileLoggingField |
Replenishes DT560 by DI063846 Log type name, which enable you to define the output of the logs. |
Mandatory packet |
AddDateShiftProcedure |
Completes a procedure for use within PLANTA. |
Mandatory packet |
ChangeLoadReportIndex |
Adds the cost type to the index of the DT827 table. |
Mandatory packet |
AddProfilingTables |
Adds required tables for Python Profiling. |
Mandatory packet |
AddLatencyTable |
Adds required tables for Latency Measuring. |
Mandatory packet |
MigratePoolModuleConfigurations |
Migrates the new sending_da and receiving_da parameters of the PLANTA link. |
module was not refreshed, has been resolved.
Category |
Packet name |
Function |
Type |
Mandatory packet |
DeleteIndices |
Deletes indexes that were adjusted and recreated during schema generation. |
Mandatory packet |
CreateDataitemsForAccountedReports |
Creates necessary DIs for the controlling reports |
Help packet |
PlaceholderCheckPacket |
Carries out a correction of the incorrect dash records in the course of a database consistency check |
Help packet |
HyperlinkCheckPacket ItextCheckPacket |
Each carry out a correction of the incorrect hyperlinks and a correction of the incorrect I-texts in the course of a database consistency check |
Mandatory packet |
AddSchemaExtensions |
Creates indexes and constraints that do not result from the PLANTA customizing |
Mandatory packet |
UpdatePeriodAggregationQuery |
Resolves the problem, that the basic load in the Resource Planning module was only summarized to the next parent level. See also the migration packet of the same name in S 39.5.17 |
Mandatory packet |
MoveTablesToDifferentSchema |
Moves the DT874 and DT875 tables from the Q3B schema to the Q5B schema and adjusts the automatic number for DI000443. |
Mandatory packet |
FixEarnedValueSubprojects |
Corrects the display of the Earned Value Analysis module data of the structured projects |
Bugfix |
Mandatory packet |
AdjustWrongColumnLength |
Corrects the length of some columns |
Mandatory packet |
FixReportChanceCalculation |
Corrects the calculation of the Probable damage and Probable gross profit parameters in status report tables |
Mandatory packet |
DeleteInconsistentStandardData |
Deletes inconsistent standard data in order to secure the integrity of the database |
Mandatory packet |
SetOwnerLicenseForZZZRecords |
Changes all owner license entries ZZZ to 011 |
Mandatory packet |
AddIndexesOnColumnsForDataTableListbox |
Adds indexes on columns, that are used in the data table listbox in order to improve the performance of loading the data tables. |
Mandatory packet |
DeleteStandardConstraintsAfterDBImport |
Deletes all standard constraints on the standard columns including Unique Constraints and primary keys. |
Mandatory packet |
UnloadAndReplan |
Carries out an unload and subsequently a replanning of all active planning objects after a DB update. - Note: If the packet fails, you have to check the status of the
A_CreateConstraints migration packet. If there are still incorrect constraints, they must be corrected before the UnloadAndReplan migration packet is run again. |
Help packet |
EnableConstraints |
Activates all constraints. It is only required for the validation of the non validated constraints after data correction if A_CreateConstraints failed. Subsequently changes the status of the A_CreateConstraints migration packet to completed. Must only be run after all data which was reported in A_CreateConstraints has been corrected. |
Mandatory packet |
A_CreateConstraints |
Creates constraints after the DB import |
Mandatory packet |
DeleteStandardConstraints |
Deletes all constraints on the standard columns, except unique constraints and primary key before the DB import |
Mandatory packet |
AddMissingIndexes |
Adds missing indexes |
Mandatory packet |
CorrectOwnerLicense |
Corrects records with missing owner license |
Mandatory packet |
SetLanguageDT462 |
Adds language codes to the primary key of DT462 |
Mandatory packet |
ShortenCRCColumns |
Shortens the length of the CRC fields in the hyperlink tables to 10 according to the length in the database |
Mandatory packet |
AddNewIndexes |
Creates new indexes for the improvement of the performance |
Mandatory packet |
ChangeLanguageOfPeriodCreation |
Optimizes the generation of resource periods |
Mandatory packet |
AddLogTimestampColumn |
Adds time stamp column in particular SQL queries |
Mandatory packet |
SetDistriblistEmpty |
Deletes all distribution list headers from DT405 |
Mandatory packet |
AddNewRiskChanceSums |
Creates new columns for project risks and opportunities in DT461 |
Mandatory packet |
AddMissingCostColumns |
Creates missing revenue and gross profit columns in DT835 Budget/Co/Benefit for each Year/Report |
Mandatory packet |
AddMissingColumnDT343 |
Creates the missing column (DI063743) in DT343 SQL procedure code |
Mandatory packet |
AddProjectPoolTable |
Creates data table 567 Project pool in the database |
Mandatory packet |
A_AddMissingColumnsInMP |
Adds new columns to DT566. For this purpose, see the 14635 entry. |
Mandatory packet |
B_AddMissingColumnValuesInMP |
Creates necessary values in the new columns in DT566 |
Mandatory packet |
AddMissingColumnsInDT877 |
Adds missing columns in DT877 Object process/report. For this purpose, see the 14022 entry. |
Mandatory packet |
AddMissingColumnValuesInDT470 |
Adds values in the new Type column in DT470. For this purpose, see the 14504 entry. |
Mandatory packet |
AddAMissingColumnInDT470 |
Adds a new column (Type) in DT470 Cost type. For this purpose, see the 14504 entry. |
Mandatory packet |
FixCostTrendsAndEVA |
Corrects a view, that serves as a data source for cost trends and Earned Value Analysis. This resolves the problem that charts displayed planned costs in baselines and status reports for other reports |
Bug fix |
Mandatory packet |
FixPeriodCreation |
Resolves the problem when creating the periods for resources the ID of which is longer than 20 characters |
Mandatory packet |
FixReportColumnLengths |
Corrects the field length of DI 008876 and 029636 in order to fix inconsistencies between status reports and live data |
Mandatory packet |
AddCostsLastReportPerYear |
Corrects incorrect calculations of benefit-costs and revenues-costs in the Objecive Contribution all Groups |
Mandatory packet |
AddIndexOnPoolTables |
Sets indexes on the Status and Transferred on columns in all pool tables in PLANTA link |
Mandatory packet |
AddNewInterfaceParameterFields |
Adds new interface parameters: Hidden and Locked |
Mandatory packet |
AddNewStampFields |
Adds data fields in which the export/import user and the import/export date is stamped upon export/import of load records in PLANTA link |
Mandatory packet |
AddMissingListboxValueColumns |
Adds listboxes on the Object field of the mapping elements according to the mapping element type |
Mandatory packet |
AddNewInterfaceSQLObjects |
Creates new PLANTA link tables and columns |
Mandatory packet |
FixCrcColumnLength |
Corrects the column width of the crc columns in hyperlink tables |
Mandatory packet |
FixViewColumnLength |
Corrects the specification of the column length of "Pos" and "SAP state" in the V_DT430_DT472 view |
Mandatory packet |
FixProgramTrafficLights |
Fixes the problem, that the Cost Budget, Total effort, Effort budget IDs are not filled for programs which results in incorrect traffic light display in the Status and Program Status Report modules |
Mandatory packet |
CreateViewMapping |
Creates the MAP_DBA_VIEWS tables that are used in the Object Use module |
Mandatory packet |
CreateFederalStateColumn |
Creates the FEDERAL_STATE column in DT430 |
Mandatory packet |
ExtendDescriptionColumn |
Enlarges the Description column in DT560 |
Mandatory packet |
AddIndexesOnColumnsForModuleListbox |
Completes indexes for columns in connection with the MOD module listbox in the Modules module |
Mandatory packet |
DeleteUnnecessaryMigrationPackets |
Deletes the FixDT093ValueRanges and FixTimeBudgetMatrix migration packets |
Mandatory packet |
AddingProbabiltyAndDmgdimensionDIs |
Completes missing columns in the DT810, DT831 and DT461 tables that are necessary for the new risk charts |
Mandatory packet |
RemoveVersionColumn |
Removes the version column from the migration rule table. See also A_ReplaceOldFrameworkCustomizing , B_SucceedPreviousMigrationFramework , and ReplaceOldFrameworkCustomizingVenus . |
Feature |
Mandatory packet |
Corrects the FixV_EVA_VG view |
Mandatory packet |
z_AdjustSchema |
Carries out adjustments to the schema |
Mandatory packet |
DeleteStandardConstraintsQ1BandQ2B |
Deletes all constraints to standard columns in Q1B and Q2B, except Unique Constraints and primary key |
Mandatory packet |
FixLoadAutoNumber |
Corrects the function for the creation of automatic numbers of work reportings |
Mandatory packet |
DeleteWrongOLEs |
Deletes wrong OLEs that have the same number |
Mandatory packet |
FixColumnPrecisions |
Corrects incorrect specifications on the column accuracy |
Mandatory packet |
DeleteStandardIndices |
Deletes indexes of UUIDs, that are subsequently created during schema generation after database import. Furthermore, some standard indexes that are no longer required are removed. |
Bug fix |
Mandatory packet |
ZZZSetDatabaseVersion |
Sets the database version to 39.5.7 |